
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CalibTracker/SiStripAPVAnalysis/interface/TT6CommonModeCalculator.h"
00002 #include <cmath>
00004 using namespace std;
00005 TT6CommonModeCalculator::TT6CommonModeCalculator(TkNoiseCalculator* noise_calc, TkApvMask* mask_calc, float sig_cut) : 
00006   theNoiseCalculator(noise_calc),
00007   theApvMask(mask_calc),
00008   alreadyUsedEvent(false)
00009 {
00010   if (0) cout << "Constructing TT6CommonMode Calculator ..." << endl;
00011   cutToAvoidSignal = sig_cut;
00012 }
00013 //
00014 //  Destructor 
00015 //
00016 TT6CommonModeCalculator::~TT6CommonModeCalculator() {
00017   if (0) cout << "Destructing TT6CommonModeCalculator " << endl;
00018 }
00019 //
00020 // Action :
00021 //
00022 ApvAnalysis::PedestalType TT6CommonModeCalculator::doIt
00023                 (ApvAnalysis::PedestalType indat) 
00024 {
00025   ApvAnalysis::PedestalType out;
00026   calculateCommonMode(indat);
00027   int setNumber;
00028   if(theCommonModeValues.size() >0) {
00029     for (unsigned int i=0; i<indat.size(); i++){
00030       setNumber = theTkCommonMode->topology().setOfStrip(i);
00031       out.push_back(indat[i] - theCommonModeValues[setNumber]);
00032     }  
00033   }else{
00034     out = indat;
00035   }
00036   return out;
00037 }
00038 //
00039 //  Calculation of Common Mode Values :
00040 //
00041 void TT6CommonModeCalculator::calculateCommonMode(ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& indat) 
00042 { 
00043   if (alreadyUsedEvent == false) {
00044     alreadyUsedEvent = true;
00045     //  cout<< "I am inside the calculateCommonMode"<<endl;
00046     TkApvMask::MaskType strip_mask = theApvMask->mask();
00047     ApvAnalysis::PedestalType strip_noise = theNoiseCalculator->noise();
00048     theCommonModeValues.clear();
00050     if(strip_noise.size() > 0) {
00051       int nSet = theTkCommonMode->topology().numberOfSets();
00052       for (int i=0; i<nSet; i++){
00053         int initial   = theTkCommonMode->topology().initialStrips()[i];
00054         int final     = theTkCommonMode->topology().finalStrips()[i];
00055         double sumVal = 0.0;
00056         double sumWt =  0.0;
00057         for (int j = initial; j <= final; j++) {
00058           if (strip_mask[j] == TkApvMask::ok ) {
00059             if(fabs(indat[j]) < cutToAvoidSignal*strip_noise[j]) { 
00060               double nWeight = 1/(strip_noise[j]*strip_noise[j]);
00061               sumVal += (indat[j]*nWeight);
00062               sumWt += nWeight;
00063             }
00064           }
00065         }
00066         double avVal = (sumWt) ? sumVal/sumWt :0.0;
00067         theCommonModeValues.push_back(static_cast<float>(avVal));
00068         //cout <<"Setting CM values"<<endl;
00069       }
00070     }
00071   }
00072   TT6CommonModeCalculator::setCM(theCommonModeValues);
00073   calculateCMSlope(indat);     
00074 }
00075 //
00076 // Define New Event
00077 // 
00078 void TT6CommonModeCalculator::newEvent() {
00079   alreadyUsedEvent = false;
00080 }
00081 //
00082 // Calculate CMSlope 
00083 // 
00084 void TT6CommonModeCalculator::calculateCMSlope(ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& indat) {
00085   if (indat.size() != 128) {
00086     slope = -100.0;
00087     return;
00088   }
00089   ApvAnalysis::PedestalType diffVec;
00090   diffVec.clear();
00091   for(int s=0;s<64;s++) diffVec.push_back(indat[s+64]-indat[s]);
00092   std::sort(diffVec.begin(),diffVec.end());
00093   slope = (diffVec[31]+diffVec[32])/2./64.;
00094 }