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00001 /* 00002 L2 Tau trigger Isolation Selector 00003 00004 Author: Michail Bachtis 00005 University of Wisconsin-Madison 00006 e-mail: bachtis@hep.wisc.edu 00007 */ 00008 00009 00010 // system include files 00011 #include <memory> 00012 00013 // user include files 00014 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h" 00015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDProducer.h" 00016 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h" 00017 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h" 00018 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h" 00019 00020 00021 class L2TauModularIsolationSelector : public edm::EDProducer { 00022 public: 00023 explicit L2TauModularIsolationSelector(const edm::ParameterSet&); 00024 ~L2TauModularIsolationSelector(); 00025 00026 private: 00027 virtual void beginJob() ; 00028 virtual void produce(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&); 00029 virtual void endJob() ; 00030 00031 00032 //Association class Input 00033 edm::InputTag associationInput_; 00034 00035 //Sliding Cuts (ECAL) 00036 00037 std::vector<double> ecalIsolEt_; 00038 00039 std::vector<double> nEcalClusters_; 00040 std::vector<double> ecalClusterPhiRMS_; 00041 std::vector<double> ecalClusterEtaRMS_; 00042 std::vector<double> ecalClusterDrRMS_; 00043 00044 //Sliding Cuts (HCAL) 00045 00046 std::vector<double> hcalIsolEt_; 00047 00048 std::vector<double> nHcalClusters_; 00049 std::vector<double> hcalClusterPhiRMS_; 00050 std::vector<double> hcalClusterEtaRMS_; 00051 std::vector<double> hcalClusterDrRMS_; 00052 00053 00054 //Cuts of the Style This > Something 00055 double et_; 00056 double seedTowerEt_; 00057 00058 };