
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloSubdetectorGeometry.h"
00002 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGenericDetId.h"
00004 #include <Math/Transform3D.h>
00005 #include <Math/EulerAngles.h>
00007 typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D     Pt3D     ;
00008 typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec  Pt3DVec  ;
00009 typedef CaloCellGeometry::Tr3D     Tr3D     ;
00011 typedef CaloSubdetectorGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat ;
00013 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::CaloSubdetectorGeometry() : 
00014    m_parMgr ( 0 ) ,
00015    m_cmgr   ( 0 ) ,
00016    m_sortedIds (false) ,
00017    m_deltaPhi  ( 0 ) ,
00018    m_deltaEta  ( 0 )  
00019 {}
00022 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::~CaloSubdetectorGeometry() 
00023 { 
00024    delete m_cmgr ;
00025    delete m_parMgr ; 
00026    delete m_deltaPhi ;
00027    delete m_deltaEta ;
00028 }
00030 const std::vector<DetId>& 
00031 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getValidDetIds( DetId::Detector /*det*/    , 
00032                                          int             /*subdet*/   ) const 
00033 {
00034    if( !m_sortedIds )
00035    {
00036       m_sortedIds = true ;
00037       std::sort( m_validIds.begin(), m_validIds.end() ) ;
00038    }
00039    return m_validIds ;
00040 }
00042 const CaloCellGeometry* 
00043 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry( const DetId& id ) const
00044 {
00045    return cellGeomPtr( CaloGenericDetId( id ).denseIndex() ) ;
00046 }
00048 bool 
00049 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::present( const DetId& id ) const 
00050 {
00051    return ( 0 != getGeometry( id ) ) ;
00052 }
00054 DetId 
00055 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getClosestCell( const GlobalPoint& r ) const 
00056 {
00057    const CCGFloat eta ( r.eta() ) ;
00058    const CCGFloat phi ( r.phi() ) ;
00059    uint32_t index ( ~0 ) ;
00060    CCGFloat closest ( 1e9 ) ;
00062    for( uint32_t i ( 0 ); i != m_validIds.size() ; ++i ) 
00063    {
00064       const CaloCellGeometry* cell ( getGeometry( m_validIds[ i ] ) ) ;
00065       if( 0 != cell )
00066       {
00067          const GlobalPoint& p ( cell->getPosition() ) ;
00068          const CCGFloat eta0 ( p.eta() ) ;
00069          const CCGFloat phi0 ( p.phi() ) ;
00070          const CCGFloat dR2 ( reco::deltaR2( eta0, phi0, eta, phi ) ) ;
00071          if( dR2 < closest ) 
00072          {
00073             closest = dR2 ;
00074             index   = i   ;
00075          }
00076       }
00077    }
00078    return ( closest > 0.9e9 ||
00079             (uint32_t)(~0) == index       ? DetId(0) :
00080             m_validIds[index] ) ;
00081 }
00083 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::DetIdSet 
00084 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getCells( const GlobalPoint& r, 
00085                                    double dR             ) const 
00086 {
00087    const double dR2 ( dR*dR ) ;
00088    const double eta ( r.eta() ) ;
00089    const double phi ( r.phi() ) ;
00091    DetIdSet dss;
00093    if( 0.000001 < dR )
00094    {
00095       for( uint32_t i ( 0 ); i != m_validIds.size() ; ++i ) 
00096       {
00097          const CaloCellGeometry* cell ( getGeometry( m_validIds[i] ) ) ;
00098          if( 0 != cell )
00099          {
00100             const GlobalPoint& p ( cell->getPosition() ) ;
00101             const CCGFloat eta0 ( p.eta() ) ;
00102             if( fabs( eta - eta0 ) < dR )
00103             {
00104                const CCGFloat phi0 ( p.phi() ) ;
00105                CCGFloat delp ( fabs( phi - phi0 ) ) ;
00106                if( delp > M_PI ) delp = 2*M_PI - delp ;
00107                if( delp < dR )
00108                {
00109                   const CCGFloat dist2 ( reco::deltaR2( eta0, phi0, eta, phi ) ) ;
00110                   if( dist2 < dR2 ) dss.insert( m_validIds[i] ) ;
00111                }
00112             }
00113          }
00114       }   
00115    }
00116    return dss;
00117 }
00119 void 
00120 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::allocateCorners( CaloCellGeometry::CornersVec::size_type n )
00121 {
00122    assert( 0 == m_cmgr ) ;
00123    m_cmgr = new CaloCellGeometry::CornersMgr( n*( CaloCellGeometry::k_cornerSize ),
00124                                               CaloCellGeometry::k_cornerSize        ) ; 
00126    m_validIds.reserve( n ) ;
00127 }
00129 void 
00130 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::allocatePar( ParVec::size_type n,
00131                                       unsigned int      m     )
00132 {
00133    assert( 0 == m_parMgr ) ;
00134    m_parMgr = new ParMgr( n*m, m ) ;
00135 }
00137 void
00138 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getSummary( CaloSubdetectorGeometry::TrVec&  tVec ,
00139                                      CaloSubdetectorGeometry::IVec&   iVec ,   
00140                                      CaloSubdetectorGeometry::DimVec& dVec   )  const
00141 {
00142    tVec.reserve( m_validIds.size()*numberOfTransformParms() ) ;
00143    iVec.reserve( numberOfShapes()==1 ? 1 : m_validIds.size() ) ;
00144    dVec.reserve( numberOfShapes()*numberOfParametersPerShape() ) ;
00146    for( ParVecVec::const_iterator ivv ( parVecVec().begin() ) ; ivv != parVecVec().end() ; ++ivv )
00147    {
00148       const ParVec& pv ( *ivv ) ;
00149       for( ParVec::const_iterator iv ( pv.begin() ) ; iv != pv.end() ; ++iv )
00150       {
00151          dVec.push_back( *iv ) ;
00152       }
00153    }
00155    for( uint32_t i ( 0 ) ; i != m_validIds.size() ; ++i )
00156    {
00157       Tr3D tr ;
00158       const CaloCellGeometry* ptr ( cellGeomPtr( i ) ) ;
00159       assert( 0 != ptr ) ;
00160       ptr->getTransform( tr, ( Pt3DVec* ) 0 ) ;
00162       if( Tr3D() == tr ) // for preshower there is no rotation
00163       {
00164          const GlobalPoint& gp ( ptr->getPosition() ) ; 
00165          tr = HepGeom::Translate3D( gp.x(), gp.y(), gp.z() ) ;
00166       }
00168       const CLHEP::Hep3Vector  tt ( tr.getTranslation() ) ;
00169       tVec.push_back( tt.x() ) ;
00170       tVec.push_back( tt.y() ) ;
00171       tVec.push_back( tt.z() ) ;
00172       if( 6 == numberOfTransformParms() )
00173       {
00174          const CLHEP::HepRotation rr ( tr.getRotation() ) ;
00175          const ROOT::Math::Transform3D rtr ( rr.xx(), rr.xy(), rr.xz(), tt.x(),
00176                                              rr.yx(), rr.yy(), rr.yz(), tt.y(),
00177                                              rr.zx(), rr.zy(), rr.zz(), tt.z()  ) ;
00178          ROOT::Math::EulerAngles ea ;
00179          rtr.GetRotation( ea ) ;
00180          tVec.push_back( ea.Phi() ) ;
00181          tVec.push_back( ea.Theta() ) ;
00182          tVec.push_back( ea.Psi() ) ;
00183       }
00185       const CCGFloat* par ( ptr->param() ) ;
00187       unsigned int ishape ( 9999 ) ;
00188       for( unsigned int ivv ( 0 ) ; ivv != parVecVec().size() ; ++ivv )
00189       {
00190          bool ok ( true ) ;
00191          const CCGFloat* pv ( &(*parVecVec()[ivv].begin() ) ) ;
00192          for( unsigned int k ( 0 ) ; k != numberOfParametersPerShape() ; ++k )
00193          {
00194             ok = ok && ( fabs( par[k] - pv[k] ) < 1.e-6 ) ;
00195          }
00196          if( ok ) 
00197          {
00198             ishape = ivv ;
00199             break ;
00200          }
00201       }
00202       assert( 9999 != ishape ) ;
00204       const unsigned int nn (( numberOfShapes()==1) ? (unsigned int)1 : m_validIds.size() ) ; 
00205       if( iVec.size() < nn ) iVec.push_back( ishape ) ;
00206    }
00207 }
00209 CCGFloat
00210 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::deltaPhi( const DetId& detId ) const
00211 {
00212    const CaloGenericDetId cgId ( detId ) ;
00214    if( 0 == m_deltaPhi )
00215    {
00216       const uint32_t kSize ( cgId.sizeForDenseIndexing() ) ;
00217       m_deltaPhi = new std::vector<CCGFloat> ( kSize ) ;
00218       for( uint32_t i ( 0 ) ; i != kSize ; ++i )
00219       {
00220          const CaloCellGeometry* cellPtr ( cellGeomPtr( i ) ) ;
00221          if( 0 != cellPtr )
00222          {
00223             const CaloCellGeometry& cell ( *cellPtr ) ;
00224             CCGFloat dPhi1 ( fabs(
00225                                 GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[0].x() + 
00226                                                cell.getCorners()[1].x() )/2. ,
00227                                              ( cell.getCorners()[0].y() + 
00228                                                cell.getCorners()[1].y() )/2. ,
00229                                              ( cell.getCorners()[0].z() + 
00230                                                cell.getCorners()[1].z() )/2.  ).phi() -
00231                                 GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[2].x() + 
00232                                                cell.getCorners()[3].x() )/2. ,
00233                                              ( cell.getCorners()[2].y() + 
00234                                                cell.getCorners()[3].y() )/2. ,
00235                                              ( cell.getCorners()[2].z() + 
00236                                                cell.getCorners()[3].z() )/2.  ).phi() ) ) ;
00237             CCGFloat dPhi2 ( fabs(
00238                                 GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[0].x() + 
00239                                                cell.getCorners()[3].x() )/2. ,
00240                                              ( cell.getCorners()[0].y() + 
00241                                                cell.getCorners()[3].y() )/2. ,
00242                                              ( cell.getCorners()[0].z() + 
00243                                                cell.getCorners()[3].z() )/2.  ).phi() -
00244                                 GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[2].x() + 
00245                                                cell.getCorners()[1].x() )/2. ,
00246                                              ( cell.getCorners()[2].y() + 
00247                                                cell.getCorners()[1].y() )/2. ,
00248                                              ( cell.getCorners()[2].z() + 
00249                                                cell.getCorners()[1].z() )/2.  ).phi() ) ) ;
00250             if( M_PI < dPhi1 ) dPhi1 = fabs( dPhi1 - 2.*M_PI ) ;
00251             if( M_PI < dPhi2 ) dPhi2 = fabs( dPhi2 - 2.*M_PI ) ;
00252             (*m_deltaPhi)[i] = dPhi1>dPhi2 ? dPhi1 : dPhi2 ;
00253          }
00254       }
00255    }
00256    return (*m_deltaPhi)[ cgId.denseIndex() ] ;
00257 }
00259 CCGFloat 
00260 CaloSubdetectorGeometry::deltaEta( const DetId& detId ) const
00261 {
00262    const CaloGenericDetId cgId ( detId ) ;
00264    if( 0 == m_deltaEta )
00265    {
00266       const uint32_t kSize ( cgId.sizeForDenseIndexing() ) ;
00267       m_deltaEta = new std::vector<CCGFloat> ( kSize ) ;
00268       for( uint32_t i ( 0 ) ; i != kSize ; ++i )
00269       {
00270          const CaloCellGeometry* cellPtr ( cellGeomPtr( i ) ) ;
00271          if( 0 != cellPtr )
00272          {
00273             const CaloCellGeometry& cell ( *cellPtr ) ;
00274             const CCGFloat dEta1 ( fabs(
00275                                       GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[0].x() + 
00276                                                      cell.getCorners()[1].x() )/2. ,
00277                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[0].y() + 
00278                                                      cell.getCorners()[1].y() )/2. ,
00279                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[0].z() + 
00280                                                      cell.getCorners()[1].z() )/2.  ).eta() -
00281                                       GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[2].x() + 
00282                                                      cell.getCorners()[3].x() )/2. ,
00283                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[2].y() + 
00284                                                      cell.getCorners()[3].y() )/2. ,
00285                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[2].z() + 
00286                                                      cell.getCorners()[3].z() )/2.  ).eta() ) ) ;
00287             const CCGFloat dEta2 ( fabs(
00288                                       GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[0].x() + 
00289                                                      cell.getCorners()[3].x() )/2. ,
00290                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[0].y() + 
00291                                                      cell.getCorners()[3].y() )/2. ,
00292                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[0].z() + 
00293                                                      cell.getCorners()[3].z() )/2.  ).eta() -
00294                                       GlobalPoint( ( cell.getCorners()[2].x() + 
00295                                                      cell.getCorners()[1].x() )/2. ,
00296                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[2].y() + 
00297                                                      cell.getCorners()[1].y() )/2. ,
00298                                                    ( cell.getCorners()[2].z() + 
00299                                                      cell.getCorners()[1].z() )/2.  ).eta() ) ) ;
00300             (*m_deltaEta)[i] = dEta1>dEta2 ? dEta1 : dEta2 ;
00301          }
00302       }
00303    }
00304    return (*m_deltaEta)[ cgId.denseIndex() ] ;
00305 }