
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *
00004 Generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00005     pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00006     # put here the efficiency of your filter (1. if no filter)
00007     filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(0.00045),
00008     pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00009     comEnergy = cms.double(8000.0),
00010     # put here the cross section of your process (in pb)
00011     crossSection = cms.untracked.double(547000.0),
00012     maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00013     PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
00014         pythiaUESettingsBlock,
00015         processParameters = cms.vstring('PMAS(5,1)=4.8          ! b quark mass', 
00016             'MSEL=1                 ! Min Bias', 
00017             'MDME(953,2) = 0        ! PHASE SPACE', 
00018             'BRAT(953)   = 1.       ! BRANCHING FRACTION', 
00019             'KFDP(953,1) =  13      ! mu-', 
00020             'KFDP(953,2) = -13      ! mu+', 
00021             'KFDP(953,3) = 0        ! nada', 
00022             'KFDP(953,4) = 0        ! nada', 
00023             'KFDP(953,5) = 0        ! nada', 
00024             'PMAS(140,1) = 5.369', 
00025             'MDME(953,1) = 0        ', 
00026             'MDME(954,1) = 0        ', 
00027             'MDME(955,1) = 0        ', 
00028             'MDME(956,1) = 0        ', 
00029             'MDME(957,1) = 0        ', 
00030             'MDME(958,1) = 0        ', 
00031             'MDME(959,1) = 0        ', 
00032             'MDME(960,1) = 0        ', 
00033             'MDME(961,1) = 0        ', 
00034             'MDME(962,1) = 0        ', 
00035             'MDME(963,1) = 0        ', 
00036             'MDME(964,1) = 0        ', 
00037             'MDME(965,1) = 0        ', 
00038             'MDME(966,1) = 0        ', 
00039             'MDME(967,1) = 0        ', 
00040             'MDME(968,1) = 0        ', 
00041             'MDME(969,1) = 0        ', 
00042             'MDME(970,1) = 0        ', 
00043             'MDME(971,1) = 0        ', 
00044             'MDME(972,1) = 0        ', 
00045             'MDME(973,1) = 0        ', 
00046             'MDME(974,1) = 0        ', 
00047             'MDME(975,1) = 0        ', 
00048             'MDME(976,1) = 0        ', 
00049             'MDME(977,1) = 0        ', 
00050             'MDME(978,1) = 0        ', 
00051             'MDME(979,1) = 0        ', 
00052             'MDME(980,1) = 0        ', 
00053             'MDME(981,1) = 0        ', 
00054             'MDME(982,1) = 0        ', 
00055             'MDME(983,1) = 0        ', 
00056             'MDME(984,1) = 0        ', 
00057             'MDME(985,1) = 0        ', 
00058             'MDME(986,1) = 0        ', 
00059             'MDME(987,1) = 0        ', 
00060             'MDME(988,1) = 0        ', 
00061             'MDME(989,1) = 0        ', 
00062             'MDME(990,1) = 0        ', 
00063             'MDME(991,1) = 0        ', 
00064             'MDME(953,1) = 1       !  Bs -> mu mu '),
00065         # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order 
00066         # The first one sets some defaults 
00067         # The second one are the user specific parameters 
00068         parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', 
00069             'processParameters')
00070     )
00071 )