Go to the documentation of this file.00001 import os
00003 class CmsswTask:
00004 def __init__(self, dir, configs, psets=None):
00005 self.dir = dir
00006 self.configs = configs
00007 self.psets = psets
00008 self.initTask()
00010 def initTask(self):
00011 if self.psets:
00012 if not os.path.exists(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir)
00013 for pset_name in self.configs:
00014 pset = self.psets[pset_name]
00015 open(self.dir + '/' + pset_name,'w').write(pset)
00017 def run(self):
00018 if not os.path.exists(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir)
00019 cwd = os.getcwd()
00020 for pset in self.configs:
00021 os.chdir(self.dir)
00022 if not os.path.exists(pset): raise RuntimeError,'%s not found in dir %s' % (pset,os.getcwd())
00024 cmd = 'cmsRun %s' % pset
00025 print "Running", cmd, "in dir", self.dir
00026 os.system(cmd)
00027 os.chdir(cwd)