
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from FastSimulation.Configuration.mixFastSimObjects_cfi import *
00004 #from FastSimulation.Configuration.mixOnlyGenParticles_cfi import *
00006 mixGenPU = cms.EDProducer("MixingModule",
00007     LabelPlayback = cms.string(''),
00008     maxBunch = cms.int32(0),
00009     minBunch = cms.int32(0),
00010     bunchspace = cms.int32(25),
00011     checktof = cms.bool(False),                   
00012     playback = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00013     mixProdStep1 = cms.bool(False),
00014     mixProdStep2 = cms.bool(False),
00015     input = cms.SecSource("PoolSource",
00016                           type = cms.string('probFunction'),
00017                           nbPileupEvents = cms.PSet(
00018     probFunctionVariable = cms.vint32(),
00019     probValue = cms.vdouble(),
00020     histoFileName = cms.untracked.string('histProbFunction.root'),
00021     ),
00022                           sequential = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00023                           manage_OOT = cms.untracked.bool(False),  ## manage out-of-time pileup
00024                           ## setting this to True means that the out-of-time pileup
00025                           ## will have a different distribution than in-time, given
00026                           ## by what is described on the next line:
00027                           OOT_type = cms.untracked.string('None'),  ## generate OOT with a Poisson matching the number chosen for in-time
00028                           #OOT_type = cms.untracked.string('fixed'),  ## generate OOT with a fixed distribution
00029                           #intFixed_OOT = cms.untracked.int32(2),
00030                           fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('/store/relval/CMSSW_5_2_1/RelValProdMinBias/GEN-SIM-RAW/START52_V4-v1/0003/C44AE937-6B72-E111-814F-003048F11112.root',
00031                                                             '/store/relval/CMSSW_5_2_1/RelValProdMinBias/GEN-SIM-RAW/START52_V4-v1/0003/4A699C7B-9872-E111-B6F5-002481E0D7D8.root',
00032                                                             '/store/relval/CMSSW_5_2_1/RelValProdMinBias/GEN-SIM-RAW/START52_V4-v1/0003/988B34AB-6A72-E111-92CB-002481E0CC00.root'), # these files are stored at CERN; if you are running elsewhere, or these files are not available anymore, you can generate your own minimum bias events to be fed as input to the mixing module, with the following command: MinBias_8TeV_cfi  --conditions auto:startup -s GEN --datatier GEN -n 10000  --eventcontent RAWSIM 
00033                           ),
00034     mixObjects = cms.PSet(
00035 #        mixSH = cms.PSet(
00036 #            mixSimHits
00037 #        ),
00038 #        mixVertices = cms.PSet(
00039 #            mixSimVertices
00040 #        ),
00041 #        mixCH = cms.PSet(
00042 #            mixCaloHits
00043 #        ),
00044 #        mixMuonTracks = cms.PSet(
00045 #            mixMuonSimTracks
00046 #        ),
00047 #        mixTracks = cms.PSet(
00048 #            mixSimTracks
00049 #        ),
00050         mixHepMC = cms.PSet(
00051             mixHepMCProducts
00052         )
00053     )
00054 )