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00001 #ifndef AlCaHOCalibProducer_HOCalibVariables_h 00002 #define AlCaHOCalibProducer_HOCalibVariables_h 00003 00004 #include <vector> 00005 00006 struct HOCalibVariables { 00007 int trig1; //L1/HLT trigger information (not used) 00008 int trig2; //Special Trigger information (not used) 00009 int nmuon; //number of muons in the event 00010 00011 float trkdr; //r-phi coordinate of track wrt vertex 00012 float trkdz; //Z coordinate of track wrt vertex 00013 00014 float trkvx; //X-Position of fitted track in the inner layer of DT 00015 float trkvy; //Y-Position of fitted track in the inner layer of DT 00016 float trkvz; //Z-Position of fitted track in the inner layer of DT 00017 00018 float trkmm; //Magnitude of track momenta 00019 float trkth; //Polar angle of track 00020 float trkph; //Azimuthal angle of track 00021 00022 float ndof; //number of degrees of freedom (track fitting) 00023 // float nrecht; //Number of rechit candidates in the track 00024 float chisq; //Fitted normalised chisquare (chi^2/ndf) 00025 00026 float therr; //Error in fitted polar angle 00027 float pherr; //Error in fitted azimuthal angle 00028 00029 int isect; //HO tile information 100*abs(ieta+30)+abs(iphi) 00030 float hodx; //Minimum distance of tracks entrace point in tiles local 00031 // co-ordinate system from an edge in X-axis 00032 float hody; //Same in Y-axis 00033 float hoang; //Angle between track (in HO tiles) and HO Z-axis 00034 float htime; //Energy weighted time of signal 00035 float hosig[9]; //HO signal in 3x3 tower with respect to the tile, where 00036 // muon passed through (for the consistency check of 00037 // track reconstruction 00038 00039 float hocorsig[18]; //Signals in all 18 pixel in that HPD, where muon signal is 00040 //expected. One is signal, remaings are either cross-talk or 00041 //due to wrongly reconstructed tracks (For cross talk study) 00042 //For Ring 0 hocorsig[16-17] are X-Y position in layer0 00043 float hocro; //Signal in tile with same eta, but phi1=phi+6 00044 // (a check of pedestal) 00045 float hbhesig[9]; //Signal in HB towers 00046 float caloen[3]; //Associated energy in the calorimeter, 15, 25, 35 degree 00047 00048 }; 00049 00050 typedef std::vector<HOCalibVariables> HOCalibVariableCollection; 00051 00052 #endif