
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "SimG4Core/PhysicsLists/interface/CMSMonopolePhysics.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00004 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00005 #include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
00007 #include "G4StepLimiter.hh"
00008 #include "G4Transportation.hh"
00009 #include "G4MonopoleTransportation.hh"
00010 #include "CMSG4mplIonisation.hh"
00011 #include "G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel.hh"
00012 #include "G4hMultipleScattering.hh"
00013 #include "G4hIonisation.hh"
00014 #include "G4hhIonisation.hh"
00016 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
00018 CMSMonopolePhysics::CMSMonopolePhysics(const HepPDT::ParticleDataTable * pdt,
00019                                        sim::FieldBuilder * fB_, 
00020                                        const edm::ParameterSet & p) :
00021   G4VPhysicsConstructor("Monopole Physics"), fieldBuilder(fB_) {
00023   verbose   = p.getUntrackedParameter<int>("Verbosity",0);
00024   magCharge = p.getUntrackedParameter<int>("MonopoleCharge",1);
00025   deltaRay  = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("MonopoleDeltaRay",true);
00026   multiSc   = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("MonopoleMultiScatter",false);
00027   transport = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("MonopoleTransport",true);
00028   if (pdt) {
00029     int ii=0;
00030     for (HepPDT::ParticleDataTable::const_iterator p=pdt->begin(); 
00031          p != pdt->end(); ++p,++ii) {
00032       HepPDT::ParticleData particle = (p->second);
00033       std::string particleName = (,8);
00034       if (strcmp(particleName.c_str(),"Monopole") == 0) {
00035         names.push_back(;
00036         masses.push_back((particle.mass())*CLHEP::GeV);
00037         elCharges.push_back((int)(particle.charge()));
00038         pdgEncodings.push_back(;
00039         monopoles.push_back(0);
00040         if (verbose > 0) G4cout << "CMSMonopolePhysics: Monopole[" << ii
00041                                 << "] " << particleName << " Mass "
00042                                 << particle.mass() << " GeV, Magnetic Charge "
00043                                 << magCharge << ", Electric Charge "
00044                                 << particle.charge() << G4endl;
00045       }
00046     }
00047   }
00048   if (verbose > 0) G4cout << "CMSMonopolePhysics has " << names.size()
00049                           << " monopole candidates and delta Ray option " 
00050                           << deltaRay << G4endl;
00051 }
00053 CMSMonopolePhysics::~CMSMonopolePhysics() {}
00055 void CMSMonopolePhysics::ConstructParticle() {
00057   for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<names.size(); ++ii) {
00058     if (!monopoles[ii]) {
00059       G4Monopole* mpl = new G4Monopole(names[ii], pdgEncodings[ii],
00060                                        masses[ii], ((pdgEncodings[ii] > 0 ) ? magCharge : -magCharge), elCharges[ii]);;
00061       monopoles[ii] = mpl;
00062       if (verbose > 0) G4cout << "Create G4Monopole " << names[ii] 
00063                               << " of mass " << masses[ii]/CLHEP::GeV
00064                               << " GeV, magnetic charge " << ((pdgEncodings[ii] > 0) ? magCharge : -magCharge)
00065                               << ", electric charge " << elCharges[ii]
00066                               << " and PDG encoding " << pdgEncodings[ii]
00067                               << " at " << monopoles[ii] << G4endl;
00068     }
00069   }
00070 }
00072 void CMSMonopolePhysics::ConstructProcess() {
00073   // Add standard EM Processes
00075   if (verbose > 0)
00076     G4cout << "### CMSMonopolePhysics ConstructProcess()" << G4endl;
00077   for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<monopoles.size(); ++ii) {
00078     if (monopoles[ii]) {
00079       G4Monopole* mpl = monopoles[ii];
00080       G4ProcessManager* pmanager = new G4ProcessManager(mpl);
00081       mpl->SetProcessManager(pmanager);
00083       G4String particleName = mpl->GetParticleName();
00084       G4double magn         = mpl->MagneticCharge();
00085       if (verbose > 1)
00086         G4cout << "### CMSMonopolePhysics instantiates for " << particleName 
00087                << " at " << mpl << " Mass " << mpl->GetPDGMass()/CLHEP::GeV 
00088                << " GeV Mag " << magn  << " Process manager " << pmanager 
00089                << G4endl;
00091       // defined monopole parameters and binning
00093       G4double emin = mpl->GetPDGMass()/20000.;
00094       if(emin < CLHEP::keV) emin = CLHEP::keV;
00095       G4double emax = 10.*CLHEP::TeV;
00096       G4int nbin = G4int(std::log10(emin/CLHEP::eV));
00097       emin       = std::pow(10.,G4double(nbin))*CLHEP::eV;
00099       nbin = G4int(std::log10(emax/emin));
00100       if (nbin < 1) nbin = 1;
00101       nbin *= 10;
00103       G4int idx = 1;
00104       if (verbose > 1)
00105         G4cout << "### Magnetic charge " << magn << " and electric charge " 
00106                << mpl->GetPDGCharge() <<"\n   # of bins in dE/dx table = "
00107                << nbin << " in the range " << emin << ":" << emax << G4endl;
00109       if (magn == 0.0 || (!transport)) {
00110         pmanager->AddProcess( new G4Transportation(verbose), -1, 0, 0);
00111       } else {
00112         pmanager->AddProcess( new G4MonopoleTransportation(mpl,fieldBuilder,verbose), -1, 0, 0);
00113       }
00115       if (mpl->GetPDGCharge() != 0.0) {
00116         if (multiSc) {
00117           G4hMultipleScattering* hmsc = new G4hMultipleScattering();
00118           pmanager->AddProcess(hmsc,  -1, idx, idx);
00119           ++idx;
00120         }
00121         if (deltaRay) {
00122           G4hIonisation* hhioni = new G4hIonisation();
00123           hhioni->SetDEDXBinning(nbin);
00124           hhioni->SetMinKinEnergy(emin);
00125           hhioni->SetMaxKinEnergy(emax);
00126           pmanager->AddProcess(hhioni,  -1, idx, idx);
00127         } else {
00128           G4hhIonisation* hhioni = new G4hhIonisation();
00129           hhioni->SetDEDXBinning(nbin);
00130           hhioni->SetMinKinEnergy(emin);
00131           hhioni->SetMaxKinEnergy(emax);
00132           pmanager->AddProcess(hhioni,  -1, idx, idx);
00133         }
00134         ++idx;
00135       }
00136       if(magn != 0.0) {
00137         CMSG4mplIonisation* mplioni = new CMSG4mplIonisation(magn);
00138         mplioni->SetDEDXBinning(nbin);
00139         mplioni->SetMinKinEnergy(emin);
00140         mplioni->SetMaxKinEnergy(emax);
00141         if (deltaRay) {
00142           G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel* mod = new G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel(magn,"PAI");
00143           mplioni->AddEmModel(0,mod,mod);
00144         }
00145         pmanager->AddProcess(mplioni, -1, idx, idx);
00146         ++idx;
00147       }
00148       pmanager->AddProcess( new G4StepLimiter(),  -1, -1, idx);
00149       if (verbose > 1) pmanager->DumpInfo();
00150     }
00151   }
00152 }