Go to the documentation of this file.00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 hltEgammaEcalRecIsolationProducer= cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTEcalRecIsolationProducer",
00004 recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
00005 ecalBarrelRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
00006 ecalBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
00007 ecalEndcapRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
00008 ecalEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
00009 rhoProducer = cms.InputTag("hltKT6CaloJets", "rho"),
00010 doRhoCorrection = cms.bool(False),
00011 rhoScale = cms.double(1.),
00012 rhoMax = cms.double(99999999.),
00013 intRadiusBarrel = cms.double( 0.045 ),
00014 intRadiusEndcap = cms.double( 0.07 ),
00015 extRadius = cms.double( 0.4 ),
00016 etMinBarrel = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
00017 eMinBarrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
00018 etMinEndcap = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
00019 eMinEndcap = cms.double( 0.3 ),
00020 jurassicWidth = cms.double( 0.02 ),
00021 useIsolEt = cms.bool( True ),
00022 tryBoth = cms.bool( True ),
00023 subtract = cms.bool( False ),
00024 useNumCrystals = cms.bool( False ),
00025 effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double(0.101),
00026 effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double(0.046)
00027 )