
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/interface/HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader.h"
00002 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
00003 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/IdealObliquePrism.h"
00004 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/IdealZPrism.h"
00005 #include "Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/interface/HcalGeometry.h"
00006 #include "HcalHardcodeGeometryData.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00008 #include <algorithm>
00010 typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat ;
00012 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader():
00013    theTopology ( new HcalTopology ),
00014    extTopology ( theTopology      )
00015 {
00016    init();
00017 }
00019 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader(const HcalTopology& ht) : 
00020    theTopology ( 0   ) ,
00021    extTopology ( &ht )
00022 {
00023    init();
00024 }
00026 void 
00027 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::init() 
00028 {
00029   theBarrelRadius = 190.;
00030   theHBThickness = 93.6; // just from drawings.  All thicknesses needs to be done right
00032   theHB15aThickness = theHBThickness * 12.0/17.0; // relative weight from layer count!
00033   theHB15bThickness = theHBThickness * 4.0/17.0;  // relative weight from layer count!
00034   theHB16aThickness = theHBThickness * 1.0/17.0;  // relative weight from layer count!
00035   theHB16bThickness = theHBThickness * 7.0/17.0;  // relative weight from layer count!
00037   theOuterRadius  = 406;
00038   theHOThickness = 1.;
00040   theHEZPos[0] = 388.0;
00041   theHEZPos[1] = 397.0;
00042   theHEZPos[2] = 450.0;
00043   theHEZPos[3] = 568.0;
00045   theHFZPos[0] = 1100.0;
00046   theHFZPos[1] = 1120.0;
00047   theHFThickness = 165;
00049 }
00052 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::ReturnType
00053 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::load( DetId::Detector det, 
00054                                   int             subdet ) 
00055 {
00056    HcalSubdetector hsub=static_cast<HcalSubdetector>( subdet );
00057    ReturnType hg( new HcalGeometry( extTopology) );
00059    if( hg->cornersMgr() == 0 ) hg->allocateCorners( HcalGeometry::k_NumberOfCellsForCorners ) ;
00060    if( hg->parMgr()     == 0 ) hg->allocatePar( 
00061       HcalGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape*HcalGeometry::k_NumberOfShapes,
00062       HcalGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape ) ;
00064    switch (hsub) 
00065    {
00066       case (HcalBarrel) :  fill(hsub, extTopology->firstHBRing(), extTopology->lastHBRing(), hg ); break;
00067       case (HcalEndcap) :  fill(hsub, extTopology->firstHERing(), extTopology->lastHERing(), hg ); break;
00068       case (HcalForward) : fill(hsub, extTopology->firstHFRing(), extTopology->lastHFRing(), hg ); break;
00069       case (HcalOuter) :   fill(hsub, extTopology->firstHORing(), extTopology->lastHORing(), hg ); break;
00070       default:  break;
00071    }
00072    return hg;
00073 }
00075 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::ReturnType
00076 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::load() 
00077 {
00078    ReturnType hg( new HcalGeometry( extTopology ) ) ;
00080    if( hg->cornersMgr() == 0 ) hg->allocateCorners( HcalDetId::kSizeForDenseIndexing ) ;
00081    if( hg->parMgr()     == 0 ) hg->allocatePar( 500, 5 ) ;
00083    fill(HcalBarrel,  extTopology->firstHBRing(), extTopology->lastHBRing(), hg); 
00084    fill(HcalEndcap,  extTopology->firstHERing(), extTopology->lastHERing(), hg); 
00085    fill(HcalForward, extTopology->firstHFRing(), extTopology->lastHFRing(), hg); 
00086    fill(HcalOuter,   extTopology->firstHORing(), extTopology->lastHORing(), hg);
00087    return hg;
00088 }
00090 void 
00091 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::fill( HcalSubdetector subdet, 
00092                                   int             firstEtaRing, 
00093                                   int             lastEtaRing, 
00094                                   ReturnType      geom           ) 
00095 {
00096    // start by making the new HcalDetIds
00097    std::vector<HcalDetId> hcalIds;
00098    int nDepthSegments, startingDepthSegment;
00099    for(int etaRing = firstEtaRing; etaRing <= lastEtaRing; ++etaRing) {
00100       extTopology->depthBinInformation(subdet, etaRing, nDepthSegments, startingDepthSegment);
00101       unsigned int nPhiBins = extTopology->nPhiBins(etaRing);
00102       unsigned int phiInc=72/std::max(36u,nPhiBins);
00103       for(int idepth = 0; idepth < nDepthSegments; ++idepth) {
00104          int depthBin = startingDepthSegment + idepth;
00106          for(unsigned iphi = 1; iphi <= 72; iphi+=phiInc) {
00107             for(int zsign = -1; zsign <= 1; zsign += 2) {
00108                HcalDetId id( subdet, zsign * etaRing, iphi, depthBin);
00109                if (extTopology->valid(id)) hcalIds.push_back(id);
00110             }
00111          } 
00112       }
00113    }
00115    edm::LogInfo("HcalHardcodeGeometry") << "Number of HCAL DetIds made: " 
00116                                         << subdet 
00117                                         << " " << hcalIds.size();
00118    // for each new HcalDetId, make a CaloCellGeometry
00119    for(std::vector<HcalDetId>::const_iterator hcalIdItr = hcalIds.begin();
00120        hcalIdItr != hcalIds.end(); ++hcalIdItr)
00121    {
00122       makeCell(*hcalIdItr,geom) ;
00123    }
00124 }
00127 inline double theta_from_eta(double eta){return (2.0*atan(exp(-eta)));}
00129 void
00130 HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell( const HcalDetId& detId ,
00131                                       ReturnType       geom    ) const 
00132 {
00133    // the two eta boundaries of the cell
00134    double eta1, eta2;
00135    HcalSubdetector subdet = detId.subdet();
00136    int etaRing = detId.ietaAbs();
00137    if(subdet == HcalForward) 
00138    {
00139       eta1 = theHFEtaBounds[etaRing-extTopology->firstHFRing()];
00140       eta2 = theHFEtaBounds[etaRing-extTopology->firstHFRing()+1];
00141    } 
00142    else if (etaRing==28 && detId.depth()==3) 
00143    {
00144       // double-width in eta at depth 3 in ieta=28
00145       eta1 = theHBHEEtaBounds[etaRing-1];
00146       eta2 = theHBHEEtaBounds[etaRing+1];
00147    } 
00148    else 
00149    {
00150       eta1 = theHBHEEtaBounds[etaRing-1];
00151       eta2 = theHBHEEtaBounds[etaRing];
00152    }
00153    double eta = 0.5*(eta1+eta2) * detId.zside();
00154    double deta = 0.5*(eta2-eta1);
00155    double theta = theta_from_eta(eta);
00157    int nDepthBins, startingBin;
00158    extTopology->depthBinInformation(subdet,etaRing,nDepthBins,startingBin);
00160    // in radians
00161    double dphi_nominal = 2.0*M_PI / extTopology->nPhiBins(1); // always the same
00162    double dphi_half = M_PI / extTopology->nPhiBins(etaRing); // half-width
00164    double phi_low = dphi_nominal*(detId.iphi()-1); // low-edge boundaries are constant...
00165    double phi = phi_low+dphi_half;
00167    bool isBarrel = (subdet == HcalBarrel || subdet == HcalOuter);
00169    double x,y,z,r;
00170    double thickness;
00172    if(isBarrel) 
00173    {
00174       if(subdet == HcalBarrel) 
00175       {
00176          if (detId.ietaAbs()==15) 
00177          {
00178             if (detId.depth()==1) 
00179             {
00180                r = theBarrelRadius;
00181                thickness = theHB15aThickness;
00182             } 
00183             else 
00184             {
00185                r = theBarrelRadius+theHB15aThickness;
00186                thickness = theHB15bThickness;
00187             }
00188          } 
00189          else if (detId.ietaAbs()==16) 
00190          {
00191             if (detId.depth()==1) 
00192             {
00193                r = theBarrelRadius;
00194                thickness = theHB16aThickness;
00195             } 
00196             else 
00197             {
00198                r = theBarrelRadius+theHB16aThickness;
00199                thickness = theHB16bThickness;
00200             }
00201          } 
00202          else 
00203          {
00204             r = theBarrelRadius;
00205             thickness = theHBThickness;
00206          }
00207       } 
00208       else 
00209       { // HO
00210          r = theOuterRadius;
00211          thickness = theHOThickness;
00212       } 
00213       z = r * sinh(eta); // sinh(eta) == 1/tan(theta)
00214       thickness *= cosh(eta); // cosh(eta) == 1/sin(theta)
00215    } 
00216    else 
00217    {
00218       int depth = detId.depth();
00219       if(subdet == HcalEndcap) 
00220       { // Sadly, Z must be made a function of ieta.
00221          if (nDepthBins==1) 
00222          {
00223             z = theHEZPos[depth - 1];
00224             thickness = theHEZPos[3] - z;
00225          } 
00226          else if (nDepthBins==2 && depth==2) 
00227          {
00228             z = theHEZPos[depth - 1];
00229             if (etaRing==29) // special case for tower 29
00230                thickness = theHEZPos[depth] - z;
00231             else
00232                thickness = theHEZPos[3] - z;
00233          } 
00234          else 
00235          {
00236             z = theHEZPos[depth - 1];
00237             thickness = theHEZPos[depth] - z;
00238          }
00239          thickness /= fabs(tanh(eta));
00240       } 
00241       else 
00242       {
00243          z = theHFZPos[depth - 1];
00244          thickness = theHFThickness-(theHFZPos[depth-1]-theHFZPos[0]);
00245       }
00246       z*=detId.zside(); // get the sign right.
00247       r = z * tan(theta);
00248       assert(r>0.);
00249    }
00251    x = r * cos(phi);
00252    y = r * sin(phi);
00253    GlobalPoint point(x,y,z);
00255    std::vector<CCGFloat> hp ;
00256    hp.reserve(5) ;
00258    if (subdet==HcalForward) 
00259    {
00260       hp.push_back( deta ) ;
00261       hp.push_back( dphi_half ) ;
00262       hp.push_back( thickness/2 ) ;
00263       hp.push_back( fabs( point.eta() ) ) ;
00264       hp.push_back( fabs( point.z() ) ) ;
00265    } 
00266    else 
00267    { 
00268       const double mysign ( isBarrel ? 1 : -1 ) ;
00269       hp.push_back( deta ) ;
00270       hp.push_back( dphi_half ) ;
00271       hp.push_back( mysign*thickness/2. ) ;
00272       hp.push_back( fabs( point.eta() ) ) ;
00273       hp.push_back( fabs( point.z() ) ) ;
00274    }
00275    geom->newCell( point, point, point,
00276                   CaloCellGeometry::getParmPtr( hp, 
00277                                                 geom->parMgr(), 
00278                                                 geom->parVecVec() ),
00279                   detId );
00280 }