
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00004 L1GtPatternGenerator = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1GtPatternGenerator",
00005     # input tags for various records
00006     GtInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtDigis"),
00007     GmtInputTag = cms.InputTag("gmtDigis"),
00008     GctInputTag = cms.InputTag("gctDigis"),
00009     CscInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtDigis", "CSC"),
00010     DtInputTag  = cms.InputTag("gtDigis", "DT"),
00011     RpcbInputTag  = cms.InputTag("gtDigis", "RPCb"),
00012     RpcfInputTag  = cms.InputTag("gtDigis", "RPCf"),   
00014     # file name
00015     PatternFileName = cms.string("GT_GMT_patterns.txt"),
00017     # bunch crossing numbers to write
00018     bx = cms.vint32(0),
00020     # header
00021     PatternFileHeader = cms.string(
00022 """#GT_GMT_patterns_VD
00023 #  
00024 # editors - HB 220606
00025 #  
00026 # remarks:
00027 # values in this template are for version VD (same as VB) for the cond-chips of GTL9U (from IVAN)
00028 #
00029 # syntax:
00030 # character "#" indicates a comment line
00031 # header line 1 => hardware of sim- and spy-memories
00032 # header line 2 => hardware location (FPGA-chip) of sim-memories
00033 # header line 3 => channel number of sim-memories (PSB)
00034 # header line 4 => hardware location (FPGA-chip) of spy-memories
00035 # header line 5 => name of patterns
00036 # header line 6 => number of objects (calos, muons) or other declarations
00037 # (header line 7 => only graphics)
00038 # (header line 8 => only text and graphics)
00039 # header line 9 => number of columns, starting with 0
00040 #
00041 # patterns:
00042 # values in column 0 are event numbers (decimal), starting with 0 (synchronisation data)
00043 # patterns for 1024 events (memories of cond-chips on GTL9U can contain only 1024 events) are in this file
00044 # values in columns 1-119 are the hexadecimal patterns, the rightmost digit in a string is LSB
00045 #
00046 # header:
00047 # e |<--------------------------------------------------------------------------PSB/GTL9U(REC)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->|<--------------------------------------------------------------------------PSB/GMT(AUF,AUB)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->|<----------------------------------------------------------------GMT REGIONAL MUONs----------------------------------------------------------->|<----GMT(SORT)/GTL9U(REC)----->|<--------------GTL9U(COND)/FDL(ALGO)---------------->|<-----------FDL----------->|
00048 # v |PSB slot13/ch6+7   |PSB slot13/ch4+5   |PSB slot13/ch2+3   |PSB slot13/ch0+1   |PSB slot14/ch6+7   |PSB slot14/ch4+5   |PSB slot14/ch2+3   |PSB slot14/ch0+1   |PSB slot15/ch2+3   |PSB slot15/ch0+1   |PSB slot19/ch6+7   |PSB slot19/ch4+5   |PSB slot19/ch2+3   |PSB slot19/ch0+1   |PSB slot20/ch6+7   |PSB slot20/ch4+5   |PSB slot20/ch2+3   |PSB slot20/ch0+1   |PSB slot21/ch6+7   |PSB slot21/ch4+5   |PSB slot21/ch2+3   |PSB slot21/ch0+1   |GMT INF                            |GMT INC                            |GMT IND                            |GMT INB                            |GMT SORT                       |COND1                     |COND2                     |PSB slot9/ch0+1    |FINOR  |
00049 # e |ch6  ch7  ch6  ch7 |ch4  ch5  ch4  ch5 |ch2  ch3  ch2  ch3 |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |ch6  ch7  ch6  ch7 |ch4  ch5  ch4  ch5 |ch2  ch3  ch2  ch3 |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |ch2  ch3  ch2  ch3 |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |ch6  ch7  ch6  ch7 |ch4  ch5  ch4  ch5 |ch2  ch3  ch2  ch3 |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |ch6  ch7  ch6  ch7 |ch4  ch5  ch4  ch5 |ch2  ch3  ch2  ch3 |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |ch6  ch7  ch6  ch7 |ch4  ch5  ch4  ch5 |ch2  ch3  ch2  ch3 |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |                                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |                               |                          |                          |ch0  ch1  ch0  ch1 |       |
00050 # n |GTL9U REC1         |GTL9U REC1         |GTL9U REC2         |GTL9U REC2         |GTL9U REC2         |GTL9U REC2         |GTL9U REC3         |GTL9U REC3         |GTL9U REC3         |GTL9U REC3         |GMT AUF            |GMT AUF            |GMT AUB            |GMT AUB            |GMT AUF            |GMT AUF            |GMT AUB            |GMT AUB            |GMT AUF            |GMT AUF            |GMT AUB            |GMT AUB            |                                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |GTL9U REC1                     |FDL ALGO                  |FDL ALGO                  |FDL ALGO           |       |
00051 # t |calo1 (ieg)        |calo2 (eg)         |calo3 (jet)        |calo4 (fwdjet)     |calo5 (tau)        |calo6 (esums)      |calo7 (hfbc/etsums)|calo8 (free)       |calo9 (totem)      |calo10 (free)      |MQF4               |MQF3               |MQB2               |MQB1               |MQF8               |MQF7               |MQB6               |MQB5               |MQF12              |MQF11              |MQB10              |MQB9               |RPC forward                        |CSC                                |DT                                 |RPC barrel                         |muon (sorted four)             |algo                      |algo                      |techtrigger        |       |
00052 #   | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  | 1    2    3    4  |45M  45Q   6M   6Q |45M  45Q   6M   6Q |01M  01Q  23M  23Q |01M  01Q  23M  23Q |45M  45Q   6M   6Q |45M  45Q   6M   6Q |01M  01Q  23M  23Q |01M  01Q  23M  23Q |45M  45Q   6M   6Q |45M  45Q   6M   6Q |01M  01Q  23M  23Q |01M  01Q  23M  23Q |   1        2        3        4    |   1        2        3        4    |   1        2        3        4    |   1        2        3        4    |   1       2       3       4   |191--160 159--128 127---96|95----64 63----32 31-----0|15-0 47-32 31-16 63-48|    |
00053 #   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |                               |                          |                          |                   |       |
00054 # columns:              |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |                               |                          |                          |                   |       |
00055 # 0 | 1    2    3    4  | 5    6    7    8  | 9    10   11   12 | 13   14   15   16 | 17   18   19   20 | 21   22   23   24 | 25   26   27   28 | 29   30   31   32 | 33   34   35   36 | 37   38   39   40 | 41   42   43   44 | 45   46   47   48 | 49   50   51   52 | 53   54   55   56 | 57   58   59   60 | 61   62   63   64 | 65   66   67   68 | 69   70   71   72 | 73   74   75   76 | 77   78   79   80 | 81   82   83   84 | 85   86   87   88 |   89       90       91       92   |   93       94       95       96   |   97       98       99      100   |  101      102      103      104   |  105     106     107     108  |  109      110      111   |   112      113      114  | 115  116  117  118|119    |
00056 """),
00058    # footer                                      
00059    PatternFileFooter = cms.string(""),
00061    # A vector of column names to be written for each pattern file line
00062    PatternFileColumns = cms.vstring(),
00063    # A vector of the lengths (in bits!) of each column
00064    PatternFileLengths = cms.vuint32(),
00065    # A vector of default values for each column
00066    PatternFileDefaultValues = cms.vuint32(),
00068    # By default, do not add comments with detailed information
00069    DebugOutput = cms.bool(False)
00070 )
00072 def addBlock(analyzer, name, count, length, default):
00073     for i in range(1,count+1):
00074         analyzer.PatternFileColumns.append("%s%d" % (name, i))
00075         analyzer.PatternFileLengths.append(length)
00076         analyzer.PatternFileDefaultValues.append(default)
00078 def addPSB(analyzer, name):
00079     addBlock(analyzer, name, 4, 16, 0)
00082 def addRegionalMuons(analyzer, name):
00083     # regional muons are different - they need to have a default of 0x0000ff00 when
00084     # empty to make input cable disconnects recognizable
00085     addBlock(analyzer, name, 4, 32, 0x0000ff00)
00087 def addGMTMuons(analyzer, name):
00088     addBlock(analyzer, name, 4, 26, 0)
00090 # set up format:
00091 fields   = L1GtPatternGenerator.PatternFileColumns
00092 lengths  = L1GtPatternGenerator.PatternFileLengths
00093 defaults = L1GtPatternGenerator.PatternFileDefaultValues
00095 # column 1..20: some fairly standard PSBs (calo1 - calo5)
00096 for name in [ "gctIsoEm", "gctEm", "cenJet", "forJet", "tauJet" ]:
00097     addPSB(L1GtPatternGenerator, name)
00099 # then the energy sums, which are slightly more complicated
00100 # (calo6)
00101 fields   += ["etTotal1", "etMiss1", "etHad1", "etMissPhi1"]
00102 lengths  += [        16,       16,        16,           16]
00103 defaults += [        0,       0,        0,           0]
00105 # HF bit counts / etsums (which are mangled in the C++ code)
00106 # (calo7)
00107 fields   += [ "hfPsbValue1_l", "htMiss1", "hfPsbValue1_h", "unknown"]
00108 lengths  += [             16,        16,             16,         16]
00109 defaults += [              0,         0,              0,          0]
00111 # calo8 - free
00112 addPSB(L1GtPatternGenerator, "unknown")
00114 # calo9 - "totem", currently
00115 addPSB(L1GtPatternGenerator, "unknown")
00117 # calo 10 
00118 # BPTX/Castor and TBD data - default to 0xffff to get BPTX triggers matching GT emulator
00119 addBlock(L1GtPatternGenerator, "unknown", 4, 16, 0xffff)
00121 # 12 more PSBs we don't fill
00122 for i in range(12):
00123     addPSB(L1GtPatternGenerator, "unknown")
00125 # regional muons
00126 addRegionalMuons(L1GtPatternGenerator, "fwdMuon")
00127 addRegionalMuons(L1GtPatternGenerator, "cscMuon")
00128 addRegionalMuons(L1GtPatternGenerator, "dtMuon")
00129 addRegionalMuons(L1GtPatternGenerator, "brlMuon")
00131 # global muons
00132 addGMTMuons(L1GtPatternGenerator, "gmtMuon")
00134 # GT stuff
00135 addBlock(L1GtPatternGenerator, "gtDecisionExt", 2, 32, 0)
00136 addBlock(L1GtPatternGenerator, "gtDecision", 4, 32, 0)
00138 # tech triggers: a bit complicated, since we like to mix up
00139 #                half-words (see header)
00140 fields   += ["gtTechTrigger1_l", "gtTechTrigger2_l", "gtTechTrigger1_h", "gtTechTrigger2_h"]
00141 lengths  += [                16,                 16,                 16,                 16]
00142 defaults += [                 0,                  0,                  0,                  0]
00144 fields   += ["gtFinalOr"]
00145 lengths  += [          9]
00146 defaults += [          0]
00148 # just to make sure the python magic adds up to the proper output format
00149 if len(fields) != 119:
00150     raise ValueError("Expecting 119 data fields (120 - event number) in pattern file format, got %d!" % len(fields) )
00152 # For debugging: Get an overview of your pattern file format
00153 #print fields
00154 #print lengths
00155 #print defaults