Go to the documentation of this file.00001 #include "RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/interface/EgammaSCEnergyCorrectionAlgo.h"
00003 math::XYZTLorentzVector DetectorVector(const reco::SuperClusterRef& sc)
00004 {
00005 double pt = sc->energy()/cosh(sc->eta());
00006 math::XYZTLorentzVector detVec(pt*cos(sc->phi()), pt*sin(sc->phi()), pt*sinh(sc->eta()), sc->energy());
00007 return detVec;
00008 }
00009 math::XYZTLorentzVector DetectorVector(const reco::SuperCluster sc)
00010 {
00011 double pt = sc.energy()/cosh(sc.eta());
00012 math::XYZTLorentzVector detVec(pt*cos(sc.phi()), pt*sin(sc.phi()), pt*sinh(sc.eta()), sc.energy());
00013 return detVec;
00014 }
00015 math::XYZTLorentzVector DetectorVector(const GlobalPoint& pos, const math::XYZPoint& vertex, double energy)
00016 {
00017 math::XYZPoint hitPos(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z());
00018 math::XYZVector Vec = hitPos - vertex;
00019 double eta = Vec.Eta();
00020 double phi = Vec.Phi();
00021 double pt = energy/cosh(eta);
00022 math::XYZTLorentzVector detVec(pt*cos(phi), pt*sin(phi), pt*sinh(eta), energy);
00023 return detVec;
00024 }
00025 math::XYZTLorentzVector PhysicsVector(const math::XYZPoint& vertex, const reco::SuperCluster& sc)
00026 {
00027 math::XYZVector Vec = sc.position() - vertex;
00028 double eta = Vec.Eta();
00029 double phi = Vec.Phi();
00030 double pt = sc.energy()/cosh(eta);
00031 math::XYZTLorentzVector probe(pt*cos(phi), pt*sin(phi), pt*sinh(eta), sc.energy());
00032 return probe;
00033 }
00034 math::XYZTLorentzVector PhysicsVectorRaw(const math::XYZPoint& vertex, const reco::SuperCluster& sc)
00035 {
00036 math::XYZVector Vec = sc.position() - vertex;
00037 double eta = Vec.Eta();
00038 double phi = Vec.Phi();
00039 double pt = sc.rawEnergy()/cosh(eta);
00040 math::XYZTLorentzVector probe(pt*cos(phi), pt*sin(phi), pt*sinh(eta), sc.rawEnergy());
00041 return probe;
00042 }