
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # HcalSeverityLevelComputer:
00004 # short instruction: severity levels are defined to grade a problem indicated through flags
00005 #
00006 #  The algorithm works from the highest level down. For each level, it determines whether any of the
00007 #  bits that is defined for its level is set. If yes, then - regardless of the setting of the other bits -
00008 #  it gives back the corresponding severity level, if no, it continues with the next lower level.
00009 #  If a defined bit vector is empty, the corresponding flag is not checked.
00010 #  This means that the highest level that has two empty vectors will be always the default level.
00011 # 
00012 # RecoveredRecHitBits: this is a mask for the determination of whether a particular RecHit is recovered
00013 #                      empty mask means that no flag is assigned to the recovered status
00014 #
00015 # DropChannelStatus: this is a mask for the determination of whether a digi should be/is dropped
00016 #                    during reconstruction because of the channelstatus of its cell
00017 #                    empty mask means that no digi should be/is dropped
00018 #
00019 # Modified 21.09.2010: a level consisting only of invalid definitions will be ignored
00020 # Any errors in definition of severity levels come through LogWarning
00022 essourceSev =  cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
00023                    recordName = cms.string("HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd"),
00024                    firstValid = cms.vuint32(1),
00025                    iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True)
00026 )
00029 hcalRecAlgos = cms.ESProducer("HcalRecAlgoESProducer",
00030     SeverityLevels = cms.VPSet(
00031         # the following is the default level, please do not modify its definition:
00032         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(0),
00033                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(''),
00034                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('')
00035                 ),
00036         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(1),
00037                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(''),
00038                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('HcalCellCaloTowerProb')
00039                 ),
00040         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(5),
00041                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring('HSCP_R1R2','HSCP_FracLeader','HSCP_OuterEnergy',
00042                                             'HSCP_ExpFit','ADCSaturationBit', 'HBHEIsolatedNoise'),
00043                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('')
00044                 ),
00045         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(8),
00046                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring('HBHEHpdHitMultiplicity', 
00047                                             'HBHEPulseShape', 
00048                                             'HOBit',
00049                                             'HFDigiTime',
00050                                             'HFInTimeWindow',
00051                                             'ZDCBit', 'CalibrationBit',
00052                                             'TimingErrorBit',
00053                                             'HBHEFlatNoise',
00054                                             'HBHESpikeNoise',
00055                                             'HBHETriangleNoise',
00056                                             'HBHETS4TS5Noise'
00057                                            ),
00058                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('')
00059                 ),
00060         # March 2010:  HFLongShort now tested, and should be excluded from CaloTowers by default
00061         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(11),
00062                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring('HFLongShort',
00063                                             # HFPET and HFS8S1Ratio feed HFLongShort, and should be at the same severity
00064                                             'HFPET',
00065                                             'HFS8S1Ratio'
00066                                             #'HFDigiTime'  # This should be set to 11 in data ONLY.  We can't set it to 11 by default, because default values should reflect MC settings, and the flag can't be used in MC
00067                                             ),
00068                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('')
00069                 ),
00070         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(12),
00071                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(''),
00072                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('HcalCellCaloTowerMask')
00073                 ),
00074         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(15),
00075                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(''),
00076                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('HcalCellHot')
00077                 ),
00078         cms.PSet( Level = cms.int32(20),
00079                   RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(''),
00080                   ChannelStatus = cms.vstring('HcalCellOff', 'HcalCellDead')
00081                 )
00082         ),
00083     RecoveredRecHitBits = cms.vstring('TimingAddedBit','TimingSubtractedBit'),
00084     DropChannelStatusBits = cms.vstring('HcalCellMask','HcalCellOff', 'HcalCellDead')
00085 )