Go to the documentation of this file.00001 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00002 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TtSemiLeptonicEvent.h"
00003 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TtSemiLepEvtPartons.h"
00006 void
00007 TtSemiLeptonicEvent::print(const int verbosity) const
00008 {
00009 if(verbosity%10 <= 0)
00010 return;
00012 edm::LogInfo log("TtSemiLeptonicEvent");
00014 log << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n";
00017 if( !genEvt_ ) log << " TtGenEvent not available! \n";
00018 else {
00019 log << " TtGenEvent says: ";
00020 if( !this->genEvent()->isTtBar() ) log << "Not TtBar";
00021 else if( this->genEvent()->isFullHadronic() ) log << "Fully Hadronic TtBar";
00022 else if( this->genEvent()->isFullLeptonic() ) log << "Fully Leptonic TtBar";
00023 else if( this->genEvent()->isSemiLeptonic() ) {
00024 log << "Semi-leptonic TtBar, ";
00025 switch( this->genEvent()->semiLeptonicChannel() ) {
00026 case WDecay::kElec : log << "Electron"; break;
00027 case WDecay::kMuon : log << "Muon" ; break;
00028 case WDecay::kTau : log << "Tau" ; break;
00029 default : log << "Unknown" ; break;
00030 }
00031 log << " Channel";
00032 }
00033 log << "\n";
00034 }
00037 log << " Number of available event hypothesis classes: " << this->numberOfAvailableHypoClasses() << " \n";
00040 log << " - JetLepComb: ";
00041 for(unsigned idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++) {
00042 switch(idx) {
00043 case TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQ : log << "LightP "; break;
00044 case TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQBar : log << "LightQ "; break;
00045 case TtSemiLepEvtPartons::HadB : log << " HadB "; break;
00046 case TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LepB : log << " LepB "; break;
00047 case TtSemiLepEvtPartons::Lepton : log << "Lepton "; break;
00048 }
00049 }
00050 log << "\n";
00053 typedef std::map<HypoClassKey, std::vector<HypoCombPair> >::const_iterator EventHypo;
00054 for(EventHypo hyp = evtHyp_.begin(); hyp != evtHyp_.end(); ++hyp) {
00055 HypoClassKey hypKey = (*hyp).first;
00057 log << "-------------------------------------------------- \n";
00058 switch(hypKey) {
00059 case kGeom : log << " Geom" ; break;
00060 case kWMassMaxSumPt : log << " WMassMaxSumPt" ; break;
00061 case kMaxSumPtWMass : log << " MaxSumPtWMass" ; break;
00062 case kGenMatch : log << " GenMatch" ; break;
00063 case kMVADisc : log << " MVADisc" ; break;
00064 case kKinFit : log << " KinFit" ; break;
00065 case kKinSolution : log << " KinSolution not (yet) applicable to TtSemiLeptonicEvent --> skipping"; continue;
00066 case kWMassDeltaTopMass : log << " WMassDeltaTopMass" ; break;
00067 case kHitFit : log << " HitFit" ; break;
00068 default : log << " Unknown TtEvent::HypoClassKey provided --> skipping" ; continue;
00069 }
00070 log << "-Hypothesis: \n";
00071 log << " * Number of real neutrino solutions: " << this->numberOfRealNeutrinoSolutions(hypKey) << "\n";
00072 log << " * Number of considered jets : " << this->numberOfConsideredJets(hypKey) << "\n";
00073 unsigned nOfHyp = this->numberOfAvailableHypos(hypKey);
00074 if(nOfHyp > 1) {
00075 log << " * Number of stored jet combinations: " << nOfHyp << "\n";
00076 if(verbosity < 10)
00077 log << " The following was found to be the best one:\n";
00078 }
00080 if(verbosity < 10)
00081 nOfHyp = 1;
00082 for(unsigned cmb=0; cmb<nOfHyp; cmb++) {
00084 if( !this->isHypoValid(hypKey, cmb) )
00085 log << " * Not valid! \n";
00087 else {
00089 log << " * JetLepComb:";
00090 std::vector<int> jets = this->jetLeptonCombination(hypKey, cmb);
00091 for(unsigned int iJet = 0; iJet < jets.size(); iJet++) {
00092 log << " " << jets[iJet] << " ";
00093 }
00094 log << "\n";
00096 switch(hypKey) {
00097 case kGenMatch : log << " * Sum(DeltaR) : " << this->genMatchSumDR(cmb) << " \n"
00098 << " * Sum(DeltaPt): " << this->genMatchSumPt(cmb) << " \n"; break;
00099 case kMVADisc : log << " * Method : " << this->mvaMethod() << " \n"
00100 << " * Discrim.: " << this->mvaDisc(cmb) << " \n"; break;
00101 case kKinFit : log << " * Chi^2 : " << this->fitChi2(cmb) << " \n"
00102 << " * Prob(Chi^2): " << this->fitProb(cmb) << " \n"; break;
00103 case kHitFit : log << " * Chi^2 : " << this->hitFitChi2(cmb) << " \n"
00104 << " * Prob(Chi^2): " << this->hitFitProb(cmb) << " \n"
00105 << " * Top mass : " << this->hitFitMT(cmb) << " +/- " << this->hitFitSigMT(cmb) << " \n"; break;
00106 default : break;
00107 }
00109 if(verbosity%10 >= 2) {
00110 log << " * Candidates (pt; eta; phi; mass):\n";
00111 if(verbosity%10 >= 3)
00112 printParticle(log, "top pair", this->topPair(hypKey, cmb));
00113 printParticle(log, "hadronic top", this->hadronicDecayTop(hypKey, cmb));
00114 printParticle(log, "hadronic W ", this->hadronicDecayW (hypKey, cmb));
00115 if(verbosity%10 >= 3) {
00116 printParticle(log, "hadronic b ", this->hadronicDecayB (hypKey, cmb));
00117 printParticle(log, "hadronic p ", this->hadronicDecayQuark (hypKey, cmb));
00118 printParticle(log, "hadronic q ", this->hadronicDecayQuarkBar(hypKey, cmb));
00119 }
00120 printParticle(log, "leptonic top", this->leptonicDecayTop(hypKey, cmb));
00121 printParticle(log, "leptonic W ", this->leptonicDecayW (hypKey, cmb));
00122 if(verbosity%10 >= 3) {
00123 printParticle(log, "leptonic b ", this->leptonicDecayB(hypKey, cmb));
00124 printParticle(log, "lepton ", this->singleLepton (hypKey, cmb));
00125 printParticle(log, "neutrino ", this->singleNeutrino(hypKey, cmb));
00126 }
00127 }
00128 }
00129 }
00130 }
00132 log << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++";
00133 }