Variables | |
tuple | EleIsoHcalFromHitsExtractorBlock |
tuple | EleIsoHcalFromTowersExtractorBlock |
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 ComponentName = cms.string('EgammaHcalExtractor'), 00003 DepositLabel = cms.untracked.string(''), 00004 hcalRecHits = cms.InputTag("hbhereco"), 00005 extRadius = cms.double(0.6), 00006 intRadius = cms.double(0.0), 00007 etMin = cms.double(-999.0) 00008 )
Definition at line 5 of file
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 caloTowers = cms.InputTag('towerMaker'), 00003 ComponentName = cms.string('EgammaTowerExtractor'), 00004 intRadius = cms.double(0.0), 00005 extRadius = cms.double(0.6), 00006 DepositLabel = cms.untracked.string(''), 00007 etMin = cms.double(-999.0), 00008 hcalDepth = cms.int32(-1) 00009 )
Definition at line 14 of file