
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 L1TSync = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1TSync",
00005   dqmStore                = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00006   disableROOToutput       = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00007   verbose                 = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00008   inputTagScalersResults  = cms.InputTag("scalersRawToDigi"),
00009   inputTagL1GtDataDaq     = cms.InputTag("gtDigis"),
00010   inputTagtEvmSource      = cms.InputTag("gtEvmDigis"),
00012   # Online
00013   oracleDB   = cms.string("oracle://CMS_OMDS_LB/CMS_TRG_R"),
00014   pathCondDB = cms.string("/nfshome0/centraltspro/secure/"),                
00016   # Offline
00017   #oracleDB   = cms.string("oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_L1T")
00018   #pathCondDB = cms.string("/afs/"),                
00020   # Index for the prescale set to be used 
00021   # as reference
00022   refPrescaleSet = cms.int32(0), 
00024   # Categories to process
00025   Categories = cms.PSet(
00027       # Global parameters for algo selection
00028       forceGlobalParameters = cms.bool(False),  # Force use of global over bit-by-bit parameters 
00029       doGlobalAutoSelection = cms.bool(False),  # Do automatic/fixed algo selection for all monitored algos
00031       BPTX = cms.PSet(
00032         monitor       = cms.bool(True),
00033         algo          = cms.string("L1_ZeroBias"),
00034         CertMinEvents = cms.int32(50),
00035       ),
00036       Mu = cms.PSet(
00037         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00038         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00039         algo            = cms.string(""),
00040         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00041       ),
00042       EG = cms.PSet(
00043         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00044         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00045         algo            = cms.string(""),
00046         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00047       ),
00048       IsoEG = cms.PSet( 
00049         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00050         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00051         algo            = cms.string(""),
00052         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00053       ),
00054       Jet = cms.PSet(
00055         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00056         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00057         algo            = cms.string(""),
00058         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00059       ),
00060       CenJet = cms.PSet(
00061         monitor         = cms.bool(False),
00062         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00063         algo            = cms.string(""),
00064         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(50),
00065       ),
00066       ForJet = cms.PSet(
00067         monitor         = cms.bool(False),
00068         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00069         algo            = cms.string(""),
00070         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00071       ),
00072       TauJet = cms.PSet(
00073         monitor         = cms.bool(False),
00074         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00075         algo            = cms.string(""),
00076         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00077       ),
00078       ETM = cms.PSet(
00079         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00080         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00081         algo            = cms.string(""),
00082         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00083       ),
00084       ETT = cms.PSet(   
00085         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00086         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00087         algo            = cms.string(""),
00088         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00089       ),
00090       HTT = cms.PSet(   
00091         monitor         = cms.bool(True),
00092         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00093         algo            = cms.string(""),
00094         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00095       ),
00096       HTM = cms.PSet(
00097         monitor         = cms.bool(True),   
00098         doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
00099         algo            = cms.string(""),
00100         CertMinEvents   = cms.int32(20),
00101       ),
00102   ),
00103 )