
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # LaserAlignmentT0Producer (AlCaRECO producer for the LAS data running on T0)
00004 #
00005 # VPSet DigiProducersList is a list of all
00006 # possible input digi products as defined in:
00007 # EventFilter/SiStripRawToDigiModule/plugins/
00008 #
00009 # The additional DigiType has to be specified to tell the
00010 # producer if the corresponding DetSet contains 
00011 # SiStripDigis (="Processed") or SiStripRawDigis (="Raw").
00012 # With this feature we keep the possibility to switch to
00013 # another producer if necessary by changing only the .cfg
00014 #
00015 LaserAlignmentT0Producer = cms.EDProducer("LaserAlignmentT0Producer",
00016     DigiProducerList = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
00017         DigiLabel = cms.string('ZeroSuppressed'),
00018         DigiType = cms.string('Processed'),
00019         DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripDigis')
00020     ), 
00021         cms.PSet(
00022             DigiLabel = cms.string('VirginRaw'),
00023             DigiType = cms.string('Raw'),
00024             DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripDigis')
00025         ), 
00026         cms.PSet(
00027             DigiLabel = cms.string('ProcessedRaw'),
00028             DigiType = cms.string('Raw'),
00029             DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripDigis')
00030         ), 
00031         cms.PSet(
00032             DigiLabel = cms.string('ScopeMode'),
00033             DigiType = cms.string('Raw'),
00034             DigiProducer = cms.string('siStripDigis')
00035         ))
00036 )