
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLoggerQ.h"
00004 // Change Log
00005 //
00006 // 12/12/07  mf   elimination of dummyLogDebugObject_, dummyLogTraceObject_
00007 //               (see change log 8 in MessageLogger.h)
00008 //
00009 // 12/14/07  mf  Moved the static free function onlyLowestDirectory
00010 //               to a class member function of LogDebug_, changing
00011 //               name to a more descriptive stripLeadingDirectoryTree.
00012 //               Cures the 2600-copies-of-this-function complaint.
00013 //               Implementation of this is moved into this .cc file.
00014 //
00015 //  6/20/08  mf  Have flushMessageLog() check messageLoggerScribeIsRunning
00016 //               (in the message drop) to avoid hangs if that thread is not
00017 //               around.
00018 //
00019 //  11/18/08 wmtan  Use explicit non-inlined destructors
00020 //
00021 //  8/11/09  mf setStandAloneMessageThreshold() and
00022 //              squelchStandAloneMessageCategory()
00023 //
00024 //  10/29/09 wmtan  Use explicit non-inlined constructors for LogDebug_
00025 //                  and LogTrace_
00026 //
00027 //  8/11/09  mf setStandAloneMessageThreshold() and
00028 //              squelchStandAloneMessageCategory()
00029 //
00030 //  9/23/10  mf Initialize debugEnabled according to
00031 //              MessageDrop::debugAlwaysSuppressed, rather than
00032 //              just true.  See change 21 of MessageLogger.h.
00033 //
00034 //  9/27/10  mf isDebugEnabled() - check that debugAlwaysSuppressed is
00035 //              false before examining debugEnabled, which in principle
00036 //              ought to be thread-specific thus more expensive to look at.
00037 //
00038 //  9/27/10b mf dtor for LogWarningThatSuppressesLikeLogInfo - see
00039 //              change log 22 in MessageLogger.h
00040 //
00041 //  11/30/10 mf SnapshotMessageLog() method to force MessageDrop to capture any
00042 //              pointed-to strings in anticipation of key objects going
00043 //              away before a message is going to be issued.
00044 //
00045 //
00046 //  7/6/11 fwyzard  Add support for discarding LogError-level messages
00047 //                  on a per-module basis (needed at HLT)
00048 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00050 namespace edm {
00052 LogInfo::~LogInfo() {}
00053 LogWarning::~LogWarning() {}
00054 LogError::~LogError() {}
00055 LogAbsolute::~LogAbsolute() {}
00056 LogSystem::~LogSystem() {}
00057 LogVerbatim::~LogVerbatim() {}
00058 LogDebug_::~LogDebug_() {}
00059 LogTrace_::~LogTrace_() {}
00060 LogPrint::~LogPrint() {}
00061 LogProblem::~LogProblem() {}
00062 LogImportant::~LogImportant() {}
00063 namespace edmmltest {                                           // 9/27/10b mf
00064  LogWarningThatSuppressesLikeLogInfo::~LogWarningThatSuppressesLikeLogInfo() {}
00065 }
00067 void LogStatistics() {
00068   edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqSUM ( ); // trigger summary info
00069 }
00071 bool isDebugEnabled() {
00072   return ((!edm::MessageDrop::debugAlwaysSuppressed)            // 9/27/10 mf
00073          && edm::MessageDrop::debugEnabled );
00074 }
00076 bool isInfoEnabled() {
00077   return ((!edm::MessageDrop::infoAlwaysSuppressed)             // 9/27/10 mf
00078          && edm::MessageDrop::infoEnabled );
00079 }
00081 bool isWarningEnabled() {
00082   return ((!edm::MessageDrop::warningAlwaysSuppressed)          // 9/27/10 mf
00083          && edm::MessageDrop::warningEnabled );
00084 }
00086 bool isErrorEnabled() {
00087   return edm::MessageDrop::errorEnabled;                        // 7/6/11 fwyzard
00088 }
00090 void HaltMessageLogging() {
00091   edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqSHT ( ); // Shut the logger up
00092 }
00094 void FlushMessageLog() {
00095   if (MessageDrop::instance()->messageLoggerScribeIsRunning !=
00096                         MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR) return;     // 6/20/08 mf
00097   edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqFLS ( ); // Flush the message log queue
00098 }
00100 void snapshotMessageLog() {                                     // 11/30/10 mf
00101   // Capture module name and label strings.
00102   // Use if module objects are about to disappear due to exception,
00103   // but a message will then be issued.
00104   MessageDrop::instance()->snapshot();
00105 }
00107 bool isMessageProcessingSetUp() {                               // 6/20/08 mf
00108 //  std::cerr << "isMessageProcessingSetUp: \n";
00109 //  std::cerr << "messageLoggerScribeIsRunning = "
00110 //            << (int)MessageDrop::instance()->messageLoggerScribeIsRunning << "\n";
00111   return (MessageDrop::instance()->messageLoggerScribeIsRunning ==
00112                         MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR);
00113 }
00115 void GroupLogStatistics(std::string const & category) {
00116   std::string * cat_p = new std::string(category);
00117   edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqGRP (cat_p); // Indicate a group summary category
00118   // Note that the scribe will be responsible for deleting cat_p
00119 }
00121 edm::LogDebug_::LogDebug_( std::string const & id, std::string const & file, int line )
00122   : ap( ELsuccess,id)
00123 {
00124    *this
00125         << " "
00126         << stripLeadingDirectoryTree(file)
00127         << ":" << line << "\n";
00128 }
00130 std::string
00131 edm::LogDebug_::stripLeadingDirectoryTree(const std::string & file) const {
00132   std::string::size_type lastSlash = file.find_last_of('/');
00133   if (lastSlash == std::string::npos) return file;
00134   if (lastSlash == file.size()-1)     return file;
00135   return file.substr(lastSlash+1, file.size()-lastSlash-1);
00136 }
00138 edm::LogTrace_::LogTrace_( std::string const & id )
00139   : ap( ELsuccess,id,true)
00140   {  }
00142 void setStandAloneMessageThreshold(std::string const & severity) {
00143   edm::MessageLoggerQ::standAloneThreshold(severity);
00144 }
00145 void squelchStandAloneMessageCategory(std::string const & category){
00146   edm::MessageLoggerQ::squelch(category);
00147 }
00149 }  // namespace edm