
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // File:
00003 // Description: Makes a TIB layer and position the strings with a tilt angle
00006 #include <cmath>
00007 #include <algorithm>
00009 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00010 #include "DetectorDescription/Base/interface/DDutils.h"
00011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
00012 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h"
00013 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
00014 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCurrentNamespace.h"
00015 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSplit.h"
00016 #include "Geometry/MTCCTrackerCommonData/plugins/DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC.h"
00017 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
00018 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
00020 DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC(): ribW(0),ribPhi(0) {
00021   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC info: Creating an instance";
00022 }
00024 DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::~DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC() {}
00026 void DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::initialize(const DDNumericArguments & nArgs,
00027                                      const DDVectorArguments & vArgs,
00028                                      const DDMapArguments & ,
00029                                      const DDStringArguments & sArgs,
00030                                      const DDStringVectorArguments & ) {
00032   idNameSpace  = DDCurrentNamespace::ns();
00033   genMat       = sArgs["GeneralMaterial"];
00034   DDName parentName = parent().name(); 
00035   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Parent " << parentName 
00036                       << " NameSpace " << idNameSpace << " General Material " 
00037                       << genMat;
00039   detectorTilt = nArgs["DetectorTilt"];
00040   layerL       = nArgs["LayerL"];
00041   detectorTol  = nArgs["LayerTolerance"];
00042   detectorW    = nArgs["DetectorWidth"];
00043   detectorT    = nArgs["DetectorThickness"];
00044   coolTubeW    = nArgs["CoolTubeWidth"];
00045   coolTubeT    = nArgs["CoolTubeThickness"];
00046   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Tilt Angle " 
00047                       << detectorTilt/CLHEP::deg << " Layer Length/tolerance " 
00048                       << layerL << " " << detectorTol
00049                       << " Detector layer Width/Thick " << detectorW << ", " 
00050                       << detectorT << " Cooling Tube/Cable layer Width/Thick " 
00051                       << coolTubeW << ", " << coolTubeT;
00053   radiusLo     = nArgs["RadiusLo"];
00054   phioffLo     = nArgs["PhiOffsetLo"];
00055   phiMinLo     = nArgs["PhiMinimumLo"];
00056   phiMaxLo     = nArgs["PhiMaximumLo"];
00057   stringsLo    = int(nArgs["StringsLo"]);
00058   stringLoList = vArgs["StringLoList"];
00059   detectorLo   = sArgs["StringDetLoName"];
00060   emptyDetectorLo = sArgs["EmptyStringDetLoName"];
00061   roffDetLo    = nArgs["ROffsetDetLo"];
00062   coolCableLo  = sArgs["StringCabLoName"];
00063   emptyCoolCableLo = sArgs["EmptyStringCabLoName"];
00064   roffCableLo  = nArgs["ROffsetCabLo"];
00065   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Lower layer Radius " 
00066                       << radiusLo << " Phi offset " << phioffLo/CLHEP::deg 
00067                       << " min " << phiMinLo/CLHEP::deg << " max " 
00068                       << phiMaxLo/CLHEP::deg << " Number " << stringsLo 
00069                       << " String " << detectorLo << " at offset " 
00070                       << roffDetLo << " String " << coolCableLo <<" at offset "
00071                       << roffCableLo << " Strings filled: ";
00072   for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringLoList.size(); i++) {
00073     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "String " << i << " " << (int)stringLoList[i];
00074   }
00075   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " Empty String " << emptyDetectorLo  << " at offset "
00076                       << roffDetLo << " Empty String " << emptyCoolCableLo 
00077                       << " at offset " << roffCableLo;
00079   radiusUp     = nArgs["RadiusUp"];
00080   phioffUp     = nArgs["PhiOffsetUp"];
00081   phiMinUp     = nArgs["PhiMinimumUp"];
00082   phiMaxUp     = nArgs["PhiMaximumUp"];
00083   stringsUp    = int(nArgs["StringsUp"]);
00084   stringUpList = vArgs["StringUpList"];
00085   detectorUp   = sArgs["StringDetUpName"];
00086   emptyDetectorUp = sArgs["EmptyStringDetUpName"];
00087   roffDetUp    = nArgs["ROffsetDetUp"];
00088   coolCableUp  = sArgs["StringCabUpName"];
00089   emptyCoolCableUp = sArgs["EmptyStringCabUpName"];
00090   roffCableUp  = nArgs["ROffsetCabUp"];
00091   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Upper layer Radius " 
00092                       << radiusUp << " Phi offset " << phioffUp/CLHEP::deg 
00093                       << " min " << phiMinUp/CLHEP::deg << " max " 
00094                       << phiMaxUp/CLHEP::deg << " Number " << stringsUp 
00095                       << " String " << detectorUp << " at offset " << roffDetUp
00096                       << " String " << coolCableUp << " at offset " 
00097                       << roffCableUp << " Strings filled: ";
00098   for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringUpList.size(); i++) {
00099     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "String " << i << " " << (int)stringUpList[i];
00100   }
00101   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " Empty String " << emptyDetectorUp  << " at offset "
00102                       << roffDetUp << " Empty String " << emptyCoolCableUp 
00103                       << " at offset " << roffCableUp;
00105   cylinderT    = nArgs["CylinderThickness"];
00106   cylinderMat  = sArgs["CylinderMaterial"];
00107   supportW     = nArgs["SupportWidth"];
00108   supportT     = nArgs["SupportThickness"];
00109   supportMat   = sArgs["SupportMaterial"];
00110   ribMat       = sArgs["RibMaterial"];
00111   ribW         = vArgs["RibWidth"];
00112   ribPhi       = vArgs["RibPhi"];
00113   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: Cylinder Material/"
00114                       << "thickness " << cylinderMat << " " << cylinderT 
00115                       << " Support Wall Material/Width/Thickness " 
00116                       << supportMat << " " << supportW << " " << supportT 
00117                       << " Rib Material " << ribMat << " at "
00118                       << ribW.size() << " positions with width/phi";
00119   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ribW.size(); i++)
00120     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "Rib " <<  i << " " <<  ribW[i] << " " 
00121                         << ribPhi[i]/CLHEP::deg;
00123   dohmN               = int(nArgs["DOHMPhiNumber"]);
00124   dohmCarrierW        = nArgs["DOHMCarrierWidth"];
00125   dohmCarrierT        = nArgs["DOHMCarrierThickness"];
00126   dohmCarrierR        = nArgs["DOHMCarrierRadialHeight"];
00127   dohmCarrierMaterial = sArgs["DOHMCarrierMaterial"];
00128   dohmCableMaterial   = sArgs["DOHMCableMaterial"];
00129   dohmPrimW           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMWidth"];
00130   dohmPrimL           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMLength"];
00131   dohmPrimT           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMThickness"];
00132   dohmPrimMaterial    = sArgs["DOHMPRIMMaterial"];
00133   dohmAuxW            = nArgs["DOHMAUXWidth"];
00134   dohmAuxL            = nArgs["DOHMAUXLength"];
00135   dohmAuxT            = nArgs["DOHMAUXThickness"];
00136   dohmAuxMaterial     = sArgs["DOHMAUXMaterial"];
00137   dohmList            = vArgs["DOHMList"];
00138   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: DOHM PRIMary " << dohmN
00139                       << " Width/Length/Thickness " << " Material " 
00140                       << dohmPrimMaterial << " " << dohmPrimW << " " 
00141                       << dohmPrimL << " " << dohmPrimT
00142                       << " at positions:";
00143   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dohmList.size(); i++) {
00144     if((int)dohmList[i]>0) LogDebug("TIBGeom") <<  i+1 << ",";
00145   }
00146   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: DOHM AUXiliary "
00147                       << " Material " << dohmAuxMaterial << " " 
00148                       << dohmAuxW << " " << dohmAuxL << " " << dohmAuxT
00149                       << " at positions:";
00150   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dohmList.size(); i++) {
00151     if((int)dohmList[i]==2) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << i+1 << ",";
00152   }
00153   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " in Carrier Width/Thickness/Radius " 
00154                       << dohmCarrierW << " " << dohmCarrierT << " " 
00155                       << dohmCarrierR << " Carrier Material " 
00156                       << dohmCarrierMaterial
00157                       << "\n with cables and connectors Material " 
00158                       << dohmCableMaterial << "\n"
00159                       << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC debug: no DOHM "
00160                       << " at positions: ";
00161   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dohmList.size(); i++) {
00162     if((int)dohmList[i]==0) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << i+1 << ",";
00163   }
00165 }
00168 void DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::execute(DDCompactView& cpv) {
00170   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC...";
00172   //Parameters for the tilt of the layer
00173   double rotsi  = std::abs(detectorTilt);
00174   double redgd1 = 0.5*(detectorW*sin(rotsi)+detectorT*cos(rotsi));
00175   double redgd2 = 0.5*(detectorW*cos(rotsi)-detectorT*sin(rotsi));
00176   double redgc1 = 0.5*(coolTubeW*sin(rotsi)+coolTubeT*cos(rotsi));
00177   double redgc2 = 0.5*(coolTubeW*cos(rotsi)-coolTubeT*sin(rotsi));
00178   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test DeltaR (Detector Tilt) " 
00179                       << redgd1 << ", " << redgd2 << " DeltaR (Cable+Cool) "
00180                       << redgc1 << ", " << redgc2;
00182   DDName parentName = parent().name(); 
00183   const std::string &idName =;
00184   double rmin = radiusLo + roffDetLo - redgd1 - detectorTol;
00185   double rmax = sqrt((radiusUp+roffDetUp+redgd1)*(radiusUp+roffDetUp+redgd1)+
00186                      redgd2*redgd2) + detectorTol;
00187   DDSolid solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(idName, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00188                                        rmin, rmax, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
00189   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00190                       << DDName(idName,idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00191                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
00192                       << " with Rin " << rmin << " Rout " << rmax << " ZHalf "
00193                       << 0.5*layerL;
00194   DDName matname(DDSplit(genMat).first, DDSplit(genMat).second);
00195   DDMaterial matter(matname);
00196   DDLogicalPart layer(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00198   //Lower part first
00199   double rin  = rmin;
00200   double rout = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp-cylinderT);
00201   std::string name = idName + "Down";
00202   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00203                                rin, rout, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
00204   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
00205                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00206                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
00207                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " 
00208                       << 0.5*layerL;
00209   DDLogicalPart layerIn(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00210  cpv.position(layerIn, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
00211   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
00212                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00213                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00215   double rposdet = radiusLo + roffDetLo;
00216   double rposcab = rposdet + roffCableLo;
00217   double dphi    = CLHEP::twopi/stringsLo;
00218   DDName detIn(DDSplit(detectorLo).first, DDSplit(detectorLo).second);
00219   DDName cabIn(DDSplit(coolCableLo).first, DDSplit(coolCableLo).second);
00220   for (int n = 0; n < stringsLo; n++) {
00221     double phi    = phioffLo + n*dphi;
00222     if( phi>=phiMinLo && phi<phiMaxLo ) { // phi range
00223       double phix   = phi - detectorTilt + 90*CLHEP::deg;
00224       double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
00225       DDRotation rotation;
00226       if (phideg != 0) {
00227         double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
00228         double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
00229         std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00230         rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00231         if (!rotation) {
00232           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
00233                               << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00234                               << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
00235                               << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
00236           rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
00237                            0., 0.);
00238         }
00239       }
00241       // fill strings in the stringLoList with modules, the others with only structure
00242       bool empty=true;
00243       for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringLoList.size(); i++) {
00244         if(n+1==(int)stringLoList[i]) {
00245           empty=false;
00246         }
00247       }
00248       if(empty) {
00249         if(emptyDetectorLo!="nothing") {
00250           DDName emptyDetIn(DDSplit(emptyDetectorLo).first, DDSplit(emptyDetectorLo).second);
00251           DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
00252          cpv.position(emptyDetIn, layerIn, n+1, trdet, rotation);
00253           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
00254                               << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00255                               << << " at " << trdet 
00256                               << " with " << rotation;      
00257         }
00258         if(emptyCoolCableLo!="nothing") {
00259           DDName emptyCabIn(DDSplit(emptyCoolCableLo).first, DDSplit(emptyCoolCableLo).second);
00260           DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
00261          cpv.position(emptyCabIn, layerIn, n+1, trcab, rotation);
00262           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00263                               << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00264                               << << " at " << trcab 
00265                               << " with " << rotation;
00266         }
00267       } else {
00268         DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
00269         cpv.position(detIn, layerIn, n+1, trdet, rotation);
00270         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00271                             << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00272                             << << " at " << trdet 
00273                             << " with " << rotation;
00274         DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
00275         cpv.position(cabIn, layerIn, n+1, trcab, rotation);
00276         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00277                             << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00278                             << << " at " << trcab 
00279                             << " with " << rotation;
00280       }
00281       //
00283     } // phi range
00285   }
00287   //Now the upper part
00288   rin  = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp+cylinderT);
00289   rout = rmax;
00290   name = idName + "Up";
00291   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00292                                rin, rout, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
00293   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00294                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00295                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
00296                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " 
00297                       << 0.5*layerL;
00298   DDLogicalPart layerOut(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00299  cpv.position(layerOut, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
00300   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
00301                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00302                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00304   rposdet = radiusUp + roffDetUp;
00305   rposcab = rposdet + roffCableUp;
00306   dphi    = CLHEP::twopi/stringsUp;
00307   DDName detOut(DDSplit(detectorUp).first, DDSplit(detectorUp).second);
00308   DDName cabOut(DDSplit(coolCableUp).first, DDSplit(coolCableUp).second);
00309   for (int n = 0; n < stringsUp; n++) {
00310     double phi    = phioffUp + n*dphi;
00311     if( phi>=phiMinUp && phi<phiMaxUp ) { // phi range
00312       double phix   = phi - detectorTilt - 90*CLHEP::deg;
00313       double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
00314       DDRotation rotation;
00315       if (phideg != 0) {
00316         double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
00317         double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
00318         std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00319         rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00320         if (!rotation) {
00321           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
00322                               << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00323                               << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
00324                               << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
00325           rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
00326                            0., 0.);
00327         }
00328       }
00330       // fill strings in the stringUpList with modules, the others with only structure
00331       bool empty=true;
00332       for(unsigned int i=0; i<stringUpList.size(); i++) {
00333         if(n+1==(int)stringUpList[i]) {
00334           empty=false;
00335         }
00336       }
00337       if(empty) {
00338         if(emptyDetectorUp!="nothing") {
00339           DDName emptyDetOut(DDSplit(emptyDetectorUp).first, DDSplit(emptyDetectorUp).second);
00340           DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
00341          cpv.position(emptyDetOut, layerOut, n+1, trdet, rotation);
00342           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer test " <<
00343                               << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00344                               << << " at " << trdet 
00345                               << " with " << rotation;
00347         }
00348         if(emptyCoolCableUp!="nothing") {
00349           DDName emptyCabOut(DDSplit(emptyCoolCableUp).first, DDSplit(emptyCoolCableUp).second);
00350           DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
00351          cpv.position(emptyCabOut, layerOut, n+1, trcab, rotation);
00352           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
00353                               << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00354                               << << " at " << trcab 
00355                               << " with " << rotation;
00356         }
00357       } else {
00358         DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
00359         cpv.position(detOut, layerOut, n+1, trdet, rotation);
00360         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer test " << 
00361                             << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00362                             << << " at " << trdet 
00363                             << " with " << rotation;
00364         DDTranslation trcab(rposcab*cos(phi), rposcab*sin(phi), 0);
00365         cpv.position(cabOut, layerOut, n+1, trcab, rotation);
00366         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00367                             << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00368                             << << " at " << trcab 
00369                             << " with " << rotation;
00370       }
00371       //
00373     } // phi range
00375   }
00377   double phiMin  = phiMinUp-phioffUp;   // lower phi for cylinders
00378   double phiMax  = phiMaxUp-phioffUp;   // upper phi for cylinders
00379   double phidiff = fabs(phiMax-phiMin); // cylinders will not be twopi but phidiff
00380   //Finally the inner cylinder, support wall and ribs
00381   rin  = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp-cylinderT);
00382   rout = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp+cylinderT);
00383   name = idName + "Cylinder";
00384   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.25*layerL,
00385                                rin, rout, phiMin, phidiff);
00386   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00387                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00388                       << cylinderMat << " from " << phiMin/CLHEP::deg << " to "
00389                       << (phiMin+phidiff)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " << rin 
00390                       << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " << 0.25*layerL;
00391   matname = DDName(DDSplit(cylinderMat).first, DDSplit(cylinderMat).second);
00392   DDMaterial matcyl(matname);
00393   DDLogicalPart cylinder(solid.ddname(), matcyl, solid);
00394  cpv.position(cylinder, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0,0.0,0.25*layerL), DDRotation());
00395   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
00396                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00397                       << " at (0,0," << 0.25*layerL << ") with no rotation";
00398   rin  += supportT;
00399   rout -= supportT;
00400   name  = idName + "CylinderIn";
00401   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00402                                rin, rout, phiMin, phidiff);
00403   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00404                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00405                       << genMat << " from " << phiMin/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
00406                       << (phiMin+phidiff)/CLHEP::deg << phidiff/CLHEP::deg 
00407                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " 
00408                       << 0.5*layerL;
00409   DDLogicalPart cylinderIn(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00410  cpv.position(cylinderIn, cylinder, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, -0.25*layerL), DDRotation());
00411   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
00412                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00413                       << " at (0,0," << -0.25*layerL << ") with no rotation";
00414   name  = idName + "CylinderInSup";
00415   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*supportW,
00416                                rin, rout, phiMin, phidiff);
00417   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00418                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00419                       << genMat << " from " << phiMin/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
00420                       << (phiMin+phidiff)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " << rin 
00421                       << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf " << 0.5*supportW;
00422   matname = DDName(DDSplit(supportMat).first, DDSplit(supportMat).second);
00423   DDMaterial matsup(matname);
00424   DDLogicalPart cylinderSup(solid.ddname(), matsup, solid);
00425  cpv.position(cylinderSup, cylinderIn, 1, DDTranslation(0., 0., 0.), DDRotation());
00426   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " << 
00427                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00428                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00429   matname = DDName(DDSplit(ribMat).first, DDSplit(ribMat).second);
00430   DDMaterial matrib(matname);
00431   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ribW.size(); i++) {
00432     name = idName + "Rib" + dbl_to_string(i);
00433     double width = 2.*ribW[i]/(rin+rout);
00434     double dz    = 0.25*(layerL - supportW);
00435     solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz, rin, rout, 
00436                                  -0.5*width, width);
00437     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00438                         << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00439                         << ribMat << " from " << -0.5*width/CLHEP::deg
00440                         << " to " << 0.5*width/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " 
00441                         << rin << " Rout " << rout << " ZHalf "  << dz;
00442     DDLogicalPart cylinderRib(solid.ddname(), matrib, solid);
00443     double phix   = ribPhi[i];
00444     double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
00445     if( phideg>=phiMin/CLHEP::deg && phideg<phiMax/CLHEP::deg ) { // phi range
00446       DDRotation rotation;
00447       if (phideg != 0) {
00448         double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
00449         double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
00450         std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00451         rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00452         if (!rotation) {
00453           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
00454                               << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00455                               << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
00456                               << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
00457           rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
00458                            0., 0.);
00459         }
00460       }
00461       DDTranslation tran(0, 0, +0.25*(layerL+supportW));
00462      cpv.position(cylinderRib, cylinderIn, 1, tran, rotation);
00463       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00464                           << " number 1 positioned in " << 
00465                           << " at " << tran << " with " << rotation;
00466     } // phi range
00467   }
00470   // DOHM + carrier (portadohm)
00471   double dz_dohm    = 0.5*dohmCarrierW;
00472   double dphi_dohm  = CLHEP::twopi/((double)dohmN);
00473   double rout_dohm  = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp+cylinderT)+dohmCarrierR;
00475   // DOHM Carrier TIB+ & TIB-
00476   // lower
00477   name = idName + "DOHMCarrier_lo";
00478   double rin_lo  = rout_dohm;
00479   double rout_lo = rin_lo + dohmCarrierT;
00480   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz_dohm, 
00481                                rin_lo, rout_lo, 
00482                                -0.5*dphi_dohm, dphi_dohm);
00483   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00484                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00485                       << dohmCarrierMaterial << " from " 
00486                       << -0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
00487                       << +0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " 
00488                       << rin_lo << " Rout " << rout_lo << " ZHalf "  
00489                       << dz_dohm;
00490   // create different name objects for only PRIMary DOHMs and PRIMary+AUXiliary DOHM Carriers
00491   std::string name_lo_r = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_lo" + "_r";
00492   std::string name_lo_l = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_lo" + "_l";
00493   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r(name_lo_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00494   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_l(name_lo_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00495   name_lo_r = name + "_PRIM" + "_lo" + "_r";
00496   name_lo_l = name + "_PRIM" + "_lo" + "_l";
00497   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r(name_lo_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00498   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_lo_l(name_lo_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00499   // upper
00500   name = idName + "DOHMCarrier_up";
00501   double rin_up  = rout_lo + 2.*dohmAuxT;
00502   double rout_up = rin_up + dohmCarrierT;
00503   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz_dohm, 
00504                                rin_up, rout_up, 
00505                                -0.5*dphi_dohm, dphi_dohm);
00506   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00507                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00508                       << dohmCarrierMaterial << " from " 
00509                       << -0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " to " 
00510                       << +0.5*(dphi_dohm)/CLHEP::deg << " with Rin " 
00511                       << rin_up << " Rout " << rout_up << " ZHalf "
00512                       << dz_dohm;
00513   // create different name objects for only PRIMary DOHMs and PRIMary+AUXiliary DOHM Carriers
00514   std::string name_up_r = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_up" + "_r";
00515   std::string name_up_l = name + "_PRIM_AUX" + "_up" + "_l";
00516   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_r(name_up_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00517   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_l(name_up_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00518   name_up_r = name + "_PRIM" + "_up" + "_r";
00519   name_up_l = name + "_PRIM" + "_up" + "_l";
00520   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_up_r(name_up_r, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00521   DDLogicalPart dohmCarrierPrim_up_l(name_up_l, DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial), solid);
00522   //
00523   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)dohmN; i++) {
00524     DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_lo_r;
00525     DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_lo_l;
00526     DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_up_r;
00527     DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier_up_l;
00528     // create different name objects for only PRIMary DOHMs and PRIMary+AUXiliary DOHMs
00529     bool prim = false;
00530     bool aux  = false;
00531     if((unsigned int)dohmList[i]==2) {
00532       prim = true;
00533       aux  = true;
00534     } else if((unsigned int)dohmList[i]==1) {
00535       prim = true;
00536       aux  = false;
00537     } else {
00538       prim = false;
00539       aux  = false;      
00540     }
00542     if(prim) {
00543       dohmCarrier_lo_r = dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r;
00544       dohmCarrier_lo_l = dohmCarrierPrim_lo_l;
00545       dohmCarrier_up_r = dohmCarrierPrim_up_r;
00546       dohmCarrier_up_l = dohmCarrierPrim_up_l;
00547     }
00548     if(prim && aux) {
00549       dohmCarrier_lo_r = dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r;
00550       dohmCarrier_lo_l = dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_l;
00551       dohmCarrier_up_r = dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_r;
00552       dohmCarrier_up_l = dohmCarrierPrimAux_up_l;
00553     }
00554     //
00556     if(prim) {
00557       double phix   = ((double)i+0.5)*dphi_dohm;
00558       double phideg = phix/CLHEP::deg;
00559       //    if( phideg>=phiMin/CLHEP::deg && phideg<phiMax/CLHEP::deg ) { // phi range
00560       DDRotation rotation;
00561       if (phideg != 0) {
00562         double theta  = 90*CLHEP::deg;
00563         double phiy   = phix + 90.*CLHEP::deg;
00564         std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00565         rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00566         if (!rotation) {
00567           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test: Creating a new "
00568                               << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00569                               << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," 
00570                               << phiy/CLHEP::deg << ", 0, 0";
00571           rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta,phix, theta,phiy,
00572                            0., 0.);
00573         }
00574       }
00575       // TIB+ DOHM Carrier - lower
00576       DDTranslation tran(0, 0, 0.5*layerL-dz_dohm);
00577      cpv.position(dohmCarrier_lo_r, parent(), i+1, tran, rotation );
00578       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
00579                           << " z+ number " << i+1 << " positioned in " 
00580                           << parent().name() << " at " << tran
00581                           << " with " << rotation;
00582       // TIB+ DOHM Carrier - upper
00583      cpv.position(dohmCarrier_up_r, parent(), i+1+(unsigned int)dohmN, tran, rotation );
00584       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
00585                           << " z+ number " << i+1 << " positioned in " 
00586                           << parent().name() << " at " << tran
00587                           << " with " << rotation;
00588     }
00590     //    } // phi range
00591   }
00594   // DOHM only PRIMary
00595   double dx = 0.5*dohmPrimT;
00596   double dy = 0.5*dohmPrimW;
00597   double dz = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
00598   name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM";
00599   solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx, dy, dz);
00600   DDLogicalPart dohmPrim(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmPrimMaterial), solid);
00601   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
00602                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
00603                       << dohmPrimMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx << ", " 
00604                       << dy << ", " << dz;
00605   name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM_Cable";
00606   double dx_cable = 0.25*dohmPrimT;
00607   double dy_cable = 0.40*dohmPrimW;
00608   double dz_cable = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
00609   solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx_cable, dy_cable, dz_cable);
00610   DDLogicalPart dohmCablePrim(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmCableMaterial), solid);
00611   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
00612                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of "
00613                       << dohmCableMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx_cable
00614                       << ", " << dy_cable << ", " << dz_cable;
00615   // TIB+ DOHM
00616   DDTranslation tran(rout_dohm+0.5*dohmPrimT, 0. , 0.);
00617  cpv.position(dohmPrim, dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
00618   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00619                       << " z+ number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
00620                       << << " at " << tran 
00621                       << " with no rotation";
00622   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, 0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
00623  cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
00624   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00625                       << " copy number " << 1 << " positioned in "
00626                       <<
00627                       << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
00628   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, -0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
00629  cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrim_lo_r, 2, tran, DDRotation() );
00630   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " <<
00631                       << " copy number " << 2 << " positioned in " 
00632                       <<
00633                       << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
00635   // DOHM PRIMary + AUXiliary
00636   dx = 0.5*dohmPrimT;
00637   dy = 0.5*dohmPrimW;
00638   dz = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
00639   name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM";
00640   solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx, dy, dz);
00641   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00642                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of "
00643                       << dohmPrimMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx << ", " 
00644                       << dy << ", " << dz;
00645   dohmPrim = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmPrimMaterial), solid);
00646   name = idName + "DOHM_PRIM_Cable";
00647   dx_cable = 0.25*dohmPrimT;
00648   dy_cable = 0.40*dohmPrimW;
00649   dz_cable = 0.5*dohmPrimL;
00650   solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx_cable, dy_cable, dz_cable);
00651   dohmCablePrim = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmCableMaterial), solid);
00652   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: "
00653                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
00654                       << dohmCableMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx_cable 
00655                       << ", " << dy_cable << ", " << dz_cable;
00656   dx = 0.5*dohmAuxT;
00657   dy = 0.5*dohmAuxW;
00658   dz = 0.5*dohmAuxL;
00659   name = idName + "DOHM_AUX";
00660   solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx, dy, dz);
00661   DDLogicalPart dohmAux(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmAuxMaterial), solid);
00662   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00663                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
00664                       << dohmAuxMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx << ", " 
00665                       << dy << ", " << dz;
00666   name = idName + "DOHM_AUX_Cable";
00667   solid = DDSolidFactory::box(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dx_cable, dy_cable, dz_cable);
00668   DDLogicalPart dohmCableAux(solid.ddname(), DDMaterial(dohmCableMaterial), solid);
00669   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC test: " 
00670                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Box made of " 
00671                       << dohmCableMaterial << " of dimensions " << dx_cable 
00672                       << ", " << dy_cable << ", " << dz_cable;
00673   // TIB+ DOHM
00674   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+0.5*dohmPrimT, -0.75*dohmPrimW , 0.);
00675  cpv.position(dohmPrim, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
00676   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00677                       << " z+ number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
00678                       << << " at " << tran 
00679                       << " with no rotation";
00680   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, -0.75*dohmPrimW+0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
00681  cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
00682   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00683                       << " copy number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
00684                       << << " at " << tran 
00685                       << " with no rotation";
00686   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, -0.75*dohmPrimW-0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
00687  cpv.position(dohmCablePrim, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 2, tran, DDRotation() );
00688   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00689                       << " copy number " << 2 << " positioned in "
00690                       << << " at " << tran 
00691                       << " with no rotation";
00692   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+0.5*dohmAuxT, 0.75*dohmAuxW , 0.);
00693  cpv.position(dohmAux, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
00694   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00695                       << " z+ number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
00696                       <<
00697                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00698   tran = DDTranslation(rout_dohm+dx_cable, 0.75*dohmAuxW+0.5*dohmPrimW , 0.);
00699  cpv.position(dohmCableAux, dohmCarrierPrimAux_lo_r, 1, tran, DDRotation() );
00700   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayer_MTCC test " << 
00701                       << " copy number " << 1 << " positioned in " 
00702                       <<
00703                       << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
00704 }