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00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # Produces a collection recoMuons_refitMuons__* consisting of the
00004 # reco::Muons from the src collection (default is the merged muons
00005 # collection, only taking those Muons for which isGlobalMuon() is
00006 # true) with the kinematics replaced by those from the refit tracks
00007 # chosen. The default below chooses the tracks using the "cocktail"
00008 # function found in DataFormats/MuonReco/src/
00010 refitMuons = cms.EDProducer('MuonsFromRefitTracksProducer',
00011     # The input MuonCollection from which the starting Muon objects
00012     # will be taken. The module will only consider globalMuons from
00013     # the merged muon collection, i.e. trackerMuons, stand-alone muons
00014     # will be filtered out of the merged MuonCollection.
00015     src = cms.InputTag('muons1stStep'),
00017     # The particular set of refit tracks to use. Could also be
00018     # 'tevMuons:default', 'tevMuons:picky', or 'tevMuons:firstHit' to
00019     # use the corresponding refits; 'none' to use this module as just
00020     # a filter for globalMuons (as opposed to trackerMuons or
00021     # caloMuons); to make Muons out of the cocktail tracks, 'tevMuons'
00022     # by itself must be used (also specifying fromCocktail = True
00023     # below).
00024     tevMuonTracks = cms.string('tevMuons'),
00026     # Exactly one of the below boolean flags may be True (determines
00027     # the refit track picked for each muon).
00029     # Whether to call muon::tevOptimized as in the above code and use
00030     # the result of the cocktail choice.
00031     fromCocktail = cms.bool(True),
00033     # Whether to replace the input muons' kinematics with that of the
00034     # tracker-only fit. I.e., the muon's momentum, vertex, and charge are
00035     # taken from the track accessed by reco::Muon::innerTrack().
00036     fromTrackerTrack = cms.bool(False),
00038     # Whether to replace the input muons' kinematics with that of the
00039     # tracker-only fit. I.e., the muon's momentum, vertex, and charge are
00040     # taken from the track accessed by reco::Muon::innerTrack().
00041     fromGlobalTrack = cms.bool(False),
00043     # Whether to apply the TMR cocktail algorithm. For each muon track, we
00044     # start with the first-muon-hit fit. If the difference in -ln(chi^2
00045     # tail probability) between the first-muon-hit and tracker-only is
00046     # greater than the below prescribed cut value, the tracker-only fit
00047     # replaces the first-muon-hit. For further details see XXX.
00048     fromTMR = cms.bool(False),
00050     # The cut value used in the TMR cocktail.
00051     TMRcut = cms.double(4.0),
00053     # Whether to use Adam Everett's sigma-switch method, choosing
00054     # between the global track and the tracker track.
00055     fromSigmaSwitch = cms.bool(False),
00057     # The number of sigma to switch on in the above method.
00058     nSigmaSwitch = cms.double(2),
00060     # The pT threshold to switch at in the above method.
00061     ptThreshold = cms.double(200),
00062 )