
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 patTrigger = cms.EDProducer( "PATTriggerProducer"
00004 , onlyStandAlone = cms.bool( False )
00005 # ## L1
00006 # , addL1Algos                     = cms.bool( False )                                 # default; possibly superseded by 'onlyStandAlone' = True
00007 # , l1GlobalTriggerObjectMaps      = cms.InputTag( "l1L1GtObjectMap" )                 # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00008 # , l1ExtraMu                      = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", ""            ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00009 # , l1ExtraNoIsoEG                 = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "NonIsolated" ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00010 # , l1ExtraIsoEG                   = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "Isolated"    ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00011 # , l1ExtraCenJet                  = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "Central"     ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00012 # , l1ExtraForJet                  = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "Forward"     ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00013 # , l1ExtraTauJet                  = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "Tau"         ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00014 # , l1ExtraETM                     = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "MET"         ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00015 # , l1ExtraHTM                     = cms.InputTag( "l1extraParticles", "MHT"         ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00016 # , mainBxOnly                     = cms.bool( True )                                  # default
00017 # , saveL1Refs                     = cms.bool( False )                                 # default; setting this to True requires to keep '*_l1extraParticles_*_[processName]' and '*_gctDigis_*_[processName]' in the event
00018 ## HLT (L3)
00019 , processName    = cms.string( "HLT" )                    # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00020 # , TriggerResults = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults" )       # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00021 # , triggerEvent   = cms.InputTag( "hltTriggerSummaryAOD" ) # default; change only, if you know exactly, what you are doing!
00022 # , hltPrescaleLabel = cms.string( "0" )
00023 # , hltPrescaleTable = cms.string( "hltPrescaleRecorder" )  # only the label!
00024 # , addPathModuleLabels = cms.bool( False )                 # setting this "True" stores the names of all modules as strings (~10kB/ev.); possibly superseded by 'onlyStandAlone' = True
00025 # , exludeCollections = cms.vstring()
00026 )