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00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 source = cms.Source("WatcherSource", 00004 inputDir = cms.string('in'), 00005 filePatterns = cms.vstring('.*\\.dat$'), 00006 inprocessDir = cms.string('work'), 00007 processedDir = cms.string('done'), 00008 corruptedDir = cms.string('corrupted'), 00009 tokenFile = cms.untracked.string('tok'), 00010 verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1), 00011 #Waiting time out. Stop CMSSW if no file is found in the inputDir after this delay. 00012 #There is no time out when starting the process. If there is no input file, when 00013 #starting the process, it will wait forever. The time out applies only once some files 00014 #were processed and input directory got exhausted. 00015 timeOutInSec = cms.int32(4*60) 00016 )