
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 ######################################################
00002 #                                                    #
00003 #       relval_simulation_module                     #
00004 #                                                    #  
00005 #  This module is a collection of the simulation     # 
00006 #  procedues. The random number service is built     #
00007 #  by the function random_generator_service(energy)  #
00008 #                                                    #
00009 ######################################################
00011 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00012 import relval_common_module as common
00014 from math import pi as PI
00015 import os
00016 import sys
00018 #---------------------------------------------------
00019 # This just simplifies the use of the logger
00020 mod_id="["+os.path.basename(sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename)[:-3]+"]"
00022 #----------------------------
00023 # Some useful constants:
00024 ETA_MAX=2.5
00025 ETA_MIN=-2.5
00027 def generate(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00028     """
00029     This function calls all the other functions specific for
00030     an event evt_type.
00031     """
00033     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00034     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")
00036     # Build the switch cases:
00038     # Particle Gun
00039     if evt_type in ("MU+","MU-","E","DIE","GAMMA","TAU","PI0","PI+","PI-"):
00040        generator = _generate_PGUN\
00041          (step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)
00043     elif evt_type in ("HZZMUMUMUMU", "HZZEEEE", "HZZTTTT", "HZZLLLL","HGG"):
00044        generator = _generate_Higgs\
00045          (step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)
00047     elif evt_type in ("B_JETS", "C_JETS"):
00048        generator = _generate_udscb_jets\
00049          (step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)        
00051     elif evt_type in ("QCD","TTBAR","ZPJJ","MINBIAS","RS1GG","HpT"):
00052         generator = eval("_generate_"+evt_type+"(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)") 
00054     elif evt_type in ("ZEE","ZTT","ZMUMU"):
00055         generator = _generate_Zll\
00056          (step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)
00058     elif evt_type in ("ZPEE","ZPTT","ZPMUMU"):
00059         generator = _generate_ZPll\
00060          (step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)         
00062     elif evt_type in ("WE","WM","WT"):
00063         generator = _generate_Wl(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber)
00065     else:
00066       raise "Event type","Type not yet implemented."
00068     common.log( func_id+" Returning Generator")
00070     return generator
00072 #------------------------------       
00074 def _generate_PGUN(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00075     """
00076     Here the settings for the simple generation of a muon, electron or gamma
00077     are stated.
00078     """
00079     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00080     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")
00082    # pythia ID: configure the ID of the particle through a dictionary
00083     py_id_dict = {"MU-":13, 
00084                   "MU+":-13,
00085                   "E" :11,
00086                   "DIE":11,
00087                   "TAU":15,
00088                   "GAMMA":22,
00089                   "PI+":211,
00090                   "PI-":-211,
00091                   "PI0":111}
00093     # Build the id string of the event name:
00094     id_string = evt_type+" "+energy+" nevts "+ str(evtnumber)    
00096     # We have to check if we want to generate a particle with pt=X or Energy=X                  
00097     pt_flag=True
00098     if 'pt' in energy[0:2] or \
00099        'Pt' in energy[0:2] or \
00100        'PT' in energy[0:2]:
00101         energy=energy[2:]
00102     else:
00103         pt_flag=False         
00105     # Energy boundaries are now set:      
00106     lower_energy = ""
00107     upper_energy = ""
00111     # Build the partID string
00112     part_id = cms.untracked.vint32 ()
00114     part_id.append(py_id_dict[evt_type])
00115     upper_energy=''
00116     lower_energy=''
00117     if energy.find('_')!=-1:
00118         upper_energy,lower_energy=energy_split(energy)
00119     else:    
00120         epsilon= 0.001
00121         lower_energy = str ( int(energy) - epsilon) # We want a calculation and
00122         upper_energy = str ( int(energy) + epsilon) # the result as a string   
00124     # Build the process source
00125     if evt_type in ("TAU","E"):
00126         # Add the corresponding opposite sign particle. Only for taus and es.
00127         part_id.append(-1*part_id[0])
00129     antip_flag=False
00130     if evt_type=="DIE":
00131         antip_flag=True  
00133     if pt_flag:        
00134         common.log( func_id+ "This is a pt particle gun ..." )
00135         generator = cms.EDProducer("FlatRandomPtGunProducer",
00136                             psethack = cms.string(id_string),
00137                             firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
00138                             PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
00139                                 PartID = part_id,
00140                                 MinEta = cms.double(ETA_MAX),
00141                                 MaxEta = cms.double(ETA_MIN),
00142                                 MinPhi = cms.double(-PI),
00143                                 MaxPhi = cms.double(PI),
00144                                 MinPt  = cms.double(lower_energy),
00145                                 MaxPt  = cms.double(upper_energy) 
00146                             ),
00147                             AddAntiParticle=cms.bool(antip_flag),
00148                             Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0)
00149                         )
00150     else:
00151         common.log( func_id+ " This is an Energy particle gun ..." )
00152         generator = cms.EDProducer("FlatRandomEGunProducer",
00153                             psethack = cms.string(id_string),
00154                             firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
00155                             PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
00156                                 PartID = part_id,
00157                                 MinEta = cms.double(ETA_MAX),
00158                                 MaxEta = cms.double(ETA_MIN),
00159                                 MinPhi = cms.double(-PI),
00160                                 MaxPhi = cms.double(PI),
00161                                 MinE = cms.double(lower_energy),
00162                                 MaxE = cms.double(upper_energy) 
00163                             ),
00164                             AddAntiParticle=cms.bool(antip_flag),
00165                             Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0)
00166                         )       
00168     common.log( func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00170     return generator 
00172 #---------------------------
00174 def _generate_QCD(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00175     """
00176     Here the settings for the generation of QCD events 
00177     """
00178     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00179     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")   
00181     # Recover the energies from the string:
00182     upper_energy, lower_energy = energy_split(energy)
00184     # Build the process source   
00185     generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00186                         pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00187                         pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00188                         maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00189                         filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),  
00190                         PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00191                         (parameterSets = cms.vstring\
00192                                             ("pythiaUESettings",
00193                                             "processParameters"),
00194                             pythiaUESettings = user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00195                             processParameters = cms.vstring("MSEL=1",
00196                                                 "CKIN(3)="+upper_energy,
00197                                                 "CKIN(4)="+lower_energy))
00198                         )
00200     common.log( func_id+" Returning Generator...")                 
00201     return generator
00203 #---------------------------------
00205 def _generate_MINBIAS(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00206     """
00207     Settings for MINBIAS events generation
00208     """
00210     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00211     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")     
00213     # Build the process source   
00214     generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00215                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00216                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00217                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00218                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),  
00219                         PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00220                         (parameterSets = cms.vstring\
00221                                             ("pythiaUESettings",
00222                                              "processParameters"),
00223                             pythiaUESettings = user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00224                             processParameters = cms.vstring(
00225                                                 "MSEL=0",
00226                                                 "MSUB(11)=1",
00227                                                 "MSUB(12)=1",
00228                                                 "MSUB(13)=1",
00229                                                 "MSUB(28)=1",
00230                                                 "MSUB(53)=1",
00231                                                 "MSUB(68)=1",
00232                                                 "MSUB(92)=1",
00233                                                 "MSUB(93)=1",
00234                                                 "MSUB(94)=1",
00235                                                 "MSUB(95)=1"))
00236                         )
00237     common.log( func_id+" Returning Generator...")                 
00239     return generator   
00241 #---------------------------------
00243 def _generate_Higgs(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00244     """    
00245     Here the settings for the generation of Higgs->ZZ->ll events 
00246     The energy parameter is not used. According to the evt_type ("HZZMUMUMUMU" 
00247     or "HZZEEEE") the final state is chosen.
00248     """
00249     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00250     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")      
00252     # Choose between muon, tau or electron decay of the Z
00253     z_flag="0"
00254     electron_flag = "0"
00255     muon_flag = "0"
00256     tau_flag = "0"
00257     gamma_flag="0"
00258     if evt_type == "HZZEEEE":
00259         electron_flag = "1"
00260         z_flag="1"
00261     elif evt_type == "HZZMUMUMUMU":
00262         muon_flag = "1"    
00263         z_flag="1"
00264     elif evt_type == "HZZTTTT":
00265         tau_flag = "1"
00266         z_flag="1"
00267     elif evt_type == "HZZLLLL":
00268         electron_flag=muon_flag=tau_flag= "1"
00269         z_flag="1"
00270     elif evt_type == "HGG":
00271         gamma_flag="1"    
00274     # Prepare The Pythia params  
00275     params = cms.vstring(
00276         "PMAS(25,1)=%s" %energy,      #mass of Higgs",
00277         "MSEL=0",                  
00278         #(D=1) to select between full user control
00279         #(0, then use MSUB) and some preprogrammed alternative: QCD hight pT
00280         #processes (1, then ISUB=11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68), QCD low pT processes
00281         #(2, then ISUB=11, #12, 13, 28, 53, 68, 91, 92, 94, 95)",
00282         #
00283         #Check on possible errors during program
00284         #execution",
00285         "MSUB(102)=1",             #ggH",
00286         "MSUB(123)=1",             #ZZ fusion to H",
00287         "MSUB(124)=1",             #WW fusion to H",
00288         "CKIN(45)=5.",                       
00289         "CKIN(46)=150.",           
00290         #high mass cut on secondary resonance m1 in
00291         #2->1->2 process Registered by",
00292         "CKIN(47)=5.",             
00293         #low mass cut on secondary resonance m2 in
00294         #2->1->2 process Registered by",
00295         "CKIN(48)=150.",           
00296         #high mass cut on secondary resonance m2 in
00297         #2->1->2 process Registered by",
00298         "MDME(174,1)=0",           #Z decay into d dbar",        
00299         "MDME(175,1)=0",          #Z decay into u ubar",
00300         "MDME(176,1)=0",           #Z decay into s sbar",
00301         "MDME(177,1)=0",           #Z decay into c cbar",
00302         "MDME(178,1)=0",           #Z decay into b bbar",
00303         "MDME(179,1)=0",           #Z decay into t tbar",
00304         "MDME(182,1)=%s" %electron_flag,#Z decay into e- e+",
00305         "MDME(183,1)=0",           #Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar",
00306         "MDME(184,1)=%s" %muon_flag,#Z decay into mu- mu+",
00307         "MDME(185,1)=0",           #Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar",
00308         "MDME(186,1)=%s" %tau_flag,#Z decay into tau- tau+",
00309         "MDME(187,1)=0",          #Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar",
00310         "MDME(210,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into dd",
00311         "MDME(211,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into uu",
00312         "MDME(212,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into ss",
00313         "MDME(213,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into cc",
00314         "MDME(214,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into bb",
00315         "MDME(215,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into tt",
00316         "MDME(216,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into",
00317         "MDME(217,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into Higgs decay",
00318         "MDME(218,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into e nu e",
00319         "MDME(219,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into mu nu mu",
00320         "MDME(220,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into tau nu tau",
00321         "MDME(221,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into Higgs decay",
00322         "MDME(222,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into g g",
00323         "MDME(223,1)=%s" %gamma_flag,#Higgs decay into gam gam",
00324         "MDME(224,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into gam Z",
00325         "MDME(225,1)=%s" %z_flag,  #Higgs decay into Z Z",
00326         "MDME(226,1)=0",           #Higgs decay into W W"
00327         ) 
00329     # Build the process source   
00330     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter',
00331                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00332                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00333                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00334                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),  
00335                       pythiaVerbosity =cms.untracked.bool(False),
00336                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00337                        (parameterSets = cms.vstring('PythiaUESettings','processParameters'),
00338                         PythiaUESettings = user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00339                         processParameters=params
00340                        )     
00341                      )
00343     common.log( func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00345     return generator      
00347 #---------------------------------
00349 def _generate_udscb_jets\
00350         (step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00351     """
00352     Here the settings necessary to udscb jets generation are added. According
00353     to the flavour the Pythia parameters are changed slightly.
00354     For the time being the energy parameter is not used.
00355     """
00356     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00357     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")
00359     # Recover the energies from the string:
00360     upper_energy, lower_energy = energy_split(energy)
00362     # According to the evt_type build the Pythia settings:
00363     pythia_jet_settings=cms.vstring("MSEL=0")  # User defined process
00364     pythia_jet_settings+=cms.vstring("MSUB(81)=1", #qq->QQ massive
00365                                      "MSUB(82)=1") #gg->QQ massive
00366     if evt_type == "C_JETS":
00367             pythia_jet_settings+=cms.vstring("MSTP(7)=4") #ccbar
00368             common.log( func_id+" Including settings for c jets")
00369     else:
00370             pythia_jet_settings+=cms.vstring("MSTP(7)=5") #bbbar
00371             common.log( func_id+" Including settings for b jets")
00373     # Common part to all cases         
00374     pythia_common=cms.vstring("CKIN(3)="+upper_energy,  # Pt low cut 
00375                               "CKIN(4)="+lower_energy,  # Pt high cut
00376                               "CKIN(13)=0.",            # eta min            
00377                               "CKIN(14)=2.5",           # etamax           
00378                               "CKIN(15)=-2.5",          # -etamin 
00379                               "CKIN(16)=0"              # -etamax
00380                               )
00382     pythia_jet_settings+=pythia_common
00384     # Build the process source
00385     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter',
00386                       pythiaVerbosity =cms.untracked.bool(True),
00387                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00388                                (parameterSets = cms.vstring\
00389                                                    ("pythiaUESettings","pythiaJets"),
00390                                 pythiaUESettings = user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00391                                 pythiaJets = pythia_jet_settings
00392                                )
00393                      )                       
00395     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00397     return generator
00399 #-----------------------------------
00401 def _generate_TTBAR(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00402     """
00403     Here the settings for the ttbar pairs are added to the process.
00404     """
00406     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00407     common.log(func_id+" Entering... ")      
00409     # Build the process source    
00410     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter',
00411                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00412                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00413                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00414                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),                     
00415                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00416                                 (parameterSets = cms.vstring\
00417                                                    ('pythiaUESettings',
00418                                                     'processParameters'),
00419                                 pythiaUESettings = user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00420                                 # Tau jets (config by A. Nikitenko)
00421                                 # No tau -> electron
00422                                 # No tau -> muon
00423                                 processParameters =cms.vstring\
00424                                     ("MSEL=0",       # userdef process
00425                                      "MSUB(81)=1",   # qqbar->QQbar
00426                                      "MSUB(82)=1",   # gg to QQbar
00427                                      "MSTP(7)=6",    # flavour top
00428                                      "PMAS(6,1)=175" # top mass
00429                                      )
00430                                 ) 
00431                       )  
00433     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00435     return generator   
00437 #---------------------------------
00439 def _generate_Zll(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00440     """
00441     Here the settings for the Z ee simulation are added to the process.
00442     Energy parameter is not used.
00443     """
00445     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00446     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")      
00448     # Choose between muon or electron decay of the Z
00449     user_param_sets = "pythiaZll"
00450     electron_flag = "0"
00451     muon_flag = "0"
00452     tau_flag = "0"
00453     if evt_type == "ZEE":
00454         electron_flag = "1"
00455     elif evt_type == "ZMUMU":
00456         muon_flag = "1"    
00457     elif evt_type == "ZTT":
00458         tau_flag = "1"
00459     else:
00460         electron_flag=muon_flag=tau_flag= "1"    
00462     pythia_param_sets = cms.vstring(
00463                  "MSEL = 11 ",           
00464                  "MDME( 174,1) = 0",            #Z decay into d dbar",
00465                  "MDME( 175,1) = 0",            #Z decay into u ubar",
00466                  "MDME( 176,1) = 0",            #Z decay into s sbar",
00467                  "MDME( 177,1) = 0",            #Z decay into c cbar",
00468                  "MDME( 178,1) = 0",            #Z decay into b bbar",
00469                  "MDME( 179,1) = 0",            #Z decay into t tbar",
00470                  "MDME( 182,1) = %s" %electron_flag,#Z decay into e- e+",
00471                  "MDME( 183,1) = 0",            #Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar",
00472                  "MDME( 184,1) = %s" %muon_flag,#Z decay into mu- mu+",
00473                  "MDME( 185,1) = 0",            #Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar",
00474                  "MDME( 186,1) = %s" %tau_flag, #Z decay into tau- tau+",
00475                  "MDME( 187,1) = 0",            #Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar",
00476                  "MSTJ( 11) = 3",    #Choice of the fragmentation function",
00477                  "MSTP( 2) = 1",            #which order running alphaS",
00478                  "MSTP( 33) = 0",            #(D=0) ",
00479                  "MSTP( 51) = 7",            #structure function chosen",
00480                  "MSTP( 81) = 1",            #multiple parton interactions 1 is
00481                                              #Pythia default,
00482                  "MSTP( 82) = 4",            #Defines the multi-parton model",
00483                  "PARJ( 71) = 10.",            #for which ctau  10 mm",
00484                  "PARP( 82) = 1.9",   #pt cutoff for multiparton interactions",
00485                  "PARP( 89) = 1000.", #sqrts for which PARP82 is set",
00486                  "PARP( 83) = 0.5", #Multiple interactions: matter distrbn
00487                                     #parameter Registered
00488                  "PARP( 84) = 0.4",   #Multiple interactions: matterdistribution
00489                                   #parameter Registered by
00490                  "PARP( 90) = 0.16",  #Multiple interactions:rescaling power
00491                                       #Registered by
00492                  "CKIN( 1) = 40.",            #(D=2. GeV)
00493                  "CKIN( 2) = -1.",            #(D=-1. GeV)      \
00494                  )     
00496     # Build the process source
00497     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter', 
00498                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00499                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00500                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00501                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),    
00502                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00503                                (parameterSets = cms.vstring('PythiaUESettings','processParameters'),
00504                                 PythiaUESettings=user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00505                                 processParameters=pythia_param_sets )
00506                      )
00508     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00510     return generator   
00511 #---------------------------------
00513 def _generate_Wl(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00514     """
00515     Here the settings for the Z ee simulation are added to the process.
00516     Energy parameter is not used.
00517     """
00519     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00520     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")      
00522     # Choose between muon or electron decay of the Z
00523     electron_flag = "0"
00524     muon_flag = "0"
00525     tau_flag = "0"
00526     if evt_type == "WE":
00527         electron_flag = "1"
00528     elif evt_type == "WM":
00529         muon_flag = "1"    
00530     elif evt_type == "WT":
00531         tau_flag = "1"    
00533     # Build the process source
00534     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter', 
00535                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00536                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00537                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00538                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),
00539                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00540                                (parameterSets = cms.vstring('PythiaUESettings','processParameters'),
00541                                 PythiaUESettings=user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00542                                 processParameters=cms.vstring('MSEL=0    !User defined processes',
00543                                                               'MSUB(2)     = 1',#    !W production 
00544                                                               'MDME(190,1) = 0',#    !W decay into dbar u 
00545                                                               'MDME(191,1) = 0',#    !W decay into dbar c 
00546                                                               'MDME(192,1) = 0',#    !W decay into dbar t 
00547                                                               'MDME(194,1) = 0',#    !W decay into sbar u 
00548                                                               'MDME(195,1) = 0',#    !W decay into sbar c 
00549                                                               'MDME(196,1) = 0',#    !W decay into sbar t 
00550                                                               'MDME(198,1) = 0',#    !W decay into bbar u 
00551                                                               'MDME(199,1) = 0',#    !W decay into bbar c 
00552                                                               'MDME(200,1) = 0',#    !W decay into bbar t 
00553                                                               'MDME(205,1) = 0',#    !W decay into bbar tp 
00554                                                               'MDME(206,1) = %s' %electron_flag,#   !W decay into e+ nu_e 
00555                                                               'MDME(207,1) = %s' %muon_flag,#   !W decay into mu+ nu_mu 
00556                                                               'MDME(208,1) = %s' %tau_flag,#   !W decay into tau+ nu_tau
00557                                                              )
00558                               )
00559                      )
00561     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00563     return generator       
00565 #---------------------------------
00567 def _generate_ZPJJ(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00568     """
00569     Here the settings for the Zprime to JJ simulation are added to the
00570     process. 
00571     """
00573     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00574     common.log(func_id+" Entering... ")            
00575     common.log( func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00576     # You might wonder why this time it's not pythonised..Me too: due to the excessive fragmentation of the 
00577     # cfgs it's not worth to do that at the moment. It also obliges to have two functions for the ZP instead of one.
00578     return common.include_files('Configuration/JetMET/data/calorimetry-gen-Zprime_Dijets_700.cff')[0].source                                   
00580 #---------------------------------
00582 def _generate_ZPll(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00583     """
00584     Here the settings for the Z ee simulation are added to the process.
00585     Energy parameter is not used.
00586     """
00588     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00589     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")      
00591     # Choose between muon or electron decay of the Z
00592     electron_flag = "0"
00593     muon_flag = "0"
00594     tau_flag = "0"
00595     if evt_type == "ZPEE":
00596         electron_flag = "1"
00597     elif evt_type == "ZPMUMU":
00598         muon_flag = "1"    
00599     elif evt_type == "ZPTT":
00600         tau_flag = "1"
00601     else:
00602         electron_flag=muon_flag=tau_flag= "1"    
00604     # Build the process source
00605     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter', 
00606                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00607                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00608                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00609                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),    
00610                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00611                                (parameterSets = cms.vstring('PythiaUESettings','processParameters'),
00612                                 PythiaUESettings=user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00613                                 processParameters=\
00614                                     cms.vstring('MSEL       = 0    ', 
00615                                                 'MSUB(141)  = 1    ',#  !ff  gamma z0 Z0', 
00616                                                 'MSTP(44)   = 3    ',#  !only select the Z process', 
00617                                                 'PMAS(32,1) = %s' %energy,#  !mass of Zprime', 
00618                                                 'CKIN(1)    = 400  ',#  !(D=2. GeV)', 
00619                                                 'MDME(289,1)= 0    ',#  !d dbar', 
00620                                                 'MDME(290,1)= 0    ',#  !u ubar', 
00621                                                 'MDME(291,1)= 0    ',#  !s sbar', 
00622                                                 'MDME(292,1)= 0    ',#  !c cbar', 
00623                                                 'MDME(293,1)= 0    ',#  !b bar', 
00624                                                 'MDME(294,1)= 0    ',#  !t tbar', 
00625                                                 'MDME(295,1)= 0    ',#  !4th gen Q Qbar', 
00626                                                 'MDME(296,1)= 0    ',# !4th gen Q Qbar', 
00627                                                 'MDME(297,1)= %s ' %electron_flag,#  !e e', 
00628                                                 'MDME(298,1)= 0    ',#  !neutrino e e', 
00629                                                 'MDME(299,1)= %s ' %muon_flag,#  ! mu mu', 
00630                                                 'MDME(300,1)= 0    ',#  !neutrino mu mu', 
00631                                                 'MDME(301,1)= %s    ' %tau_flag,#  !tau tau', 
00632                                                 'MDME(302,1)= 0    ',#  !neutrino tau tau', 
00633                                                 'MDME(303,1)= 0    ',#  !4th generation lepton', 
00634                                                 'MDME(304,1)= 0    ',#  !4th generation neutrino', 
00635                                                 'MDME(305,1)= 0    ',#  !W W', 
00636                                                 'MDME(306,1)= 0    ',#  !H  charged higgs', 
00637                                                 'MDME(307,1)= 0    ',#  !Z', 
00638                                                 'MDME(308,1)= 0    ',#  !Z', 
00639                                                 'MDME(309,1)= 0    ',#  !sm higgs', 
00640                                                 'MDME(310,1)= 0    ' #  !weird neutral higgs HA')
00641                                                )
00642                                )
00643                      )
00645     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00647     return generator                   
00649 #-----------------------------------
00651 def _generate_RS1GG(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00652     """
00653     Here the settings for the RS1 graviton into gamma gamma.
00654     """
00656     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00657     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")         
00659     # Build the process source
00660     generator = cms.EDFilter('Pythia6GeneratorFilter', 
00661                       pythiaPylistVerbosity=cms.untracked.int32(0),
00662                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity=cms.untracked.bool(False),
00663                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), 
00664                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),    
00665                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet\
00666                                (parameterSets = cms.vstring('PythiaUESettings','processParameters'),
00667                                 PythiaUESettings=user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00668                                 processParameters=\
00669                                     cms.vstring('MSEL=0   ', 
00670                                                 'MSUB(391)   =1   ', 
00671                                                 'MSUB(392)   =1   ', 
00672                                                 'PMAS(347,1) = %s ' %energy,# ! minv ', 
00673                                                 'PARP(50)    = 0.54 ',# ! 0.54 == c=0.1', 
00674                                                 'MDME(4158,1)=0   ',
00675                                                 'MDME(4159,1)=0   ',
00676                                                 'MDME(4160,1)=0   ',
00677                                                 'MDME(4161,1)=0   ',
00678                                                 'MDME(4162,1)=0   ',
00679                                                 'MDME(4163,1)=0   ',
00680                                                 'MDME(4164,1)=0   ',
00681                                                 'MDME(4165,1)=0   ',
00682                                                 'MDME(4166,1)=0   ',
00683                                                 'MDME(4167,1)=0   ',
00684                                                 'MDME(4168,1)=0   ',
00685                                                 'MDME(4169,1)=0   ',
00686                                                 'MDME(4170,1)=0   ',
00687                                                 'MDME(4170,1)=0   ',
00688                                                 'MDME(4171,1)=0   ',
00689                                                 'MDME(4172,1)=0   ',
00690                                                 'MDME(4173,1)=0   ',
00691                                                 'MDME(4174,1)=0   ',
00692                                                 'MDME(4175,1)=1   ',#! gamma gamma ', 
00693                                                 'MDME(4176,1)=0   ', 
00694                                                 'MDME(4177,1)=0   ', 
00695                                                 'MDME(4178,1)=0   ', 
00696                                                 'CKIN(3)=20.      ',#! minimum pt hat for hard interactions', 
00697                                                 'CKIN(4)=-1.      '#! maximum pt hat for hard interactions'
00698                                                )
00699                                )
00700                      )
00702     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00704     return generator                     
00705 #-----------------------------------
00707 def _generate_HpT(step, evt_type, energy, evtnumber):
00708     """
00709     Here the settings for the RS1 graviton into gamma gamma.
00710     """
00712     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00713     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ")         
00715     # Build the process source
00716     generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00717                       pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00718                       pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00719                       maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00720                       filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
00721                       PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(\
00722                        parameterSets = cms.vstring('PythiaUESettings', 'processParameters', 'pythiaMSSMmhmax'),
00723                        PythiaUESettings=user_pythia_ue_settings(),
00724                        processParameters=cms.vstring\
00725                                ('MSEL = 0       ',#         ! user control', 
00726                                 'MSUB(401) = 1  ',#         ! gg->tbH+ Registered by', 
00727                                 'MSUB(402) = 1  ',#         ! qq->tbH+ Registered by', 
00728                                 'IMSS(1)= 1     ',#         ! MSSM ', 'RMSS(5) = 30.           ! TANBETA', 
00729                                 'RMSS(19) = 200.',#         ! (D=850.) m_A', 
00730                                 'MDME(503,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into dbar            u', 
00731                                 'MDME(504,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into sbar            c', 
00732                                 'MDME(505,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into bbar            t', 
00733                                 'MDME(506,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into b bar           t', 
00734                                 'MDME(507,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into e+              nu_e', 
00735                                 'MDME(508,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into mu+             nu_mu', 
00736                                 'MDME(509,1)=1  ',#        !Higgs(H+) decay into tau+            nu_tau', 
00737                                 'MDME(510,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into tau prime+           nu_tau', 
00738                                 'MDME(511,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into W+              h0', 
00739                                 'MDME(512,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_10         ~chi_1+', 
00740                                 'MDME(513,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_10         ~chi_2+', 
00741                                 'MDME(514,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_20         ~chi_1+', 
00742                                 'MDME(515,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_20         ~chi_2+', 
00743                                 'MDME(516,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_30         ~chi_1+', 
00744                                 'MDME(517,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_30         ~chi_2+', 
00745                                 'MDME(518,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_40         ~chi_1+', 
00746                                 'MDME(519,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_40         ~chi_2+', 
00747                                 'MDME(520,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_1            ~b_1bar', 
00748                                 'MDME(521,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_2            ~b_1bar', 
00749                                 'MDME(522,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_1            ~b_2bar', 
00750                                 'MDME(523,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_2            ~b_2bar', 
00751                                 'MDME(524,1)=0  ',#        !Higgs(H+) decay into ~d_Lbar         ~u_L', 
00752                                 'MDME(525,1)=0  ',#        !Higgs(H+) decay into ~s_Lbar         ~c_L', 
00753                                 'MDME(526,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~e_L+           ~nu_eL', 
00754                                 'MDME(527,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~mu_L+          ~nu_muL', 
00755                                 'MDME(528,1)=0  ',#         !Higgs(H+) decay into ~tau_1+         ~nu_tauL', 
00756                                 'MDME(529,1)=0  '#        !Higgs(H+) decay into ~tau_2+         ~nu_tauL'),
00757                                ),          
00758                         pythiaMSSMmhmax = cms.vstring\
00759                               ('RMSS(2)= 200.    ',#       ! SU(2) gaugino mass ', 
00760                                'RMSS(3)= 800.    ',#       ! SU(3) (gluino) mass ', 
00761                                'RMSS(4)= 200.    ',#      ! higgsino mass parameter', 
00762                                'RMSS(6)= 1000.   ',#       ! left slepton mass', 
00763                                'RMSS(7)= 1000.   ',#       ! right slepton mass', 
00764                                'RMSS(8)= 1000.   ',#       ! right slepton mass', 
00765                                'RMSS(9)= 1000.   ',#       ! right squark mass', 
00766                                'RMSS(10)= 1000.  ',#       ! left sq mass for 3th gen/heaviest stop mass', 
00767                                'RMSS(11)= 1000.  ',#       ! right sbottom mass/lightest sbotoom mass', 
00768                                'RMSS(12)= 1000.  ',#       ! right stop mass/lightest stop mass', 
00769                                'RMSS(13)= 1000.  ',#       ! left stau mass', 
00770                                'RMSS(14)= 1000.  ',#       ! right stau mass', 
00771                                'RMSS(15)= 2449.  ',#       ! Ab', 
00772                                'RMSS(16)= 2449.  ',#       ! At', 
00773                                'RMSS(17)= 2449.  '#       ! Atau'
00774                               )
00775                        )
00776                      )
00779     common.log(func_id+" Returning Generator...")
00781     return generator     
00783 #---------------------------------    
00785 def energy_split(energy):
00786     """
00787     Extract from a string of the form "lowenergy*highenergy" two 
00788     bounds. It checks on its consistency. If the format is unknown 
00789     the program stops.
00790     """
00791     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00792     common.log( func_id+" Entering... ") 
00794     separator_list = ["-", #fault tolerance is good
00795                       "_",
00796                       "*",
00797                       "/",
00798                       ";",
00799                       ","]
00800     for separator in separator_list:
00801         if energy.count(separator)==1:
00802             common.log( func_id+" Found separator in energy string...") 
00803             low,high = energy.split(separator)
00804             if float(high) > float(low):
00805                 common.log(func_id+" Returning Energy...")
00806                 return (low,high)
00808     raise "Energy Format: ","Unrecognised energy format."
00810 #-----------------------------------
00812 def user_pythia_ue_settings():
00813     """
00814     The function simply returns a cms.vstring which is a summary of the 
00815     Pythia settings for the event generation
00816     """
00820     func_id=mod_id+"["+sys._getframe().f_code.co_name+"]"
00821     common.log(func_id+" Returning PythiaUE settings...")
00823     return common.include_files('Configuration/Generator/data/PythiaUESettings.cfi')[0].pythiaUESettings