
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 L1MuTriggerScalesOnlineProducer = cms.ESProducer("L1MuTriggerScalesOnlineProducer",
00004                                        onlineDB = cms.string("oracle://CMS_OMDS_LB/CMS_TRG_R"),
00005                                        onlineAuthentication = cms.string("."),
00006                                        forceGeneration = cms.bool(False),
00007 # Legacy fields: This stuff should ultimately come from OMDS as well, but at the moment
00008 #                we just define it here like for the dummy producers.
00010                                            nbitPackingDTEta = cms.int32(6),
00011                                            signedPackingDTEta = cms.bool(False),
00012                                            nbinsDTEta = cms.int32(64),
00013                                            minDTEta = cms.double(-1.2),
00014                                            maxDTEta = cms.double(1.2),
00015                                            offsetDTEta = cms.int32(0),
00016                                            nbitPackingCSCEta = cms.int32(6),
00017                                            nbinsCSCEta = cms.int32(32),
00018                                            minCSCEta = cms.double(0.9),
00019                                            maxCSCEta = cms.double(2.5),
00020                                            scaleRPCEta = cms.vdouble(
00021     -2.10, -1.97, -1.85, -1.73, -1.61, -1.48,
00022     -1.36, -1.24, -1.14, -1.04, -0.93, -0.83,
00023     -0.72, -0.58, -0.44, -0.27, -0.07,
00024     0.07,  0.27,  0.44,  0.58,  0.72,
00025     0.83,  0.93,  1.04,  1.14,  1.24,  1.36,
00026     1.48,  1.61,  1.73,  1.85,  1.97,  2.10),
00027                                            nbitPackingBrlRPCEta = cms.int32(6),
00028                                            signedPackingBrlRPCEta = cms.bool(True),
00029                                            nbinsBrlRPCEta = cms.int32(33),
00030                                            offsetBrlRPCEta = cms.int32(16),
00031                                            nbitPackingFwdRPCEta = cms.int32(6),
00032                                            signedPackingFwdRPCEta = cms.bool(True),
00033                                            nbinsFwdRPCEta = cms.int32(33),
00034                                            offsetFwdRPCEta = cms.int32(16),
00035                                            # metadata for GMT scales whose contents
00036                                            # come from DB already
00037                                            nbitPackingGMTEta = cms.int32(6),
00038                                            nbinsGMTEta = cms.int32(31),
00039                                            nbitPackingPhi = cms.int32(8),
00040                                            signedPackingPhi = cms.bool(False)
00042 )