
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 particleFlowClusterHFEM = cms.EDProducer("PFClusterProducer",
00004     # verbosity 
00005     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00006     # PFRecHit collection                                  
00007     PFRecHits = cms.InputTag("particleFlowRecHitHCAL","HFEM"),
00008     #PFCluster Collection name
00009     #PFClusterCollectionName =  cms.string("HFEM"),                                
00010     #----all thresholds are in GeV
00011     # seed threshold in HF barrel (!)
00012     thresh_Seed_Barrel = cms.double(1.4),
00013     thresh_Pt_Seed_Barrel = cms.double(0.0),
00014     # cell threshold in HF barrel (!)
00015     thresh_Barrel = cms.double(0.8),
00016     thresh_Pt_Barrel = cms.double(0.0),
00017     # cleaning threshold and minimum S4/S1 fraction in HF barrel (!)
00018     thresh_Clean_Barrel = cms.double(80.),
00019     minS4S1_Clean_Barrel = cms.vdouble(0.11, -0.19),
00020     # double spike cleaning (barrel)
00021     thresh_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double(1E9),
00022     minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Barrel = cms.double(-1.),
00023     # seed threshold in HF endcap 
00024     thresh_Seed_Endcap = cms.double(1.4),
00025     thresh_Pt_Seed_Endcap = cms.double(0.0),
00026     # cell threshold in HF endcap 
00027     thresh_Endcap = cms.double(0.8),
00028     thresh_Pt_Endcap = cms.double(0.0),
00029     # cleaning threshold and minimum S4/S1 fraction in HF endcap
00030     thresh_Clean_Endcap = cms.double(80.),
00031     minS4S1_Clean_Endcap = cms.vdouble(0.11, -0.19),
00032     # double spike cleaning (endcap)
00033     thresh_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double(1E9),
00034     minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Endcap = cms.double(-1.),
00035     #----HCAL options
00036     # n neighbours in HFEM 
00037     nNeighbours = cms.int32(0),
00038     # sigma of the shower in HCAL     
00039     showerSigma = cms.double(10.0),
00040     # n crystals for position calculation in HFEM
00041     posCalcNCrystal = cms.int32(5), 
00042     # use cells with common corner to build topo-clusters
00043     useCornerCells = cms.bool(False),
00044     # enable cleaning of RBX and HPD (HCAL only);                                         
00045     cleanRBXandHPDs = cms.bool(False),
00046     #----depth correction
00047     # depth correction for ECAL clusters:
00048     #   0: no depth correction
00049     #   1: electrons/photons - depth correction is proportionnal to E
00050     #   2: hadrons - depth correction is fixed
00051     depthCor_Mode = cms.int32(0),
00052     # in mode 1, depth correction = A *( B + log(E) )
00053     # in mode 2, depth correction = A 
00054     depthCor_A = cms.double(0.89),
00055     depthCor_B = cms.double(7.4),
00056     # under the preshower, the depth is smaller, but the material is 
00057     # the same
00058     depthCor_A_preshower = cms.double(0.89),
00059     depthCor_B_preshower = cms.double(4.0)
00060 )