
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #
00004 # Example for a configuration of the MC match
00005 # for taus (cuts are NOT tuned)
00006 # (using old values from TQAF, january 2008)
00007 #
00008 tauMatch = cms.EDProducer("MCMatcher",
00009     src         = cms.InputTag("hpsPFTauProducer"),          # RECO objects to match
00010     matched     = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),              # mc-truth particle collection
00011     mcPdgId     = cms.vint32(15),                            # one or more PDG ID (15 = tau); absolute values (see below)
00012     checkCharge = cms.bool(True),                            # True = require RECO and MC objects to have the same charge
00013     mcStatus    = cms.vint32(2),                             # PYTHIA status code (1 = stable, 2 = shower, 3 = hard scattering)
00014                                                              # NOTE that Taus can only be status 3 or 2, never 1!
00015     maxDeltaR   = cms.double(999.9),                         # Minimum deltaR for the match.     By default any deltaR is allowed (why??)
00016     maxDPtRel   = cms.double(999.9),                         # Minimum deltaPt/Pt for the match. By default anything is allowed   ( ""  )
00017     resolveAmbiguities    = cms.bool(True),                  # Forbid two RECO objects to match to the same GEN object
00018     resolveByMatchQuality = cms.bool(False),                 # False = just match input in order; True = pick lowest deltaR pair first
00019 )
00021 tauGenJetMatch = cms.EDProducer("GenJetMatcher",             # cut on deltaR, deltaPt/Pt; pick best by deltaR
00022     src         = cms.InputTag("hpsPFTauProducer"),          # RECO jets (any View<Jet> is ok)
00023     matched     = cms.InputTag("tauGenJetsSelectorAllHadrons"),  # GEN jets  (must be GenJetCollection)
00024     mcPdgId     = cms.vint32(),                              # n/a
00025     mcStatus    = cms.vint32(),                              # n/a
00026     checkCharge = cms.bool(False),                           # n/a
00027     maxDeltaR   = cms.double(0.1),                           # Minimum deltaR for the match
00028     maxDPtRel   = cms.double(3.0),                           # Minimum deltaPt/Pt for the match
00029     resolveAmbiguities    = cms.bool(True),                  # Forbid two RECO objects to match to the same GEN object
00030     resolveByMatchQuality = cms.bool(False),                 # False = just match input in order; True = pick lowest deltaR pair first
00031 )