Variables | |
tuple | MuonSimHits |
00001 cms.EDProducer("MuonSimHitProducer", 00002 # Material effects (Multiple scattering) 00003 MaterialEffectsForMuonsBlock, 00004 # Services 00005 MuonServiceProxy, 00006 # Muons 00007 MUONS = cms.PSet( 00008 # The muon simtrack's must be taken from there 00009 simModuleLabel = cms.string('famosSimHits'), 00010 simModuleProcess = cms.string('MuonSimTracks'), 00011 # The reconstruted tracks must be taken from there 00012 trackModuleLabel = cms.string('generalTracks'), 00013 simHitDTIneffParameters = cms.vdouble(0.342, -4.597), 00014 simHitCSCIneffParameters = cms.vdouble(0.200, -3.199) 00015 ), 00016 Chi2EstimatorCut = cms.double(1000.0), 00017 TRACKS = cms.PSet( 00018 # Set to true if the full pattern recognition was used 00019 # to reconstruct tracks in the tracker 00020 FullPatternRecognition = cms.untracked.bool(False) 00021 ) 00022 )
Definition at line 5 of file