GloballyPositioned< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for GloballyPositioned< T >, including all inherited members.
eta() const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
GloballyPositioned(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot)GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
GlobalPoint typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
GlobalVector typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
iniEta()GloballyPositioned< T > [inline, static]
iniPhi()GloballyPositioned< T > [inline, static]
LocalPoint typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
LocalVector typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
move(const GlobalVector &displacement)GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
phi() const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
position() const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
PositionType typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
resetCache()GloballyPositioned< T > [inline, private]
rotate(const RotationType &rotation)GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
rotation() const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
RotationType typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
Scalar typedefGloballyPositioned< T >
setCache()GloballyPositioned< T > [inline, private]
theEtaGloballyPositioned< T > [mutable, private]
thePhiGloballyPositioned< T > [mutable, private]
thePosGloballyPositioned< T > [private]
theRotGloballyPositioned< T > [private]
toGlobal(const LocalPoint &lp) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toGlobal(const Point3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lp) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toGlobal(const LocalVector &lv) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toGlobal(const Vector3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lv) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toLocal(const Point3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gp) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toLocal(const GlobalVector &gv) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
toLocal(const Vector3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gv) const GloballyPositioned< T > [inline]
~GloballyPositioned()GloballyPositioned< T > [inline, virtual]