
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 ## test for electronId
00004 simpleEleId70cIso = cms.EDProducer(
00005     "EleIdCutBasedExtProducer",
00006     src = cms.InputTag("gsfElectrons"),
00007     reducedBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEB"),
00008     reducedEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEE"),
00009     verticesCollection = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
00010     dataMagneticFieldSetUp = cms.bool(False),
00011     dcsTag = cms.InputTag("scalersRawToDigi"),                                          
00012     algorithm = cms.string('eIDCB'),
00013     electronIDType  = cms.string('robust'),
00014     electronQuality = cms.string('70cIso'),
00015     electronVersion = cms.string('V04'),
00016     ## 70% point modified with restricting cuts to physical values                                          
00017     robust70cIsoEleIDCutsV04 = cms.PSet(
00018         barrel =  cms.vdouble(2.5e-02, 1.0e-02, 3.0e-02, 4.0e-03, -1, -1, 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 
00019                               9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 4.0e-02, 0.0, -9999., 9999., 9999., 0, -1, 0.02, 0.02, ),
00020         endcap =  cms.vdouble(2.5e-02, 3.0e-02, 2.0e-02, 5.0e-03, -1, -1, 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 
00021                               9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 9999., 3.0e-02, 0.0, -9999., 9999., 9999., 0, -1, 0.02, 0.02, ),
00022     ),
00023 )