Go to the documentation of this file.00001 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelFEDCabling.h"
00003 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelROC.h"
00005 #include <sstream>
00006 using namespace std;
00007 using namespace sipixelobjects;
00009 void PixelFEDCabling::setLinks(Links & links)
00010 {
00011 theLinks = links;
00012 }
00014 void PixelFEDCabling::addLink(const PixelFEDLink & link)
00015 {
00016 if ( link.id() < 1) return;
00017 if ( theLinks.size() < link.id() ) theLinks.resize(link.id());
00018 theLinks[link.id()-1] = link;
00019 }
00021 void PixelFEDCabling::addItem(unsigned int linkId, const PixelROC & roc)
00022 {
00023 if ( linkId < 1) return;
00024 if ( theLinks.size() < linkId ) theLinks.resize(linkId);
00025 if ( theLinks[linkId-1].id() != linkId) theLinks[linkId-1] = PixelFEDLink(linkId);
00026 theLinks[linkId-1].addItem(roc);
00027 }
00029 bool PixelFEDCabling::checkLinkNumbering() const
00030 {
00031 bool result = true;
00032 typedef Links::const_iterator IL;
00033 unsigned int idx_expected = 0;
00034 for (IL il = theLinks.begin(); il != theLinks.end(); il++) {
00035 idx_expected++;
00036 if ((*il).id() != 0 && idx_expected != (*il).id() ) {
00037 result = false;
00038 cout << " ** PixelFEDCabling ** link numbering inconsistency, expected id: "
00039 << idx_expected <<" has: " << (*il).id() << endl;
00040 }
00041 if (! (*il).checkRocNumbering() ) {
00042 result = false;
00043 cout << "** PixelFEDCabling ** inconsistent ROC numbering in link id: "
00044 << (*il).id() << endl;
00045 }
00046 }
00047 return result;
00048 }
00050 string PixelFEDCabling::print(int depth) const
00051 {
00052 ostringstream out;
00053 typedef vector<PixelFEDLink>::const_iterator IT;
00054 if (depth-- >=0 ) {
00055 out <<"FED: "<<id()<< endl;
00056 for (IT it=theLinks.begin(); it != theLinks.end(); it++)
00057 out << (*it).print(depth);
00058 out <<"# total number of Links: "<< numberOfLinks() << endl;
00059 }
00060 out << endl;
00061 return out.str();
00062 }