
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # current defaults are resolutions for PF jets derived from Summer11 MC;
00004 # values of udscResolutions and bResolutions (see below) can still be replaced in the user's cff or cfg;
00005 # for the unit tests, we don't mind that CALO jets will be used with PF resolutions
00006 from TopQuarkAnalysis.TopObjectResolutions.stringResolutions_etEtaPhi_Summer11_cff import *
00008 kinFitTtFullHadEvent = cms.EDProducer("TtFullHadKinFitProducer",
00009     jets = cms.InputTag("selectedPatJets"),
00011     # ------------------------------------------------
00012     # maximum number of jets to be considered in the
00013     # jet combinatorics (has to be >= 6, can be set to
00014     # -1 if you want to take all)
00015     # ------------------------------------------------
00016     maxNJets = cms.int32(6),
00018     #-------------------------------------------------
00019     # maximum number of jet combinations finally
00020     # written into the event, starting from the "best"
00021     # (has to be >= 1, can be set to -1 if you want to 
00022     # take all)
00023     #-------------------------------------------------
00024     maxNComb = cms.int32(1),
00026     # ------------------------------------------------
00027     # option to take only a given jet combination
00028     # instead of going through the full combinatorics
00029     # ------------------------------------------------
00030     match = cms.InputTag(""),
00031     useOnlyMatch = cms.bool(False),
00033     # ------------------------------------------------
00034     # option to use b-tagging
00035     # ------------------------------------------------
00036     useBTagging         = cms.bool(True),
00037     bTagAlgo            = cms.string("trackCountingHighPurBJetTags"),
00038     minBTagValueBJet    = cms.double(3.0),
00039     maxBTagValueNonBJet = cms.double(3.0),
00040     bTags               = cms.uint32(2), # minimal number of b-tagged
00041                                          # jets, if more are available
00042                                          # they will be used
00044     # ------------------------------------------------
00045     ## specify jet correction level as, Uncorrected,
00046     ## L1Offset, L2Relative, L3Absolute, L4Emf, 
00047     ## L5Hadron, L6UE, L7Parton, a flavor specifica-
00048     ## tion will be added automatically, when chosen     
00049     # ------------------------------------------------
00050     jetCorrectionLevel = cms.string("L3Absolute"),
00052     # ------------------------------------------------
00053     # settings for the KinFitter
00054     # ------------------------------------------------    
00055     maxNrIter = cms.uint32(500),
00056     maxDeltaS = cms.double(5e-05),
00057     maxF      = cms.double(0.0001),
00059     # ------------------------------------------------
00060     # select parametrisation
00061     # 0: EMom, 1: EtEtaPhi, 2: EtThetaPhi
00062     # ------------------------------------------------
00063     jetParametrisation = cms.uint32(1),
00065     # ------------------------------------------------
00066     # set constraints
00067     # 1: W1-mass, 2: W2-mass
00068     # 3: t1-mass, 4: t2-mass
00069     # 5: equal top-masses
00070     # ------------------------------------------------                                   
00071     constraints = cms.vuint32(1, 2, 5),
00073     # ------------------------------------------------
00074     # set mass values used in the constraints
00075     # ------------------------------------------------    
00076     mW   = cms.double(80.4),
00077     mTop = cms.double(173.),
00079     # ------------------------------------------------
00080     # resolutions used for the kinematic fit
00081     # (see also comments at the head of this file)
00082     # ------------------------------------------------
00083     udscResolutions = udscResolutionPF.functions,
00084     bResolutions    = bjetResolutionPF.functions,
00086     # ------------------------------------------------
00087     # set correction factor(s) for the jet energy resolution:
00088     # - (optional) eta dependence assumed to be symmetric
00089     #   around eta=0, i.e. parametrized in |eta|
00090     # - any negative value as last bin edge is read as "inf"
00091     # - make sure that number of entries in vector with
00092     #   bin edges = number of scale factors + 1
00093     # ------------------------------------------------
00094     jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors = cms.vdouble(1.0),
00095     jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning = cms.vdouble(0.0,-1.0)
00096 )