00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # L1GtHwValidation DQM 00004 # 00005 # V.M. Ghete 2009-10-09 00006 00007 L1GtHwValidation = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1GtHwValidation", 00008 00009 # input tag for the L1 GT hardware DAQ record 00010 L1GtDataDaqInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtDigis"), 00011 00012 # input tag for the L1 GT hardware EVM record 00013 L1GtDataEvmInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtEvmDigis"), 00014 00015 # input tag for the L1 GT emulator DAQ record 00016 L1GtEmulDaqInputTag = cms.InputTag("valGtDigis"), 00017 00018 # input tag for the L1 GT emulator EVM record 00019 L1GtEmulEvmInputTag = cms.InputTag("valGtDigis"), 00020 00021 # input tag for the L1 GCT hardware record 00022 L1GctDataInputTag = cms.InputTag("gctDigis"), 00023 00024 DQMStore = cms.untracked.bool(False), 00025 DirName = cms.untracked.string("L1TEMU/GTexpert"), 00026 00027 # exclude algorithm triggers from comparison data - emulator by 00028 # condition category and / or type and / or L1 GT object 00029 # see CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1GtFwd.h 00030 # enum L1GtConditionCategory 00031 # enum L1GtConditionType 00032 # and DataFormats/L1GlobalTrigger/interface/L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetupFwd.h 00033 # enum L1GtObject 00034 # 00035 # if category given and type empty and object empty, exclude all triggers 00036 # containing conditions of that category 00037 # if category given and type given and object empty, exclude all triggers 00038 # containing conditions of that category and that type 00039 # if category given and type given and object given, exclude all triggers 00040 # containing conditions of that category and of that type and that objects 00041 # if category empty and type given and object given, exclude all triggers 00042 # of that type and that objects (all categories) 00043 # ... and so on 00044 00045 ExcludeCondCategTypeObject = cms.VPSet( 00046 cms.PSet( 00047 ExcludedCondCategory = cms.string(""), 00048 ExcludedCondType = cms.string(""), 00049 ExcludedL1GtObject = cms.string("GtExternal") 00050 ) 00051 ), 00052 # exclude algorithm triggers from comparison data - emulator by algorithm name 00053 # if the corresponding algorithm trigger is not in the menu, nothing will happen 00054 ExcludeAlgoTrigByName = cms.vstring(), 00055 # 00056 00057 # exclude algorithm triggers from comparison data - emulator by algorithm bit number 00058 ExcludeAlgoTrigByBit = cms.vint32() 00059 # 00060 00061 ) 00062 00063