
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #Global fast Calorimetry parameters
00004 from FastSimulation.Calorimetry.HcalResponse_cfi import *
00005 from FastSimulation.Calorimetry.HSParameters_cfi import *
00006 FamosCalorimetryBlock = cms.PSet(
00007     Calorimetry = cms.PSet(
00008         HSParameterBlock,
00009         HCALResponseBlock,
00010         ECAL = cms.PSet(
00011             # If set to true the simulation in ECAL would be done 1X0 by 1X0
00012             # this is slow but more adapted to detailed studies.
00013             # Otherwise roughty 5 steps are used.
00014             bFixedLength = cms.bool(False),
00016             # For the core 10% of the spots for
00017             CoreIntervals = cms.vdouble(100.0, 0.1),
00018             # change the radius of the tail of the shower
00019             RTFactor = cms.double(1.0),
00020             # change the radius of the core of the shower
00021             RCFactor = cms.double(1.0),
00022             # For the tail 10% of r<1RM. 100% otherwise
00023             TailIntervals = cms.vdouble(1.0, 0.1, 100.0, 1.0),
00024             FrontLeakageProbability = cms.double(1.0),
00025             GridSize = cms.int32(7),
00026             # change globally the Moliere radius 
00029             ### changed after tuning - Feb - July - Shilpi Jain
00030             #RadiusFactor = cms.double(1.096),
00031             RadiusFactorEB = cms.double(1.096),
00032             RadiusFactorEE = cms.double(1.25),
00033             ### changed after tuning - Feb - July - Shilpi Jain
00035             RadiusPreshowerCorrections = cms.vdouble(0.137, 10.3), # default value for maxshower depth dependence-->works fine
00036             MipsinGeV = cms.vdouble(0.0001421,0.0000812), # increase in mipsinGeV by 75% only in layer1
00037             #SpotFraction < 0 <=> deactivated. In the case, CoreIntervals and 
00038             #TailIntervals are used   
00039             SpotFraction = cms.double(-1.0),
00040             GapLossProbability = cms.double(0.9),
00041             SimulatePreshower = cms.bool(True)
00042         ),
00043         CalorimeterProperties = cms.PSet(
00044             # triplet for each p value:  p, k_e(p), k_h(p) ...
00045             RespCorrP = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1000.0, 1.0, 1.0),  
00046             PreshowerLayer2_thickness = cms.double(0.38), # layer2 thickness back to original 
00047             ECALEndcap_LightCollection = cms.double(0.023),
00048             PreshowerLayer1_thickness = cms.double(1.65), # increase in thickness of layer 1 by 3%
00049             PreshowerLayer1_mipsPerGeV = cms.double(17.85),  # 50% decrease in mipsperGeV 
00050             PreshowerLayer2_mipsPerGeV = cms.double(59.5),
00051             ECALBarrel_LightCollection = cms.double(0.03),
00052             HCAL_Sampling = cms.double(0.0035),
00053             # Watch out ! The following two values are defined wrt the electron shower simulation
00054             # There are not directly related to the detector properties
00055             HCAL_PiOverE = cms.double(0.2),
00056             # HCAL_PiOverE = cms.double(0.4)
00058             BarrelCalorimeterProperties = cms.PSet(
00060                  #======  Geometrical material properties ========
00062                  # Light Collection efficiency 
00063                  lightColl = cms.double(0.03),
00064                  # Light Collection uniformity
00065                  lightCollUnif = cms.double(0.003),
00066                  # Photostatistics (photons/GeV) in the homegeneous material
00067                  photoStatistics = cms.double(50.E3),
00068                  # Thickness of the detector in cm
00069                  thickness = cms.double(23.0),
00071                  #====== Global parameters of the material ========
00073                  # Interaction length in cm
00074                  interactionLength  = cms.double(18.5),
00075                  Aeff = cms.double(170.87),
00076                  Zeff = cms.double(68.36),
00077                  rho = cms.double(8.280),
00078                  # Radiation length in g/cm^2
00079                  radLenIngcm2 = cms.double(7.37),
00081                  # ===== Those parameters might be entered by hand
00082                  # or calculated out of the previous ones 
00084                  # Radiation length in cm. If value set to -1, FastSim uses internally the
00085                  # formula radLenIngcm2/rho
00086                  radLenIncm = cms.double(0.89), 
00087                  # Critical energy in GeV. If value set to -1, FastSim uses internally the
00088                  # formula (2.66E-3*(x0*Z/A)^1.1): 8.74E-3 for ECAL EndCap
00089                  criticalEnergy = cms.double(8.74E-3),
00090                  # Moliere Radius in cm.If value set to -1, FastSim uses internally the
00091                  # formula : Es/criticalEnergy*X0 with Es=sqrt(4*Pi/alphaEM)*me*c^2=0.0212 GeV
00092                  # This value is known to be 2.190 cm for ECAL Endcap, but the formula gives 2.159 cm
00093                  moliereRadius = cms.double(2.190),
00095                  #====== Parameters for sampling ECAL ========
00097                  # Sampling Fraction: Fs = X0eff/(da+dp) where X0eff is the average X0
00098                  # of the active and passive media and da/dp their thicknesses
00099                  Fs = cms.double(0.0),
00101                  # e/mip for the calorimeter. May be estimated by 1./(1+0.007*(Zp-Za))
00102                  ehat = cms.double(0.0),
00104                  # a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
00105                  # it is used to generate Nspots in radial profiles.
00106                  resE = cms.double(1.),
00108                  # Is a homogenious detector?
00109                  bHom = cms.bool(True),
00111                  # Activate the LogDebug
00112                  debug = cms.bool(False)
00114             ),
00116             EndcapCalorimeterProperties = cms.PSet(
00118                  #======  Geometrical material properties ========
00120                  # Light Collection efficiency 
00121                  lightColl = cms.double(0.023),
00122                  # Light Collection uniformity
00123                  lightCollUnif = cms.double(0.003),
00124                  # Photostatistics (photons/GeV) in the homegeneous material
00125                  photoStatistics = cms.double(50.E3),
00126                  # Thickness of the detector in cm
00127                  thickness = cms.double(22.0),
00129                  #====== Global parameters of the material ========
00131                  # Interaction length in cm
00132                  interactionLength  = cms.double(18.5),
00133                  Aeff = cms.double(170.87),
00134                  Zeff = cms.double(68.36),
00135                  rho = cms.double(8.280),
00136                  # Radiation length in g/cm^2
00137                  radLenIngcm2 = cms.double(7.37),
00139                  # ===== Those parameters might be entered by hand
00140                  # or calculated out of the previous ones 
00142                  # Radiation length in cm. If value set to -1, FastSim uses internally the
00143                  # formula radLenIngcm2/rho
00144                  radLenIncm = cms.double(0.89), 
00145                  # Critical energy in GeV. If value set to -1, FastSim uses internally the
00146                  # formula (2.66E-3*(x0*Z/A)^1.1): 8.74E-3 for ECAL EndCap
00147                  criticalEnergy = cms.double(8.74E-3),
00148                  # Moliere Radius in cm.If value set to -1, FastSim uses internally the
00149                  # formula : Es/criticalEnergy*X0 with Es=sqrt(4*Pi/alphaEM)*me*c^2=0.0212 GeV
00150                  # This value is known to be 2.190 cm for ECAL Endcap, but the formula gives 2.159 cm
00151                  moliereRadius = cms.double(2.190),
00154                  #====== Parameters for sampling ECAL ========
00156                  # Sampling Fraction: Fs = X0eff/(da+dp) where X0eff is the average X0
00157                  # of the active and passive media and da/dp their thicknesses
00158                  Fs = cms.double(0.0),
00160                  # e/mip for the calorimeter. May be estimated by 1./(1+0.007*(Zp-Za))
00161                  ehat = cms.double(0.0),
00163                  # a rough estimate of ECAL resolution sigma/E = resE/sqrt(E)
00164                  # it is used to generate Nspots in radial profiles.
00165                  resE = cms.double(1.),
00167                  # Is a homogenious detector?
00168                  bHom = cms.bool(True),
00170                  # Activate the LogDebug
00171                  debug = cms.bool(False)
00173             )
00175         ),
00176         UnfoldedMode = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00177         Debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00178         useDQM = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00179 #        EvtsToDebug = cms.untracked.vuint32(487),
00180         HCAL = cms.PSet(
00181             SimMethod = cms.int32(0), ## 0 - use HDShower, 1 - use HDRShower, 2 - GFLASH
00182             GridSize = cms.int32(7),
00183             #-- 0 - simple response, 1 - parametrized response + showering, 2 - tabulated response + showering
00184             SimOption = cms.int32(2)
00185         )
00186     ),
00187     GFlash = cms.PSet(
00188       GflashExportToFastSim = cms.bool(True),
00189       GflashHadronPhysics = cms.string('QGSP_BERT'),
00190       GflashEMShowerModel = cms.bool(False),
00191       GflashHadronShowerModel = cms.bool(True),
00192       GflashHcalOuter = cms.bool(False),
00193       GflashHistogram = cms.bool(False),
00194       GflashHistogramName = cms.string('gflash_histogram.root'),
00195       Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00196       bField = cms.double(3.8),
00197       watcherOn = cms.bool(False),
00198       tuning_pList = cms.vdouble()
00199     )
00200 )