
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CommonTools/Utils/src/ExpressionFunctionSetter.h"
00002 #include "CommonTools/Utils/src/ExpressionUnaryOperator.h"
00003 #include "CommonTools/Utils/src/ExpressionBinaryOperator.h"
00004 #include "CommonTools/Utils/src/ExpressionQuaterOperator.h"
00005 #include <cmath>
00006 #include <Math/ProbFuncMathCore.h>
00007 #include <DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaPhi.h>
00008 #include <DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h>
00010 namespace reco {
00011   namespace parser {
00012     struct abs_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return fabs( x ); } };
00013     struct acos_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return acos( x ); } };
00014     struct asin_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return asin( x ); } };
00015     struct atan_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return atan( x ); } };
00016     struct atan2_f { double operator()( double x, double y ) const { return atan2( x, y ); } };
00017     struct chi2prob_f { double operator()( double x, double y ) const { return ROOT::Math::chisquared_cdf_c( x, y ); } };
00018     struct cos_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return cos( x ); } };
00019     struct cosh_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return cosh( x ); } };
00020     struct deltaR_f { double operator()( double e1, double p1, double e2, double p2 ) const { return reco::deltaR(e1,p1,e2,p2); } };
00021     struct deltaPhi_f { double operator()( double p1, double p2 ) const { return reco::deltaPhi(p1,p2); } };
00022     struct exp_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return exp( x ); } };
00023     struct hypot_f { double operator()( double x, double y ) const { return hypot( x, y ); } };
00024     struct log_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return log( x ); } };
00025     struct log10_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return log10( x ); } };
00026     struct max_f { double operator()( double x, double y ) const { return std::max( x, y ); } };
00027     struct min_f { double operator()( double x, double y ) const { return std::min( x, y ); } };
00028     struct pow_f { double operator()( double x, double y ) const { return pow( x, y ); } };
00029     struct sin_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return sin( x ); } };
00030     struct sinh_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return sinh( x ); } };
00031     struct sqrt_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return sqrt( x ); } };
00032     struct tan_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return tan( x ); } };
00033     struct tanh_f { double operator()( double x ) const { return tanh( x ); } };
00034     struct test_bit_f { double operator()( double mask, double iBit ) const { return (int(mask) >> int(iBit)) & 1; } };
00035   }
00036 }
00038 using namespace reco::parser;
00040 void ExpressionFunctionSetter::operator()( const char *, const char * ) const {
00041   Function fun = funStack_.back(); funStack_.pop_back();
00042   ExpressionPtr funExp;
00043   switch( fun ) {
00044   case( kAbs      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <abs_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00045   case( kAcos     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <acos_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00046   case( kAsin     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <asin_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00047   case( kAtan     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <atan_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00048   case( kAtan2    ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<atan2_f>   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00049   case( kChi2Prob ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<chi2prob_f>( expStack_ ) ); break;
00050   case( kCos      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <cos_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00051   case( kCosh     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <cosh_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00052   case( kDeltaR   ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionQuaterOperator<deltaR_f>  ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00053   case( kDeltaPhi ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<deltaPhi_f>( expStack_ ) ); break;
00054   case( kExp      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <exp_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00055   case( kHypot    ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<hypot_f>   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00056   case( kLog      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <log_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00057   case( kLog10    ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <log10_f>   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00058   case( kMax      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<max_f>     ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00059   case( kMin      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<min_f>     ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00060   case( kPow      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<pow_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00061   case( kSin      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <sin_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00062   case( kSinh     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <sinh_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00063   case( kSqrt     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <sqrt_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00064   case( kTan      ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <tan_f  >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00065   case( kTanh     ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionUnaryOperator <tanh_f >   ( expStack_ ) ); break;
00066   case( kTestBit  ) : funExp.reset( new ExpressionBinaryOperator<test_bit_f>( expStack_ ) ); break;
00067   };
00068   expStack_.push_back( funExp );
00069 }