Go to the documentation of this file.00001 import os,commands,re,urllib2
00002 class checkforupdate:
00003 def __init__(self,statusfilename='tagstatus.txt'):
00004 self.lumiurl='https://cms-service-lumi.web.cern.ch/cms-service-lumi/publicplots/'+statusfilename
00005 def fetchTagsHTTP(self):
00006 taglist=[]
00007 openurl=urllib2.build_opener()
00008 tagfile=openurl.open(self.lumiurl)
00009 tagfileStr=tagfile.read()
00010 for tag in tagfileStr.lstrip('\n').strip('\n').split('\n'):
00011 fields=tag.split(',')
00012 taglist.append([fields[0],fields[1],fields[2]])
00013 return taglist
00014 def runningVersion(self,cmsswWorkingBase,scriptname,isverbose=True):
00015 currentdir=os.getcwd()
00016 os.chdir(os.path.join(cmsswWorkingBase,'src','RecoLuminosity','LumiDB','scripts'))
00017 cvscmmd='cvs status '+scriptname
00018 (cmmdstatus,result)=commands.getstatusoutput(cvscmmd+'| grep "Sticky Tag:"')
00019 os.chdir(currentdir)
00020 cleanresult=result.lstrip().strip()
00021 cleanresult=re.sub(r'\s+|\t+',' ',cleanresult)
00022 allfields=cleanresult.split(' ')
00023 workingversion=allfields[2]
00024 if workingversion=='(none)':
00025 workingversion='HEAD'
00026 if isverbose:
00027 print 'checking current version......'
00028 print ' project base : '+cmsswWorkingBase
00029 print ' script : '+scriptname
00030 print ' version : '+workingversion
00031 return allfields[2]
00032 def checkforupdate(self,workingtag,isverbose=True):
00033 newtags=self.fetchTagsHTTP()
00034 if workingtag=='(none)':
00035 if isverbose:
00036 print 'checking update for HEAD'
00037 print ' no update'
00038 return []
00039 w=workingtag.lstrip('V').split('-')
00040 if len(w)!=3:
00041 print workingtag+' is not a release tag, can not compare'
00042 return []
00043 w=[int(r) for r in w]
00044 updatetags=[]
00045 for [tagstr,ismajor,desc] in newtags:
00046 digits=[int(r) for r in tagstr.lstrip('V').split('-')]
00047 if digits[0]==w[0] and digits[1]==w[1] and digits[2]==w[2]:
00048 continue
00049 if digits[0]<w[0]:
00050 continue
00051 elif digits[0]==w[0]:
00052 if digits[1]<w[1]:
00053 continue
00054 elif digits[1]==w[1]:
00055 if digits[2]<=w[2]:
00056 continue
00057 updatetags.append([tagstr,ismajor,desc])
00058 if isverbose:
00059 print 'checking update for '+workingtag
00060 if not updatetags:
00061 print ' no update'
00062 return []
00063 for [tag,ismajor,description] in updatetags:
00064 if ismajor=='1':
00065 print ' major update, tag ',tag+' , '+description
00066 else:
00067 print ' minor update, tag ',tag+' , '+description
00068 return updatetags
00070 if __name__=='__main__':
00071 scriptname='lumiCalc2.py'
00072 cmsswWorkingBase=os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']
00073 c=checkforupdate()
00074 workingversion=c.runningVersion(cmsswWorkingBase,scriptname)
00076 c.checkforupdate(workingversion)