
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorDigi/interface/SiPixelDigiModule.h"
00002 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00003 #include "DQM/SiPixelCommon/interface/SiPixelHistogramId.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00006 // STL
00007 #include <vector>
00008 #include <memory>
00009 #include <string>
00010 #include <iostream>
00011 #include <stdlib.h>
00012 #include <sstream>
00013 #include <cstdio>
00015 // Data Formats
00016 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelBarrelName.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelEndcapName.h"
00018 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
00019 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelSubdetector.h"
00021 //
00022 // Constructors
00023 //
00024 SiPixelDigiModule::SiPixelDigiModule() : id_(0),
00025                                          ncols_(416),
00026                                          nrows_(160) 
00027 {
00028 }
00030 SiPixelDigiModule::SiPixelDigiModule(const uint32_t& id) : 
00031   id_(id),
00032   ncols_(416),
00033   nrows_(160)
00034 { 
00035 }
00037 SiPixelDigiModule::SiPixelDigiModule(const uint32_t& id, const int& ncols, const int& nrows) : 
00038   id_(id),
00039   ncols_(ncols),
00040   nrows_(nrows)
00041 { 
00042 }
00043 //
00044 // Destructor
00045 //
00046 SiPixelDigiModule::~SiPixelDigiModule() {}
00047 //
00048 // Book histograms
00049 //
00050 void SiPixelDigiModule::book(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig, int type, bool twoD, bool hiRes, bool reducedSet, bool additInfo) {
00051   bool barrel = DetId(id_).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel);
00052   bool endcap = DetId(id_).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap);
00053   bool isHalfModule = false;
00054   if(barrel){
00055     isHalfModule = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).isHalfModule(); 
00056   }
00058   std::string hid;
00059   // Get collection name and instantiate Histo Id builder
00060   edm::InputTag src = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>( "src" );
00063   // Get DQM interface
00064   DQMStore* theDMBE = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00066   int nbinx=ncols_/2, nbiny=nrows_/2;
00067   std::string twodtitle    = "Number of Digis (1bin=four pixels)"; 
00068   std::string pxtitle      = "Number of Digis (1bin=two columns)";
00069   std::string pytitle      = "Number of Digis (1bin=two rows)";
00070   std::string twodroctitle = "ROC Occupancy (1bin=one ROC)";
00071   if(hiRes){
00072     nbinx = ncols_;
00073     nbiny = nrows_;
00074     twodtitle    = "Number of Digis (1bin=one pixel)";
00075     pxtitle = "Number of Digis (1bin=one column)";
00076     pytitle = "Number of Digis (1bin=one row)";
00077   }
00078   if(type==0){
00079     SiPixelHistogramId* theHistogramId = new SiPixelHistogramId( src.label() );
00080     // Number of digis
00081     hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("ndigis",id_);
00082     meNDigis_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00083     meNDigis_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00084     // Charge in ADC counts
00085     hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("adc",id_);
00086     meADC_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00087     meADC_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00088         if(!reducedSet)
00089         {
00090     if(twoD){
00091       if(additInfo){
00092         // 2D hit map
00093         hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("hitmap",id_);
00094         mePixDigis_ = theDMBE->book2D(hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00095         mePixDigis_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00096         mePixDigis_->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
00097         //std::cout << "During booking: type is "<< type << ", ID is "<< id_ << ", pwd for booking is " << theDMBE->pwd() << ", Plot name: " << hid << std::endl;
00098       }
00099     }
00100     else{
00101       // projections of 2D hit map
00102       hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("hitmap",id_);
00103       mePixDigis_px_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid+"_px",pxtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_));
00104       mePixDigis_py_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid+"_py",pytitle,nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00105       mePixDigis_px_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00106       mePixDigis_py_->setAxisTitle("Rows",1);
00107     }
00108         }
00109     delete theHistogramId;
00111   }
00113   if(type==1 && barrel){
00114     uint32_t DBladder = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).ladderName();
00115     char sladder[80]; sprintf(sladder,"Ladder_%02i",DBladder);
00116     hid = src.label() + "_" + sladder;
00117     if(isHalfModule) hid += "H";
00118     else hid += "F";
00119     // Number of digis
00120     meNDigisLad_ = theDMBE->book1D("ndigis_"+hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00121     meNDigisLad_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00122     // Charge in ADC counts
00123     meADCLad_ = theDMBE->book1D("adc_" + hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00124     meADCLad_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00125         if(!reducedSet)
00126         {
00127     if(twoD){
00128       // 2D hit map
00129       mePixDigisLad_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00130       mePixDigisLad_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00131       mePixDigisLad_->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
00132       //std::cout << "During booking: type is "<< type << ", ID is "<< id_ << ", pwd for booking is " << theDMBE->pwd() << ", Plot name: " << hid << std::endl;
00133     }
00134     else{
00135       // projections of 2D hit map
00136       mePixDigisLad_px_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_px",pxtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_));
00137       mePixDigisLad_py_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_py",pytitle,nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00138       mePixDigisLad_px_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00139       mePixDigisLad_py_->setAxisTitle("Rows",1);        
00140     }
00141         }
00142   }
00143   if(type==2 && barrel){
00144     uint32_t DBlayer = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).layerName();
00145     char slayer[80]; sprintf(slayer,"Layer_%i",DBlayer);
00146     hid = src.label() + "_" + slayer;
00147     if(!additInfo){
00148       // Number of digis
00149       meNDigisLay_ = theDMBE->book1D("ndigis_"+hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00150       meNDigisLay_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00151     // Charge in ADC counts
00152       meADCLay_ = theDMBE->book1D("adc_" + hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00153       meADCLay_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00154     }
00155     if(!reducedSet){
00156       if(twoD || additInfo){
00157         // 2D hit map
00158         if(isHalfModule){
00159           mePixDigisLay_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),2*nbiny,0.,float(2*nrows_));
00160         }
00161         else{
00162           mePixDigisLay_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00164         }
00165         mePixDigisLay_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00166         mePixDigisLay_->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
00168         //std::cout << "During booking: type is "<< type << ", ID is "<< id_ << ", pwd for booking is " << theDMBE->pwd() << ", Plot name: " << hid << std::endl;
00169         int yROCbins[3] = {18,30,42};
00170         mePixRocsLay_ = theDMBE->book2D("rocmap_"+hid,twodroctitle,32,0.,32.,yROCbins[DBlayer-1],1.5,1.5+float(yROCbins[DBlayer-1]/2));
00171         mePixRocsLay_->setAxisTitle("ROCs per Module",1);
00172         mePixRocsLay_->setAxisTitle("ROCs per 1/2 Ladder",2);
00173       }
00174       if(!twoD && !additInfo){
00175         // projections of 2D hit map
00176         mePixDigisLay_px_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_px",pxtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_));
00177         if(isHalfModule){
00178           mePixDigisLay_py_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_py",pytitle,2*nbiny,0.,float(2*nrows_));
00179         }
00180         else{
00181           mePixDigisLay_py_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_py",pytitle,nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00182         }
00183         mePixDigisLay_px_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00184         mePixDigisLay_py_->setAxisTitle("Rows",1);
00185       }
00186     }
00187   }
00188   if(type==3 && barrel){
00189     uint32_t DBmodule = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).moduleName();
00190     char smodule[80]; sprintf(smodule,"Ring_%i",DBmodule);
00191     hid = src.label() + "_" + smodule;
00192     // Number of digis
00193     meNDigisPhi_ = theDMBE->book1D("ndigis_"+hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00194     meNDigisPhi_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00195     // Charge in ADC counts
00196     meADCPhi_ = theDMBE->book1D("adc_" + hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00197     meADCPhi_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00198     if(!reducedSet)
00199       {
00200         if(twoD){
00202           // 2D hit map
00203           if(isHalfModule){
00204             mePixDigisPhi_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),2*nbiny,0.,float(2*nrows_));
00205           }
00206           else {
00207             mePixDigisPhi_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00208           }
00209           mePixDigisPhi_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00210           mePixDigisPhi_->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
00211           //std::cout << "During booking: type is "<< type << ", ID is "<< id_ << ", pwd for booking is " << theDMBE->pwd() << ", Plot name: " << hid << std::endl;
00212         }
00213         else{
00214           // projections of 2D hit map
00215           mePixDigisPhi_px_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_px",pxtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_));
00216           if(isHalfModule){
00217             mePixDigisPhi_py_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_py",pytitle,2*nbiny,0.,float(2*nrows_));
00218           }
00219           else{
00220             mePixDigisPhi_py_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_py",pytitle,nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00221           }
00222           mePixDigisPhi_px_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00223           mePixDigisPhi_py_->setAxisTitle("Rows",1);
00224         }
00225       }
00226   }
00227   if(type==4 && endcap){
00228     uint32_t blade= PixelEndcapName(DetId(id_)).bladeName();
00230     char sblade[80]; sprintf(sblade, "Blade_%02i",blade);
00231     hid = src.label() + "_" + sblade;
00232     // Number of digis
00233     meNDigisBlade_ = theDMBE->book1D("ndigis_"+hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00234     meNDigisBlade_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00235     // Charge in ADC counts
00236     meADCBlade_ = theDMBE->book1D("adc_" + hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00237     meADCBlade_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00238   }
00239   if(type==5 && endcap){
00240     uint32_t disk = PixelEndcapName(DetId(id_)).diskName();
00242     char sdisk[80]; sprintf(sdisk, "Disk_%i",disk);
00243     hid = src.label() + "_" + sdisk;
00244     if(!additInfo){
00245       // Number of digis
00246       meNDigisDisk_ = theDMBE->book1D("ndigis_"+hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00247       meNDigisDisk_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00248       // Charge in ADC counts
00249       meADCDisk_ = theDMBE->book1D("adc_" + hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00250       meADCDisk_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00251     }
00252     if(additInfo){
00253       mePixDigisDisk_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,260,0.,260.,160,0.,160.);
00254       mePixDigisDisk_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00255       mePixDigisDisk_->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
00256       //ROC information in disks
00257       mePixRocsDisk_  = theDMBE->book2D("rocmap_"+hid,twodroctitle,26,0.,26.,24,1.,13.);
00258       mePixRocsDisk_ ->setAxisTitle("ROCs per Module (2 Panels)",1);
00259       mePixRocsDisk_ ->setAxisTitle("Blade Number",2);
00260     }
00261   }
00262   if(type==6 && endcap){
00263     uint32_t panel= PixelEndcapName(DetId(id_)).pannelName();
00264     uint32_t module= PixelEndcapName(DetId(id_)).plaquetteName();
00265     char slab[80]; sprintf(slab, "Panel_%i_Ring_%i",panel, module);
00266     hid = src.label() + "_" + slab;
00267     // Number of digis
00268     meNDigisRing_ = theDMBE->book1D("ndigis_"+hid,"Number of Digis",25,0.,25.);
00269     meNDigisRing_->setAxisTitle("Number of digis",1);
00270     // Charge in ADC counts
00271     meADCRing_ = theDMBE->book1D("adc_" + hid,"Digi charge",128,0.,256.);
00272     meADCRing_->setAxisTitle("ADC counts",1);
00273         if(!reducedSet)
00274         {
00275     if(twoD){
00276       // 2D hit map
00277       mePixDigisRing_ = theDMBE->book2D("hitmap_"+hid,twodtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_),nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00278       mePixDigisRing_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00279       mePixDigisRing_->setAxisTitle("Rows",2);
00280       //std::cout << "During booking: type is "<< type << ", ID is "<< id_ << ", pwd for booking is " << theDMBE->pwd() << ", Plot name: " << hid << std::endl;
00281     }
00282     else{
00283       // projections of 2D hit map
00284       mePixDigisRing_px_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_px",pxtitle,nbinx,0.,float(ncols_));
00285       mePixDigisRing_py_ = theDMBE->book1D("hitmap_"+hid+"_py",pytitle,nbiny,0.,float(nrows_));
00286       mePixDigisRing_px_->setAxisTitle("Columns",1);
00287       mePixDigisRing_py_->setAxisTitle("Rows",1);
00288     }
00289         }
00290   }
00291 }
00294 //
00295 // Fill histograms
00296 //
00297 int SiPixelDigiModule::fill(const edm::DetSetVector<PixelDigi>& input, bool modon, 
00298                                                                  bool ladon, bool layon, bool phion, 
00299                                                                  bool bladeon, bool diskon, bool ringon, 
00300                                                                  bool twoD, bool reducedSet, bool twoDimModOn, bool twoDimOnlyLayDisk,
00301                                                                  int &nDigisA, int &nDigisB) {
00302   bool barrel = DetId(id_).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel);
00303   bool endcap = DetId(id_).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap);
00304   bool isHalfModule = false;
00305   uint32_t DBladder = 0;
00306   if(barrel){
00307     isHalfModule = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).isHalfModule(); 
00308     DBladder = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).ladderName();
00309   }
00311   // Get DQM interface
00312   DQMStore* theDMBE = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00313   //std::cout<<"id_ = "<<id_<<" , dmbe="<<theDMBE->pwd()<<std::endl;
00314   //std::cout<<"********************"<<std::endl;
00315   edm::DetSetVector<PixelDigi>::const_iterator isearch = input.find(id_); // search  digis of detid
00317   unsigned int numberOfDigisMod = 0;
00318   int numberOfDigis[8]; for(int i=0; i!=8; i++) numberOfDigis[i]=0; 
00319   nDigisA=0; nDigisB=0;
00320   if( isearch != input.end() ) {  // Not an empty iterator
00322     // Look at digis now
00323     edm::DetSet<PixelDigi>::const_iterator  di;
00324     for(di = isearch->data.begin(); di != isearch->data.end(); di++) {
00325       int adc = di->adc();    // charge
00326       int col = di->column(); // column 
00327       int row = di->row();    // row
00328       numberOfDigisMod++;
00329       PixelBarrelName::Shell DBshell = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).shell();
00330       int DBlayer  = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).layerName();
00331       int DBmodule = PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).moduleName();
00332       if(barrel){
00333         if(isHalfModule){
00334           if(DBshell==PixelBarrelName::pI||DBshell==PixelBarrelName::pO){
00335             numberOfDigis[0]++; nDigisA++;
00336             if(DBlayer==1) numberOfDigis[2]++;
00337             if(DBlayer==2) numberOfDigis[3]++;
00338             if(DBlayer==3) numberOfDigis[4]++;
00339           }
00340           if(DBshell==PixelBarrelName::mI||DBshell==PixelBarrelName::mO){
00341             numberOfDigis[1]++; nDigisB++;
00342             if(DBlayer==1) numberOfDigis[5]++;
00343             if(DBlayer==2) numberOfDigis[6]++;
00344             if(DBlayer==3) numberOfDigis[7]++;
00345           }
00346         }else{
00347           if(row<80){
00348             numberOfDigis[0]++; nDigisA++;
00349             if(DBlayer==1) numberOfDigis[2]++;
00350             if(DBlayer==2) numberOfDigis[3]++;
00351             if(DBlayer==3) numberOfDigis[4]++;
00352           }else{ 
00353             numberOfDigis[1]++; nDigisB++;
00354             if(DBlayer==1) numberOfDigis[5]++;
00355             if(DBlayer==2) numberOfDigis[6]++;
00356             if(DBlayer==3) numberOfDigis[7]++;
00357           }
00358         }
00359       }
00360       if(modon){
00361         if(!reducedSet){
00362           if(twoD) {
00363             if(twoDimModOn) (mePixDigis_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row);
00364             //std::cout << "Col: " << col << ", Row: " << row << ", for DBlayer " << DBlayer << " and isladder " << DBladder << " and module " << PixelBarrelName(DetId(id_)).moduleName() << " and side is " << DBshell << std::endl;
00365             //std::cout<<"id_ = "<<id_<<" , dmbe="<<theDMBE->pwd()<<std::endl;                                                                                                                  
00366           }
00367           else {
00368             (mePixDigis_px_)->Fill((float)col);
00369             (mePixDigis_py_)->Fill((float)row);
00370           }
00371         }
00372         (meADC_)->Fill((float)adc);
00373       }
00374       if(ladon && barrel){
00375         (meADCLad_)->Fill((float)adc);
00376         if(!reducedSet){
00377           if(twoD) (mePixDigisLad_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row);
00378           else {
00379           (mePixDigisLad_px_)->Fill((float)col);
00380           (mePixDigisLad_py_)->Fill((float)row);
00381           }
00382         }
00383       }
00384       if((layon || twoDimOnlyLayDisk) && barrel){
00385         if(!twoDimOnlyLayDisk) (meADCLay_)->Fill((float)adc);
00386         if(!reducedSet){
00387           if((layon && twoD) || twoDimOnlyLayDisk){
00388             //ROC histos...
00389             float rocx = (float)col/52. + 8.0*float(DBmodule-1);
00390             float rocy = (float)row/160.+float(DBladder);
00391             //Shift 1st ladder (half modules) up by 1 bin
00392             if(DBladder==1) rocy = rocy + 0.5;
00393             mePixRocsLay_->Fill(rocx,rocy);
00394             //Copying full 1/2 module to empty 1/2 module...
00395             //if(isHalfModule) mePixRocsLay_->Fill(rocx,rocy+0.5);
00396             //end of ROC filling...
00398             if(isHalfModule && DBladder==1){
00399               (mePixDigisLay_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row+80);
00400             }
00401             else (mePixDigisLay_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row);
00402           }
00403           if((layon && !twoD) && !twoDimOnlyLayDisk){
00404             (mePixDigisLay_px_)->Fill((float)col);
00405             if(isHalfModule && DBladder==1) {
00406               (mePixDigisLay_py_)->Fill((float)row+80);
00407             }
00408             else (mePixDigisLay_py_)->Fill((float)row);
00409           }
00410         }
00411       }
00412       if(phion && barrel){
00413         (meADCPhi_)->Fill((float)adc);
00414         if(!reducedSet)
00415         {
00416         if(twoD){
00417           if(isHalfModule && DBladder==1){
00418             (mePixDigisPhi_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row+80);
00419           }
00420           else (mePixDigisPhi_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row);
00421         }
00422         else {
00423           (mePixDigisPhi_px_)->Fill((float)col);
00424           if(isHalfModule && DBladder==1) {
00425             (mePixDigisPhi_py_)->Fill((float)row+80);
00426           }
00427           else (mePixDigisPhi_py_)->Fill((float)row);
00428         }
00429         }
00430       }
00431       if(bladeon && endcap){
00432         (meADCBlade_)->Fill((float)adc);
00433       }
00435       if((diskon || twoDimOnlyLayDisk) && endcap){
00436         if(!twoDimOnlyLayDisk) (meADCDisk_)->Fill((float)adc);
00437         if(twoDimOnlyLayDisk){
00438           (mePixDigisDisk_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row);
00439           //ROC monitoring
00440           int DBpanel= PixelEndcapName(DetId(id_)).pannelName();
00441           int DBblade= PixelEndcapName(DetId(id_)).bladeName();
00442           float offx = 0.;
00443           //This crazy offset takes into account the roc and module fpix configuration
00444           for (int i = DBpanel; i < DBmodule; ++i) {offx = offx + float(5+DBpanel-i);}
00445           float rocx = (float)col/52. + offx + 14.0*float(DBpanel-1);
00446           float rocy = (float)row/160.+float(DBblade);
00447           mePixRocsDisk_->Fill(rocx,rocy);
00448           //Now handle the 1/2 module cases by cloning those bins and filling...
00449           //if (DBpanel==1 && (DBmodule==1||DBmodule==4)){
00450           //rocy = rocy + 0.5;
00451           //mePixRocsDisk_->Fill(rocx,rocy);}
00452           //end ROC monitoring
00453         }
00454       }
00455       if(ringon && endcap){
00456         (meADCRing_)->Fill((float)adc);
00457         if(!reducedSet)
00458         {
00459         if(twoD) (mePixDigisRing_)->Fill((float)col,(float)row);
00460         else {
00461           (mePixDigisRing_px_)->Fill((float)col);
00462           (mePixDigisRing_py_)->Fill((float)row);
00463         }
00464         }
00465       }
00466     }
00467     if(modon) (meNDigis_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00468     if(ladon && barrel) (meNDigisLad_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00469     if(layon && barrel && !twoDimOnlyLayDisk) (meNDigisLay_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00470     if(phion && barrel) (meNDigisPhi_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00471     if(bladeon && endcap) (meNDigisBlade_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00472     if(diskon && endcap && !twoDimOnlyLayDisk) (meNDigisDisk_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00473     if(ringon && endcap) (meNDigisRing_)->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00474     if(barrel){ 
00475       MonitorElement* me=theDMBE->get("Pixel/Barrel/ALLMODS_ndigisCOMB_Barrel");
00476       if(me) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00477       me=theDMBE->get("Pixel/Barrel/ALLMODS_ndigisCHAN_Barrel");
00478       if(me){ if(numberOfDigis[0]>0) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigis[0]); if(numberOfDigis[1]>0) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigis[1]); }
00479       me=theDMBE->get("Pixel/Barrel/ALLMODS_ndigisCHAN_BarrelL1");
00480       if(me){ if(numberOfDigis[2]>0) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigis[2]); }
00481       me=theDMBE->get("Pixel/Barrel/ALLMODS_ndigisCHAN_BarrelL2");
00482       if(me){ if(numberOfDigis[3]>0) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigis[3]); }
00483       me=theDMBE->get("Pixel/Barrel/ALLMODS_ndigisCHAN_BarrelL3");
00484       if(me){ if(numberOfDigis[4]>0) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigis[4]); }
00485     }else if(endcap){
00486       MonitorElement* me=theDMBE->get("Pixel/Endcap/ALLMODS_ndigisCOMB_Endcap");
00487       if(me) me->Fill((float)numberOfDigisMod);
00488     }
00489   }
00491   //std::cout<<"numberOfDigis for this module: "<<numberOfDigis<<std::endl;
00492   return numberOfDigisMod;
00493 }