Go to the documentation of this file.00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 RecoHiEgammaFEVT = cms.PSet(
00004 outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring(
00005 'keep recoSuperClusters_*_*_*',
00006 'keep recoCaloClusters_*_*_*',
00007 'keep EcalRecHitsSorted_*_*_*',
00008 'keep floatedmValueMap_*_*_*',
00009 'keep recoPFCandidates_*_*_*',
00010 "drop recoPFClusters_*_*_*",
00011 "keep recoElectronSeeds_*_*_*",
00012 "keep recoGsfElectrons_*_*_*"
00013 )
00014 )
00016 RecoHiEgammaRECO = cms.PSet(
00017 outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring(
00018 'keep recoSuperClusters_*_*_*',
00019 'keep recoCaloClusters_*_*_*',
00020 'keep EcalRecHitsSorted_*_*_*',
00021 'keep floatedmValueMap_*_*_*',
00022 'keep recoPFCandidates_*_*_*',
00023 "drop recoPFClusters_*_*_*",
00024 "keep recoElectronSeeds_*_*_*",
00025 "keep recoGsfElectrons_*_*_*"
00026 )
00027 )
00029 RecoHiEgammaAOD = cms.PSet(
00030 outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring(
00031 'keep floatedmValueMap_*_*_*'
00032 )
00033 )