
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # This config file is used to define a set of perfsuite jobs
00002 #    These may be run on a single machine or multiple machines depending on the inputs to
00003 # The set of jobs is defined as a variable called listperfsuitekeywords
00004 #
00005 # listperfsuitekeywords items must all be dictionaries. Each dictionary can only use the following valid keywords:
00006 # "castordir" (Path String), "TimeSizeEvents" (int), "IgProfEvents" (int), "ValgrindEvents" (int),
00007 # "cmsScimark" (int), "cmsScimarkLarge" (int), "cmsdriverOptions" (string), "stepOptions" (string), "quicktest" (boolen),
00008 # "profilers" (string of ints), "cpus" list of (int)s, "cores" (int), "prevrel" (path string), "isAllCandles" (boolean),
00009 # "candles" list of (string)s, "bypasshlt" (boolean), "runonspare" (boolean)
00010 #
00011 #  Consult --help for an explanation of these options
00012 #
00013 #  For example a default perfsuite run followed by a default run with only 50 TimeSize events would be
00014 # 
00015 # listperfsuitekeywords = [{},                     # An empty dictionary means run the default values
00016 #                          {"TimeSizeEvents" : 50}]
00017 #
00018 #
00019 #  A set of commands that:
00020 #          1) Runs a default perfsuite run
00021 #          2) Runs perfsuite with 25 TimeSize Events, on cores 1 & 2, for only MinBias candle and for the GEN-SIM step only
00022 #          3) Runs perfsuite with 10 TimeSize Events, without running Scimark on the spare cores and passing fake conditions to
00023 #  can be defined as:
00025 global listperfsuitekeywords
00026 #listperfsuitekeywords = [{"TimeSizeEvents":1,"TimeSizeCandles":"MinBias","cmsScimark":0,"cmsScimarkLarge": 0, "cpus":"All"}]
00027 #listperfsuitekeywords = [{"TimeSizeEvents":1,"TimeSizeCandles":"MinBias,SingleElectronE1000,SingleMuMinusPt10,SinglePiMinusE1000,QCD_80_120,TTbar","cmsScimark":1,"cmsScimarkLarge": 1, "cmsdriverOptions":"--eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --conditions=FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,IDEAL_V9::All","cpus":"All","stepOptions":"GEN-SIM,DIGI,RAW2DIGI-RECO"}]
00028 listperfsuitekeywords = [{"TimeSizeEvents":100,"TimeSizeCandles":"MinBias,SingleElectronE1000,SingleMuMinusPt10,SinglePiMinusE1000,QCD_80_120,TTbar","cmsScimark":10,"cmsScimarkLarge": 10, "cmsdriverOptions":"--eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,IDEAL_V12::All","cpus":"All","stepOptions":"GEN-SIM,DIGI,RAW2DIGI-RECO"}]
00029 #                         {"cores": [1,2]}, {"candles": ["MinBias"]}, {"TimeSizeEvents": 10}, {"IgProfEvents" :0}, {"ValgrindEvents":0},  {"runonspare": False}, {"cmsdriverOptions": "--contents FEVTDEBUGHLT --conditions=FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,IDEAL_V9::All"}]