
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin
00003  *
00004  * Merges PFGammas in a PFJet into Candidate piZeros defined as
00005  * strips in eta-phi.
00006  *
00007  * Author: Michail Bachtis (University of Wisconsin)
00008  *
00009  * Code modifications: Evan Friis (UC Davis)
00010  *
00011  * $Id $
00012  */
00013 #include <algorithm>
00014 #include <memory>
00016 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/RecoTauPiZeroPlugins.h"
00018 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidateFwd.h"
00019 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidate.h"
00020 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/Vertex.h"
00021 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/VertexFwd.h"
00022 #include "DataFormats/TauReco/interface/RecoTauPiZero.h"
00023 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/PFJet.h"
00024 #include "CommonTools/CandUtils/interface/AddFourMomenta.h"
00025 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaPhi.h"
00027 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/RecoTauCommonUtilities.h"
00028 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/RecoTauQualityCuts.h"
00029 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/RecoTauVertexAssociator.h"
00030 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/CombinatoricGenerator.h"
00032 namespace reco { namespace tau {
00034 namespace {
00035 // Apply a hypothesis on the mass of the strips.
00036 math::XYZTLorentzVector applyMassConstraint(
00037     const math::XYZTLorentzVector& vec,double mass) {
00038   double factor = sqrt(**mass)/vec.P();
00039   return math::XYZTLorentzVector(
00040       vec.px()*factor,*factor,vec.pz()*factor,;
00041 }
00042 }
00045 class RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin : public RecoTauPiZeroBuilderPlugin {
00046   public:
00047     explicit RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin(const edm::ParameterSet& pset);
00048     virtual ~RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin() {}
00049     // Return type is auto_ptr<PiZeroVector>
00050     return_type operator()(const reco::PFJet& jet) const;
00051     // Hook to update PV information
00052     virtual void beginEvent();
00054   private:
00055     RecoTauQualityCuts qcuts_;
00056     RecoTauVertexAssociator vertexAssociator_;
00058     std::vector<int> inputPdgIds_; //type of candidates to clusterize
00059     double etaAssociationDistance_;//eta Clustering Association Distance
00060     double phiAssociationDistance_;//phi Clustering Association Distance
00062     // Parameters for build strip combinations
00063     bool combineStrips_;
00064     int maxStrips_;
00065     double combinatoricStripMassHypo_;
00067     AddFourMomenta p4Builder_;
00068 };
00070 RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin::RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin(
00071     const edm::ParameterSet& pset):RecoTauPiZeroBuilderPlugin(pset),
00072     qcuts_(pset.getParameterSet(
00073           "qualityCuts").getParameterSet("signalQualityCuts")),
00074     vertexAssociator_(pset.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("qualityCuts")) {
00075   inputPdgIds_ = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >(
00076       "stripCandidatesParticleIds");
00077   etaAssociationDistance_ = pset.getParameter<double>(
00078       "stripEtaAssociationDistance");
00079   phiAssociationDistance_ = pset.getParameter<double>(
00080       "stripPhiAssociationDistance");
00081   combineStrips_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("makeCombinatoricStrips");
00082   if (combineStrips_) {
00083     maxStrips_ = pset.getParameter<int>("maxInputStrips");
00084     combinatoricStripMassHypo_ =
00085       pset.getParameter<double>("stripMassWhenCombining");
00086   }
00087 }
00089 // Update the primary vertex
00090 void RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin::beginEvent() {
00091   vertexAssociator_.setEvent(*evt());
00092 }
00094 RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin::return_type RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin::operator()(
00095     const reco::PFJet& jet) const {
00096   // Get list of gamma candidates
00097   typedef std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr> PFCandPtrs;
00098   typedef PFCandPtrs::iterator PFCandIter;
00099   PiZeroVector output;
00101   // Get the candidates passing our quality cuts
00102   qcuts_.setPV(vertexAssociator_.associatedVertex(jet));
00103   PFCandPtrs candsVector = qcuts_.filterRefs(pfCandidates(jet, inputPdgIds_));
00104   //PFCandPtrs candsVector = qcuts_.filterRefs(pfGammas(jet));
00106   // Convert to stl::list to allow fast deletions
00107   typedef std::list<reco::PFCandidatePtr> PFCandPtrList;
00108   typedef std::list<reco::PFCandidatePtr>::iterator PFCandPtrListIter;
00109   PFCandPtrList cands;
00110   cands.insert(cands.end(), candsVector.begin(), candsVector.end());
00112   while (cands.size() > 0) {
00113     // Seed this new strip, and delete it from future strips
00114     PFCandidatePtr seed = cands.front();
00115     cands.pop_front();
00117     // Add a new candidate to our collection using this seed
00118     std::auto_ptr<RecoTauPiZero> strip(new RecoTauPiZero(
00119             *seed, RecoTauPiZero::kStrips));
00120     strip->addDaughter(seed);
00122     // Find all other objects in the strip
00123     PFCandPtrListIter stripCand = cands.begin();
00124     while(stripCand != cands.end()) {
00125       if( fabs(strip->eta() - (*stripCand)->eta()) < etaAssociationDistance_
00126           && fabs(deltaPhi(*strip, **stripCand)) < phiAssociationDistance_ ) {
00127         // Add candidate to strip
00128         strip->addDaughter(*stripCand);
00129         // Update the strips four momenta
00130         p4Builder_.set(*strip);
00131         // Delete this candidate from future strips and move on to
00132         // the next potential candidate
00133         stripCand = cands.erase(stripCand);
00134       } else {
00135         // This candidate isn't compatabile - just move to the next candidate
00136         ++stripCand;
00137       }
00138     }
00139     // Update the vertex
00140     if (strip->daughterPtr(0).isNonnull())
00141       strip->setVertex(strip->daughterPtr(0)->vertex());
00142     output.push_back(strip);
00143   }
00145   // Check if we want to combine our strips
00146   if (combineStrips_ && output.size() > 1) {
00147     PiZeroVector stripCombinations;
00148     // Sort the output by descending pt
00149     output.sort(output.begin(), output.end(),
00150         boost::bind(&RecoTauPiZero::pt, _1) >
00151         boost::bind(&RecoTauPiZero::pt, _2));
00152     // Get the end of interesting set of strips to try and combine
00153     PiZeroVector::const_iterator end_iter = takeNElements(
00154         output.begin(), output.end(), maxStrips_);
00156     // Look at all the combinations
00157     for (PiZeroVector::const_iterator first = output.begin();
00158         first != end_iter-1; ++first) {
00159       for (PiZeroVector::const_iterator second = first+1;
00160           second != end_iter; ++second) {
00161         Candidate::LorentzVector firstP4 = first->p4();
00162         Candidate::LorentzVector secondP4 = second->p4();
00163         // If we assume a certain mass for each strip apply it here.
00164         firstP4 = applyMassConstraint(firstP4, combinatoricStripMassHypo_);
00165         secondP4 = applyMassConstraint(secondP4, combinatoricStripMassHypo_);
00166         Candidate::LorentzVector totalP4 = firstP4 + secondP4;
00167         // Make our new combined strip
00168         std::auto_ptr<RecoTauPiZero> combinedStrips(
00169             new RecoTauPiZero(0, totalP4,
00170               Candidate::Point(0, 0, 0),
00171               //111, 10001, true, RecoTauPiZero::kCombinatoricStrips));
00172               111, 10001, true, RecoTauPiZero::kUndefined));
00174         // Now loop over the strip members
00175         BOOST_FOREACH(const RecoTauPiZero::daughters::value_type& gamma,
00176             first->daughterPtrVector()) {
00177           combinedStrips->addDaughter(gamma);
00178         }
00179         BOOST_FOREACH(const RecoTauPiZero::daughters::value_type& gamma,
00180             second->daughterPtrVector()) {
00181           combinedStrips->addDaughter(gamma);
00182         }
00183         // Update the vertex
00184         if (combinedStrips->daughterPtr(0).isNonnull())
00185           combinedStrips->setVertex(combinedStrips->daughterPtr(0)->vertex());
00186         // Add to our collection of combined strips
00187         stripCombinations.push_back(combinedStrips);
00188       }
00189     }
00190     // When done doing all the combinations, add the combined strips to the
00191     // output.
00192     output.transfer(output.end(), stripCombinations);
00193   }
00195   return output.release();
00196 }
00197 }} // end namespace reco::tau
00199 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00200 DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(RecoTauPiZeroBuilderPluginFactory,
00201     reco::tau::RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin, "RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin");