
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CondCore/RegressionTest/interface/TestFunct.h"
00002 #include "CondCore/IOVService/interface/IOVEditor.h"
00003 #include "CondCore/IOVService/interface/IOVProxy.h"
00005 //typedef TestPayloadClass Payload;
00006 typedef RegressionTestPayload Payload;
00008 TestFunct::TestFunct() {}
00010 std::pair<int,int> TestFunct::GetMetadata(std::string mappingName)
00011 {
00012         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00013         std::pair<int,int> ret(-1,-1);
00014         try {
00015                 trans.start(true);
00017                 coral::ITable& mytable=s.nominalSchema().tableHandle("TEST_METADATA");
00018                 std::auto_ptr< coral::IQuery > query(mytable.newQuery());
00019                 coral::AttributeList BindVariableList;
00020                 std::string condition="NAME =:NAME";
00021                 BindVariableList.extend("NAME",typeid(std::string));
00022                 BindVariableList["NAME"].data<std::string>()=mappingName;
00023                 query->setCondition( condition, BindVariableList );
00024                 query->addToOutputList( "SEED" );
00025                 query->addToOutputList( "RUN" );
00026                 coral::ICursor& cursor = query->execute();
00027                 while( ) {
00028                         const coral::AttributeList& row = cursor.currentRow();
00029                         ret.first = row[ "SEED" ].data<int>();
00030                         ret.second =row["RUN" ].data<int>();
00031                 }
00032                 trans.commit();
00033         } catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00034         {
00035                 std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00036                 return std::pair<int,int>(-1,-1);
00037         }
00038         return ret;
00039 }
00041 bool TestFunct::Read (std::string mappingName)
00042 {
00043         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00044         cond::MetaData  metadata(s);
00045         int refSeed =0;
00046         bool ret = false;
00047         try {
00048                 trans.start(true);
00050                 coral::ITable& mytable=s.nominalSchema().tableHandle("TEST_METADATA");
00051                 std::auto_ptr< coral::IQuery > query(mytable.newQuery());
00052                 coral::AttributeList BindVariableList;
00053                 std::string condition="NAME =:NAME";
00054                 BindVariableList.extend("NAME",typeid(std::string));
00055                 BindVariableList["NAME"].data<std::string>()=mappingName;
00056                 query->setCondition( condition, BindVariableList );
00057                 query->addToOutputList( "SEED" );
00058                 coral::ICursor& cursor = query->execute();
00059                 while( ) {
00060                         const coral::AttributeList& row = cursor.currentRow();
00061                         refSeed=row[ "SEED" ].data<int>();
00062                 }
00063                 std::string readToken = metadata.getToken(mappingName);
00064                 boost::shared_ptr<Payload> readRef0 = s.getTypedObject<Payload>( readToken ); //v4      
00065                 std::cout << "Object with id="<<readToken<<" has been read"<<std::endl;
00066                 Payload tp = *readRef0;
00067                 Payload tp2(refSeed);
00068                 if(tp == tp2){
00069                   ret = true;
00070                 } else {
00071                   std::cout <<" read failed : seed "<<refSeed<<std::endl;
00072                 }
00073                 trans.commit();
00074         } catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00075         {
00076                 std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00077                 return false;
00078         }
00079         return ret;
00080 }
00082 bool TestFunct::ReadWithIOV(std::string mappingName, 
00083                             int seed,
00084                             int validity)
00085 {
00086         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00087         cond::MetaData  metadata(s);
00088         bool ret = false;
00089         try {
00090                 trans.start(true);
00091                 std::string iovToken = metadata.getToken(mappingName);
00092                 cond::IOVProxy iov(s,iovToken);
00093                 cond::IOVProxy::const_iterator iPayload = iov.find( validity );
00094                 if( iPayload == iov.end() ){
00095                   std::cout << "ERROR: no payload found in IOV for run="<<validity<<std::endl;
00096                   return false;
00097                 }
00098                 boost::shared_ptr<Payload> readRef0 = s.getTypedObject<Payload>( iPayload->token() ); //v4      
00099                 std::cout << "Object with id="<<iPayload->token()<<" has been read"<<std::endl;
00100                 Payload tp = *readRef0;
00101                 Payload tp2(seed);
00102                 if(tp == tp2){
00103                   ret = true;
00104                 } else {
00105                   std::cout <<" read failed : seed="<<seed<<std::endl;
00106                 }
00107                 trans.commit();
00108         } catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00109         {
00110                 std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00111                 return false;
00112         }
00113         return ret;
00114 }
00116 bool TestFunct::ReadAll()
00117 {
00118         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00119         cond::MetaData  metadata(s);
00120         std::vector<std::string> tokenList;
00121         bool ret = true;
00122         try {
00123                 trans.start(true);
00124                 metadata.listAllTags(tokenList);
00125                 for(unsigned int i=0; i<tokenList.size(); i++)
00126                 {
00127                   if(!Read(tokenList[i])) ret = false;
00128                 }
00129                 trans.commit();
00130         } 
00131         catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00132         {
00133                 std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00134                 return false;
00135         }
00136         return ret;
00137 }
00138 bool TestFunct::Write (std::string mappingName, int payloadID)
00139 {
00140         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00141         cond::MetaData  metadata(s);
00142         std::string tok0("");
00143         try 
00144         {
00145             trans.start();
00146             coral::ITable& mytable=s.nominalSchema().tableHandle("TEST_METADATA");
00147             coral::AttributeList rowBuffer;
00148             coral::ITableDataEditor& dataEditor = mytable.dataEditor();
00149             dataEditor.rowBuffer( rowBuffer );
00150             rowBuffer["NAME"].data<std::string>()=mappingName;
00151             rowBuffer["SEED"].data<int>()=payloadID;
00152             rowBuffer["RUN"].data<int>()=-1;
00153             dataEditor.insertRow( rowBuffer );          
00154             s.createDatabase();
00155             boost::shared_ptr<Payload> myRef0(new Payload(payloadID)); //v4
00156             tok0 = s.storeObject( myRef0.get(),"cont1"); //v4
00157             metadata.addMapping(mappingName, tok0);
00158             std::cout << "Stored object with id = "<<tok0<<std::endl;
00159             trans.commit();
00160         } catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00161         {
00162                 std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00163                 return false;
00164         }
00165         return true;
00166 }
00168 bool TestFunct::WriteWithIOV(std::string mappingName, 
00169                              int payloadID, 
00170                              int runValidity,
00171                              bool updateTestMetadata ){
00172    cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00173    cond::MetaData  metadata(s);
00174    std::string tok0("");
00175    try {
00176      cond::IOVEditor iov(s);
00177      trans.start();
00178      if( updateTestMetadata ){
00179        coral::ITable& mytable=s.nominalSchema().tableHandle("TEST_METADATA");
00180        coral::AttributeList rowBuffer;
00181        coral::ITableDataEditor& dataEditor = mytable.dataEditor();
00182        dataEditor.rowBuffer( rowBuffer );
00183        rowBuffer["NAME"].data<std::string>()=mappingName;
00184        rowBuffer["SEED"].data<int>()=payloadID;
00185        rowBuffer["RUN"].data<int>()= runValidity;
00186        dataEditor.insertRow( rowBuffer );               
00187      }
00188      s.createDatabase();
00189      boost::shared_ptr<Payload> myRef0(new Payload(payloadID)); //v4
00190      std::string payloadTok = s.storeObject( myRef0.get(),"cont1"); 
00191      iov.create( cond::runnumber );
00192      iov.append( runValidity, payloadTok );
00193      metadata.addMapping(mappingName, iov.token());
00194      trans.commit();
00195    } catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00196      {
00197        std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00198        return false;
00199      }
00200    return true;    
00202 }
00204 bool TestFunct::CreateMetaTable ()
00205 {
00206         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00207         try
00208         {
00209                 trans.start();
00210                 coral::ISchema& schema=s.nominalSchema();
00211                 coral::TableDescription description;
00212                 description.setName("TEST_METADATA");
00213                 description.insertColumn(  "NAME", coral::AttributeSpecification::typeNameForId( typeid(std::string)) );
00214                 description.insertColumn( "SEED", coral::AttributeSpecification::typeNameForId( typeid(int)) );
00215                 description.insertColumn( "RUN", coral::AttributeSpecification::typeNameForId( typeid(int)) );
00216                 std::vector<std::string> cols;
00217                 cols.push_back( "NAME" );
00218                 description.setPrimaryKey(cols);
00219                 description.setNotNullConstraint("SEED");
00220                 description.setNotNullConstraint("RUN");
00221                 coral::ITable& table=schema.createTable(description);
00222                 table.privilegeManager().grantToPublic( coral::ITablePrivilegeManager::Select);
00223                 std::cout<<"Table created"<<std::endl;
00224                 trans.commit();
00225         }catch( const coral::TableAlreadyExistingException& er ){
00226                 std::cout<<"table alreay existing, not creating a new one"<<std::endl;
00227                 return false;
00228         }
00229         return true;
00230 }
00231 bool TestFunct::DropTables(std::string connStr)
00232 {
00233         std::set<std::string> exclude;
00234         exclude.insert("VERSION_TABLE");
00235         exclude.insert("TEST_STATUS");
00236         exclude.insert("SEQUENCES");
00237         exclude.insert("TEST_RESULTS");
00238         exclude.insert("RUN_HEADER");
00239         exclude.insert("RUN_RESULT");
00240         exclude.insert("RUN_STEP_RESULT");
00241         try
00242         {
00243                 ora::SchemaUtils::cleanUp(connStr, exclude); //v4
00244         }
00245         catch ( const std::exception& exc )
00246         {
00247                 std::cout <<" ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00248                 return false;
00249     }
00250         return true;
00251 }
00252 bool TestFunct::DropItem(std::string mappingName)
00253 {
00254         cond::DbScopedTransaction trans(s);
00255         cond::MetaData  metadata(s);
00256         try {
00257                 trans.start(false);
00258                 std::string token = metadata.getToken(mappingName);
00259                 s.deleteObject(token);
00260                 metadata.deleteEntryByTag(mappingName);
00261                 trans.commit();
00262         } 
00263         catch ( const cond::Exception& exc )
00264         {
00265                 std::cout << "ERROR: "<<exc.what()<<std::endl;
00266                 return false;
00267         }
00269         return true;
00270 }