Go to the documentation of this file.00001 from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import *
00003 GBRWrapperRcd = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource",
00004 CondDBSetup,
00005 DumpStat=cms.untracked.bool(True),
00006 toGet = cms.VPSet(
00007 cms.PSet(
00008 record = cms.string('GBRWrapperRcd'),
00009 tag = cms.string('wgbrph_EBCorrection'),
00010 label = cms.untracked.string('wgbrph_EBCorrection')
00011 ),
00012 cms.PSet(
00013 record = cms.string('GBRWrapperRcd'),
00014 tag = cms.string('wgbrph_EBUncertainty'),
00015 label = cms.untracked.string('wgbrph_EBUncertainty')
00016 ),
00017 cms.PSet(
00018 record = cms.string('GBRWrapperRcd'),
00019 tag = cms.string('wgbrph_EECorrection'),
00020 label = cms.untracked.string('wgbrph_EECorrection')
00021 ),
00022 cms.PSet(
00023 record = cms.string('GBRWrapperRcd'),
00024 tag = cms.string('wgbrph_EEUncertainty'),
00025 label = cms.untracked.string('wgbrph_EEUncertainty')
00026 )),
00027 connect = cms.string('sqlite_file:GBRWrapper.db')
00028 )