
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorRawData/interface/SiPixelRawDataErrorModule.h"
00002 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00003 #include "DQM/SiPixelCommon/interface/SiPixelHistogramId.h"
00004 // Framework
00005 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00006 // STL
00007 #include <vector>
00008 #include <memory>
00009 #include <string>
00010 #include <iostream>
00011 #include <stdlib.h>
00012 #include <sstream>
00014 // Data Formats
00015 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelBarrelName.h"
00016 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelEndcapName.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
00018 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelSubdetector.h"
00020 using namespace std;
00022 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::LINK_bits = 6;
00023 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::ROC_bits  = 5;
00024 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DCOL_bits = 5;
00025 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::PXID_bits = 8;
00026 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::ADC_bits  = 8;
00027 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DataBit_bits = 1;
00029 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::ADC_shift  = 0;
00030 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::PXID_shift = ADC_shift + ADC_bits;
00031 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DCOL_shift = PXID_shift + PXID_bits;
00032 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::ROC_shift  = DCOL_shift + DCOL_bits;
00033 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::LINK_shift = ROC_shift + ROC_bits;
00034 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB0_shift = 0;
00035 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB1_shift = DB0_shift + DataBit_bits;
00036 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB2_shift = DB1_shift + DataBit_bits;
00037 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB3_shift = DB2_shift + DataBit_bits;
00038 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB4_shift = DB3_shift + DataBit_bits;
00039 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB5_shift = DB4_shift + DataBit_bits;
00040 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB6_shift = DB5_shift + DataBit_bits;
00041 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DB7_shift = DB6_shift + DataBit_bits;
00043 const uint32_t SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::LINK_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << LINK_bits);
00044 const uint32_t SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::ROC_mask  = ~(~uint32_t(0) << ROC_bits);
00045 const uint32_t SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DCOL_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << DCOL_bits);
00046 const uint32_t SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::PXID_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << PXID_bits);
00047 const uint32_t SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::ADC_mask  = ~(~uint32_t(0) << ADC_bits);
00048 const uint32_t SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::DataBit_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << DataBit_bits);
00050 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::TRLRBGN_bits = 32;
00051 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::EVTLGT_bits  = 24;
00052 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::TRLREND_bits = 8;
00054 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::TRLRBGN_shift = 0;
00055 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::EVTLGT_shift  = TRLRBGN_shift + TRLRBGN_bits;
00056 const int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::TRLREND_shift = EVTLGT_shift + EVTLGT_bits;
00058 const long long SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::TRLREND_mask = ~(~(long long)(0) << TRLREND_bits);
00059 const long long SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::EVTLGT_mask  = ~(~(long long)(0) << EVTLGT_bits);
00060 const long long SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::TRLRBGN_mask = ~(~(long long)(0) << TRLRBGN_bits);
00061 //
00062 // Constructors
00063 //
00064 SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::SiPixelRawDataErrorModule() : 
00065   id_(0),
00066   ncols_(416),
00067   nrows_(160) 
00068 { 
00069   _debug_ = false;
00070 }
00071 //
00072 SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::SiPixelRawDataErrorModule(const uint32_t& id) : 
00073   id_(id),
00074   ncols_(416),
00075   nrows_(160)
00076 { 
00077   _debug_ = false;
00078 }
00079 //
00080 SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::SiPixelRawDataErrorModule(const uint32_t& id, const int& ncols, const int& nrows) : 
00081   id_(id),
00082   ncols_(ncols),
00083   nrows_(nrows)
00084 { 
00085   _debug_ = false;
00086 } 
00087 //
00088 // Destructor
00089 //
00090 SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::~SiPixelRawDataErrorModule() {}
00091 //
00092 // Book histograms for errors with detId
00093 //
00094 void SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::book(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig, int type) {
00095 }
00096 //
00097 // Book histograms for errors within a FED
00098 //
00099 void SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::bookFED(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig) {
00100 //std::cout<<"Entering SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::bookFED: "<<std::endl;
00101   std::string hid;
00102   // Get collection name and instantiate Histo Id builder
00103   edm::InputTag src = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>( "src" );
00104   SiPixelHistogramId* theHistogramId = new SiPixelHistogramId( src.label() );
00105   // Get DQM interface
00106   DQMStore* theDMBE = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00107   // Types of errors
00108   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("errorType",id_);
00109   meErrorType_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"Type of errors",15,24.5,39.5);
00110   meErrorType_->setAxisTitle("Type of errors",1);
00111   // Number of errors
00112   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("NErrors",id_);
00113   meNErrors_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"Number of errors",36,0.,36.);
00114   meNErrors_->setAxisTitle("Number of errors",1);
00115   // Type of FIFO full (errorType = 28).  FIFO 1 is 1-5 (where fullType = channel of FIFO 1), 
00116   // fullType = 6 signifies FIFO 2 nearly full, 7 signifies trigger FIFO nearly full, 8 
00117   // indicates an unexpected result
00118   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("fullType",id_);
00119   meFullType_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"Type of FIFO full",7,0.5,7.5);
00120   meFullType_->setAxisTitle("FIFO type",1);
00121   // For error type 30, the type of problem encoded in the TBM trailer
00122   // 0 = stack full, 1 = Pre-cal issued, 2 = clear trigger counter, 3 = sync trigger, 
00123   // 4 = sync trigger error, 5 = reset ROC, 6 = reset TBM, 7 = no token bit pass
00124   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("TBMMessage",id_);
00125   meTBMMessage_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"TBM trailer message",8,-0.5,7.5);
00126   meTBMMessage_->setAxisTitle("TBM message",1);
00127   // For error type 30, the type of problem encoded in the TBM error trailer 0 = none
00128   // 1 = data stream too long, 2 = FSM errors, 3 = invalid # of ROCs, 4 = multiple
00129   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("TBMType",id_);
00130   meTBMType_ = theDMBE->book1D(hid,"Type of TBM trailer",5,-0.5,4.5);
00131   meTBMType_->setAxisTitle("TBM Type",1);
00132   // For error type 31, the event number of the TBM header with the error
00133   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("EvtNbr",id_);
00134   meEvtNbr_ = theDMBE->bookInt(hid);
00135   // For errorType = 34, datastream size according to error word
00136   hid = theHistogramId->setHistoId("evtSize",id_);
00137   meEvtSize_ = theDMBE->bookInt(hid);
00139   for(int j=0; j!=37; j++){
00140     std::stringstream temp; temp << j;
00141     hid = "FedChNErrArray_" + temp.str();
00142     meFedChNErrArray_[j] = theDMBE->bookInt(hid);
00143     hid = "FedChLErrArray_" + temp.str();
00144     meFedChLErrArray_[j] = theDMBE->bookInt(hid);
00145     hid = "FedETypeNErrArray_" + temp.str();
00146     if(j<21) meFedETypeNErrArray_[j] = theDMBE->bookInt(hid);
00147   }
00148   delete theHistogramId;
00149 //std::cout<<"...leaving SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::bookFED. "<<std::endl;
00150 }
00151 //
00152 // Fill histograms
00153 //
00154 int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::fill(const edm::DetSetVector<SiPixelRawDataError>& input, bool modon, bool ladon, bool bladeon) {
00155 //std::cout<<"Entering SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::fill: "<<std::endl;
00156   bool barrel = DetId(id_).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel);
00157   bool endcap = DetId(id_).subdetId() == static_cast<int>(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap);
00159   // Get DQM interface
00160   DQMStore* theDMBE = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00162   unsigned int numberOfSeriousErrors = 0;
00164   edm::DetSetVector<SiPixelRawDataError>::const_iterator isearch = input.find(id_); // search  errors of detid
00166   if( isearch != input.end() ) {  // Not at empty iterator
00167     // Look at errors now
00168     edm::DetSet<SiPixelRawDataError>::const_iterator  di;
00169     for(di = isearch->data.begin(); di != isearch->data.end(); di++) {
00170       int FedId = di->getFedId();                  // FED the error came from
00171       int chanNmbr = 0;
00172       int errorType = di->getType();               // type of error
00173       int TBMType=-1; int TBMMessage=-1; int evtSize=-1; int evtNbr=-1; int fullType=-1;
00174       //bool notReset = true;
00175       const int LINK_bits = 6;
00176       const int LINK_shift = 26;
00177       const uint32_t LINK_mask = ~(~(uint32_t)(0) << LINK_bits);
00179       if(modon){
00180         if(errorType == 32 || errorType == 33 || errorType == 34) {
00181           long long errorWord = di->getWord64();     // for 64-bit error words
00182           chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00183           if(errorType == 34) evtSize = (errorWord >> EVTLGT_shift) & EVTLGT_mask;
00184         } else {
00185           uint32_t errorWord = di->getWord32();      // for 32-bit error words
00186           chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask; // default way to get channel number.  Only different for case 29 below.
00187           switch(errorType) {  // fill in the appropriate monitorables based on the information stored in the error word
00188           case(28) : {
00189             int NFa = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00190             int NFb = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00191             int NFc = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00192             int NFd = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00193             int NFe = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00194             int NF2 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00195             int L1A = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00196             if (NFa==1) fullType = 1; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00197             if (NFb==1) fullType = 2; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00198             if (NFc==1) fullType = 3; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00199             if (NFd==1) fullType = 4; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00200             if (NFe==1) fullType = 5; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00201             if (NF2==1) fullType = 6; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00202             if (L1A==1) fullType = 7; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00203             chanNmbr = 0;  // signifies channel not known
00204             break; }
00205           case(29) : {
00206             int CH1 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00207             int CH2 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00208             int CH3 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00209             int CH4 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00210             int CH5 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00211             int BLOCK_bits      = 3;
00212             int BLOCK_shift     = 8;
00213             uint32_t BLOCK_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << BLOCK_bits);
00214             int BLOCK = (errorWord >> BLOCK_shift) & BLOCK_mask;
00215             int localCH = 1*CH1+2*CH2+3*CH3+4*CH4+5*CH5;
00216             if (BLOCK%2==0) chanNmbr=(BLOCK/2)*9+localCH;
00217             else chanNmbr = ((BLOCK-1)/2)*9+4+localCH;
00218             if ((chanNmbr<1)||(chanNmbr>36)) chanNmbr=0;  // signifies unexpected result
00219             break; }
00220           case(30) : {
00221             int T0 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00222             int T1 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00223             int T2 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00224             int T3 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00225             int T4 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00226             int T5 = (errorWord >> DB5_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00227             int T6 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00228             int T7 = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00229             if (T0==1) TBMMessage=0;
00230             if (T1==1) TBMMessage=1;
00231             if (T2==1) TBMMessage=2;
00232             if (T3==1) TBMMessage=3;
00233             if (T4==1) TBMMessage=4;
00234             if (T5==1) TBMMessage=5;
00235             if (T6==1) TBMMessage=6;
00236             if (T7==1) TBMMessage=7;
00237             //if(TBMMessage==5 || TBMMessage==6) notReset=false;
00238             int StateMach_bits      = 4;
00239             int StateMach_shift     = 8;
00240             uint32_t StateMach_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << StateMach_bits);
00241             int StateMach = (errorWord >> StateMach_shift) & StateMach_mask;
00242             switch(StateMach) {
00243             case(0) : {
00244               TBMType = 0;
00245               break; }
00246             case(1) : case(9) : {
00247               TBMType = 1;
00248               break; }
00249             case(2) : case(4) : case(6) : {
00250               TBMType = 2;
00251               break; }
00252             case(8) : {
00253               TBMType = 3;
00254               break; }
00255             default : TBMType = 4;
00256             };
00257             break; }
00258           case(31) : {
00259             evtNbr = (errorWord >> ADC_shift) & ADC_mask;
00260             break; }
00261           case(36) : {
00262             //ROCId = (errorWord >> ROC_shift) & ROC_mask;
00263             break; }
00264           case(37) : {
00265             //DCOLId = (errorWord >> DCOL_shift) & DCOL_mask;
00266             //PXId = (errorWord >> PXID_shift) & PXID_mask;
00267             break; }
00268           case(38) : {
00269             //ROCNmbr = (errorWord >> ROC_shift) & ROC_mask;
00270             break; }
00271           default : break;
00272           };
00273         }//end if not double precision  
00274       }//end if modon
00276       if(ladon && barrel){
00277         if(errorType == 32 || errorType == 33 || errorType == 34){
00278           long long errorWord = di->getWord64();     // for 64-bit error words
00279           if(errorType == 34) evtSize = (errorWord >> EVTLGT_shift) & EVTLGT_mask;
00280           chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00281         } else {
00282           uint32_t errorWord = di->getWord32();      // for 32-bit error words
00283           chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00284           switch(errorType) {  // fill in the appropriate monitorables based on the information stored in the error word
00285           case(28) : {
00286             int NFa = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00287             int NFb = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00288             int NFc = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00289             int NFd = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00290             int NFe = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00291             int NF2 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00292             int L1A = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00293             if (NFa==1) fullType = 1; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00294             if (NFb==1) fullType = 2; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00295             if (NFc==1) fullType = 3; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00296             if (NFd==1) fullType = 4; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00297             if (NFe==1) fullType = 5; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00298             if (NF2==1) fullType = 6; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00299             if (L1A==1) fullType = 7; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00300             chanNmbr = 0;
00301             break; }
00302           case(29) : {
00303             int CH1 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00304             int CH2 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00305             int CH3 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00306             int CH4 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00307             int CH5 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00308             int BLOCK_bits      = 3;
00309             int BLOCK_shift     = 8;
00310             uint32_t BLOCK_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << BLOCK_bits);
00311             int BLOCK = (errorWord >> BLOCK_shift) & BLOCK_mask;
00312             int localCH = 1*CH1+2*CH2+3*CH3+4*CH4+5*CH5;
00313             if (BLOCK%2==0) chanNmbr=(BLOCK/2)*9+localCH;
00314             else chanNmbr = ((BLOCK-1)/2)*9+4+localCH;
00315             if ((chanNmbr<1)||(chanNmbr>36)) chanNmbr=0;  // signifies unexpected result
00316             break; }
00317           case(30) : {
00318             int T0 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00319             int T1 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00320             int T2 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00321             int T3 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00322             int T4 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00323             int T5 = (errorWord >> DB5_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00324             int T6 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00325             int T7 = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00326             if (T0==1) TBMMessage=0;
00327             if (T1==1) TBMMessage=1;
00328             if (T2==1) TBMMessage=2;
00329             if (T3==1) TBMMessage=3;
00330             if (T4==1) TBMMessage=4;
00331             if (T5==1) TBMMessage=5;
00332             if (T6==1) TBMMessage=6;
00333             if (T7==1) TBMMessage=7;
00334             int StateMach_bits      = 4;
00335             int StateMach_shift     = 8;
00336             uint32_t StateMach_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << StateMach_bits);
00337             int StateMach = (errorWord >> StateMach_shift) & StateMach_mask;
00338             switch(StateMach) {
00339             case(0) : {
00340               TBMType = 0;
00341               break; }
00342             case(1) : case(9) : {
00343               TBMType = 1;
00344               break; }
00345             case(2) : case(4) : case(6) : {
00346               TBMType = 2;
00347               break; }
00348             case(8) : {
00349               TBMType = 3;
00350               break; }
00351             default : TBMType = 4;
00352             };
00353             break; }
00354           case(31) : {
00355             evtNbr = (errorWord >> ADC_shift) & ADC_mask;
00356             break; }
00357           case(36) : {
00358             //int ROCId = (errorWord >> ROC_shift) & ROC_mask;
00359             break; }
00360           case(37) : {
00361             //int DCOLId = (errorWord >> DCOL_shift) & DCOL_mask;
00362             //int PXId = (errorWord >> PXID_shift) & PXID_mask;
00363             break; }
00364           case(38) : {
00365             //int ROCNmbr = (errorWord >> ROC_shift) & ROC_mask;
00366             break; }
00367           default : break;
00368           };
00369         }
00370       }//end if ladderon
00372       if(bladeon && endcap){
00373         if(errorType == 32 || errorType == 33 || errorType == 34){
00374           long long errorWord = di->getWord64();     // for 64-bit error words
00375           if(errorType == 34) evtSize = (errorWord >> EVTLGT_shift) & EVTLGT_mask;
00376           chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00377         } else {
00378           uint32_t errorWord = di->getWord32();      // for 32-bit error words
00379           chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00380           switch(errorType) {  // fill in the appropriate monitorables based on the information stored in the error word
00381           case(28) : {
00382             int NFa = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00383             int NFb = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00384             int NFc = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00385             int NFd = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00386             int NFe = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00387             int NF2 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00388             int L1A = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00389             if (NFa==1) fullType = 1; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00390             if (NFb==1) fullType = 2; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00391             if (NFc==1) fullType = 3; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00392             if (NFd==1) fullType = 4; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00393             if (NFe==1) fullType = 5; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00394             if (NF2==1) fullType = 6; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00395             if (L1A==1) fullType = 7; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00396             chanNmbr = 0;
00397             break; }
00398           case(29) : {
00399             int CH1 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00400             int CH2 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00401             int CH3 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00402             int CH4 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00403             int CH5 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00404             int BLOCK_bits      = 3;
00405             int BLOCK_shift     = 8;
00406             uint32_t BLOCK_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << BLOCK_bits);
00407             int BLOCK = (errorWord >> BLOCK_shift) & BLOCK_mask;
00408             int localCH = 1*CH1+2*CH2+3*CH3+4*CH4+5*CH5;
00409             if (BLOCK%2==0) chanNmbr=(BLOCK/2)*9+localCH;
00410             else chanNmbr = ((BLOCK-1)/2)*9+4+localCH;
00411             if ((chanNmbr<1)||(chanNmbr>36)) chanNmbr=0;  // signifies unexpected result
00412             break; }
00413           case(30) : {
00414             int T0 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00415             int T1 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00416             int T2 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00417             int T3 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00418             int T4 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00419             int T5 = (errorWord >> DB5_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00420             int T6 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00421             int T7 = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00422             if (T0==1) TBMMessage=0;
00423             if (T1==1) TBMMessage=1;
00424             if (T2==1) TBMMessage=2;
00425             if (T3==1) TBMMessage=3;
00426             if (T4==1) TBMMessage=4;
00427             if (T5==1) TBMMessage=5;
00428             if (T6==1) TBMMessage=6;
00429             if (T7==1) TBMMessage=7;
00430             int StateMach_bits      = 4;
00431             int StateMach_shift     = 8;
00432             uint32_t StateMach_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << StateMach_bits);
00433             int StateMach = (errorWord >> StateMach_shift) & StateMach_mask;
00434             switch(StateMach) {
00435             case(0) : {
00436               TBMType = 0;
00437               break; }
00438             case(1) : case(9) : {
00439               TBMType = 1;
00440               break; }
00441             case(2) : case(4) : case(6) : {
00442               TBMType = 2;
00443               break; }
00444             case(8) : {
00445               TBMType = 3;
00446               break; }
00447             default : TBMType = 4;
00448             };
00449             break; }
00450           case(31) : {
00451             evtNbr = (errorWord >> ADC_shift) & ADC_mask;
00452             break; }
00453           case(36) : {
00454             //int ROCId = (errorWord >> ROC_shift) & ROC_mask;
00455             break; }
00456           case(37) : {
00457             //int DCOLId = (errorWord >> DCOL_shift) & DCOL_mask;
00458             //int PXId = (errorWord >> PXID_shift) & PXID_mask;
00459             break; }
00460           case(38) : {
00461             //int ROCNmbr = (errorWord >> ROC_shift) & ROC_mask;
00462             break; }
00463           default : break;
00464           };
00465         }
00466       }//end if bladeon
00468       if(!(FedId==38&&chanNmbr==7)){ // mask slow channel that spits out lots of EventNumber errors even when in STDBY!
00469         if(errorType==29 || (errorType==30 && TBMType==1)){ // consider only TIMEOUT and OVERFLOW as serious errors right now
00470         //if(!(errorType==30) || notReset){
00471           //cout<<"ERROR: "<<errorType<<" "<<TBMType<<endl;
00472           std::string hid;
00473           static const char chNfmt[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/FedChNErrArray_%d";
00474           char chNbuf[sizeof(chNfmt) + 2*32]; // 32 digits is enough for up to 2^105 + sign.
00475           sprintf(chNbuf, chNfmt, FedId, chanNmbr);
00476           hid = chNbuf;
00477           meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr] = theDMBE->get(hid);
00478           if(meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr]) meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr]->Fill(meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr]->getIntValue()+1);
00480           static const char chLfmt[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/FedChLErrArray_%d";
00481           char chLbuf[sizeof(chLfmt) + 2*32]; // 32 digits is enough for up to 2^105 + sign.
00482           sprintf(chLbuf, chLfmt, FedId, chanNmbr);
00483           hid = chLbuf;
00484           meFedChLErrArray_[chanNmbr] = theDMBE->get(hid); 
00485           if(meFedChLErrArray_[chanNmbr]) meFedChLErrArray_[chanNmbr]->Fill(errorType); 
00487           numberOfSeriousErrors++;
00488           int messageType = 99;
00489           if(errorType<30) messageType = errorType-25;
00490           else if(errorType>30) messageType = errorType-19;
00491           else if(errorType==30 && TBMMessage==0) messageType = errorType-25;
00492           else if(errorType==30 && TBMMessage==1) messageType = errorType-24;
00493           else if(errorType==30 && (TBMMessage==2 || TBMMessage==3 || TBMMessage==4)) messageType = errorType-23;
00494           else if(errorType==30 && TBMMessage==7) messageType = errorType-22;
00495           else if(errorType==30 && TBMType==1) messageType = errorType-21;
00496           else if(errorType==30 && TBMType==2) messageType = errorType-20;
00497           else if(errorType==30 && TBMType==3) messageType = errorType-19;
00498           if(messageType<=20){
00499             static const char fmt[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/FedETypeNErrArray_%d";
00500             char buf[sizeof(fmt) + 2*32]; // 32 digits is enough for up to 2^105 + sign.
00501             sprintf(buf, fmt, FedId, messageType);
00502             hid = buf;
00503             meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType] = theDMBE->get(hid); 
00504             if(meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType]) meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType]->Fill(meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType]->getIntValue()+1); 
00505           }
00506         }
00508         std::string currDir = theDMBE->pwd();
00509         static const char buf[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d";
00510         char feddir[sizeof(buf)+2]; 
00511         sprintf(feddir,buf,FedId);
00512         theDMBE->cd(feddir);
00513         MonitorElement* me;
00514         static const char buf1[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/NErrors_siPixelDigis_%d";
00515         char hname1[sizeof(buf1)+4];
00516         sprintf(hname1,buf1,FedId,FedId);
00517         me = theDMBE->get(hname1);
00518         if(me) me->Fill((int)numberOfSeriousErrors);
00519         static const char buf2[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/TBMMessage_siPixelDigis_%d";
00520         char hname2[sizeof(buf2)+4];
00521         sprintf(hname2,buf2,FedId,FedId);
00522         me = theDMBE->get(hname2);
00523         if(me) me->Fill((int)TBMMessage);
00524         static const char buf3[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/TBMType_siPixelDigis_%d";
00525         char hname3[sizeof(buf3)+4];
00526         sprintf(hname3,buf3,FedId,FedId);
00527         me = theDMBE->get(hname3);
00528         if(me) me->Fill((int)TBMType);
00529         static const char buf4[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/errorType_siPixelDigis_%d";
00530         char hname4[sizeof(buf4)+4];
00531         sprintf(hname4,buf4,FedId,FedId);
00532         me = theDMBE->get(hname4);
00533         if(me) me->Fill((int)errorType);
00534         static const char buf5[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/fullType_siPixelDigis_%d";
00535         char hname5[sizeof(buf5)+4];
00536         sprintf(hname5,buf5,FedId,FedId);
00537         me = theDMBE->get(hname5);
00538         if(me) me->Fill((int)fullType);
00539         static const char buf6[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/EvtNbr_siPixelDigis_%d";
00540         char hname6[sizeof(buf6)+4];
00541         sprintf(hname6,buf6,FedId,FedId);
00542         me = theDMBE->get(hname6);
00543         if(me) me->Fill((int)evtNbr);
00544         static const char buf7[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/evtSize_siPixelDigis_%d";
00545         char hname7[sizeof(buf7)+4];
00546         sprintf(hname7,buf7,FedId,FedId);
00547         me = theDMBE->get(hname7);
00548         if(me) me->Fill((int)evtSize);
00549         theDMBE->cd(currDir);
00550       }
00551     }//end for loop over all errors on module
00552   }//end if not an empty iterator
00554   return numberOfSeriousErrors;
00555 }
00557 int SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::fillFED(const edm::DetSetVector<SiPixelRawDataError>& input) {
00558   //std::cout<<"Entering   SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::fillFED: "<<static_cast<int>(id_)<<std::endl;
00559   DQMStore* theDMBE = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00560   unsigned int numberOfSeriousErrors = 0;
00562   edm::DetSetVector<SiPixelRawDataError>::const_iterator isearch = input.find(0xffffffff); // search  errors of detid
00563   if( isearch != input.end() ) {  // Not an empty iterator
00564     // Look at FED errors now   
00565     edm::DetSet<SiPixelRawDataError>::const_iterator  di;
00566     for(di = isearch->data.begin(); di != isearch->data.end(); di++) {
00567       int FedId = di->getFedId();                  // FED the error came from
00568       int chanNmbr = -1;
00569       int errorType = 0;               // type of error
00570       if(FedId==static_cast<int>(id_)) {
00571         errorType = di->getType();               // type of error
00572         (meErrorType_)->Fill((int)errorType);
00573         //bool notReset=true;
00574         int TBMType=-1; int TBMMessage=-1; int evtSize=-1; int fullType=-1;
00575         const int LINK_bits = 6;
00576         const int LINK_shift = 26;
00577         const uint32_t LINK_mask = ~(~(uint32_t)(0) << LINK_bits);
00578         if((errorType == 32)||(errorType == 33)||(errorType == 34)) {
00579           long long errorWord = di->getWord64();     // for 64-bit error words
00580           chanNmbr = 0;
00581           switch(errorType) {  // fill in the appropriate monitorables based on the information stored in the error word
00582           case(32) : {
00583             break; }
00584           case(33) : {
00585             break; }
00586           case(34) : {
00587             evtSize = (errorWord >> EVTLGT_shift) & EVTLGT_mask;
00588             if(!(FedId==38&&chanNmbr==7)) (meEvtSize_)->Fill((int)evtSize); 
00589             break; }
00590           default : break;
00591           };
00592         } else {
00593           uint32_t errorWord = di->getWord32();      // for 32-bit error words
00594           switch(errorType) {  // fill in the appropriate monitorables based on the information stored in the error word
00595           case(25) : case(39) : {
00596             chanNmbr = 0;
00597             break; }
00598           case(28) : {
00599             int NFa = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00600             int NFb = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00601             int NFc = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00602             int NFd = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00603             int NFe = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00604             int NF2 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00605             int L1A = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00606             if (NFa==1) fullType = 1; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00607             if (NFb==1) fullType = 2; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00608             if (NFc==1) fullType = 3; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00609             if (NFd==1) fullType = 4; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00610             if (NFe==1) fullType = 5; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00611             if (NF2==1) fullType = 6; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00612             if (L1A==1) fullType = 7; (meFullType_)->Fill((int)fullType);
00613             chanNmbr = 0;
00614             break; }
00615           case(29) : {
00616             int CH1 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00617             int CH2 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00618             int CH3 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00619             int CH4 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00620             int CH5 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00621             int BLOCK_bits      = 3;
00622             int BLOCK_shift     = 8;
00623             uint32_t BLOCK_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << BLOCK_bits);
00624             int BLOCK = (errorWord >> BLOCK_shift) & BLOCK_mask;
00625             int localCH = 1*CH1+2*CH2+3*CH3+4*CH4+5*CH5;
00626             if (BLOCK%2==0) chanNmbr=(BLOCK/2)*9+localCH;
00627             else chanNmbr = ((BLOCK-1)/2)*9+4+localCH;
00628             if ((chanNmbr<1)||(chanNmbr>36)) chanNmbr=0;  // signifies unexpected result
00629             break; }
00630           case(30) : {
00631             int T0 = (errorWord >> DB0_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00632             int T1 = (errorWord >> DB1_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00633             int T2 = (errorWord >> DB2_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00634             int T3 = (errorWord >> DB3_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00635             int T4 = (errorWord >> DB4_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00636             int T5 = (errorWord >> DB5_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00637             int T6 = (errorWord >> DB6_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00638             int T7 = (errorWord >> DB7_shift) & DataBit_mask;
00639             if(!(FedId==38&&chanNmbr==7)){
00640               if (T0==1) { TBMMessage=0; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00641               if (T1==1) { TBMMessage=1; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00642               if (T2==1) { TBMMessage=2; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00643               if (T3==1) { TBMMessage=3; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00644               if (T4==1) { TBMMessage=4; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00645               if (T5==1) { TBMMessage=5; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00646               if (T6==1) { TBMMessage=6; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00647               if (T7==1) { TBMMessage=7; (meTBMMessage_)->Fill((int)TBMMessage); }
00648             }
00649             //if(TBMMessage==5 || TBMMessage==6) notReset=false;
00650             int StateMach_bits      = 4;
00651             int StateMach_shift     = 8;
00652             uint32_t StateMach_mask = ~(~uint32_t(0) << StateMach_bits);
00653             int StateMach = (errorWord >> StateMach_shift) & StateMach_mask;
00654             switch(StateMach) {
00655             case(0) : {
00656               TBMType = 0;
00657               break; }
00658             case(1) : case(9) : {
00659               TBMType = 1;
00660               break; }
00661             case(2) : case(4) : case(6) : {
00662               TBMType = 2;
00663               break; }
00664             case(8) : {
00665               TBMType = 3;
00666               break; }
00667             default : TBMType = 4;
00668             };
00669             if(!(FedId==38&&chanNmbr==7)) (meTBMType_)->Fill((int)TBMType);
00670             chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00671             break; }
00672           case(31) : {
00673             int evtNbr = (errorWord >> ADC_shift) & ADC_mask;
00674             if(!(FedId==38&&chanNmbr==7))(meEvtNbr_)->Fill((int)evtNbr);
00675             chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00676             break; }
00677           case(35) : case(36) : case(37) : case(38) : {
00678             chanNmbr = (errorWord >> LINK_shift) & LINK_mask;
00679             break; }
00680           default : break;
00681           };
00682         }// end if errorType
00684         //if(!(errorType==30) || notReset){
00685         if(errorType==29 || (errorType==30 && TBMType==1)){ // consider only TIMEOUT and OVERFLOW as serious errors right now
00686           if(!(FedId==38&&chanNmbr==7)){ // mask slow channel that spits out lots of EventNumber errors even when in STDBY!
00687             std::string hid;
00688             //cout<<"FEDERROR: "<<errorType<<" "<<TBMType<<endl;
00689             static const char chNfmt[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/FedChNErrArray_%d";
00690             char chNbuf[sizeof(chNfmt) + 2*32]; // 32 digits is enough for up to 2^105 + sign.
00691             sprintf(chNbuf, chNfmt, FedId, chanNmbr);
00692             hid = chNbuf;
00693             meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr] = theDMBE->get(hid);
00694             if(meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr]) meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr]->Fill(meFedChNErrArray_[chanNmbr]->getIntValue()+1);
00696             static const char chLfmt[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/FedChLErrArray_%d";
00697             char chLbuf[sizeof(chLfmt) + 2*32]; // 32 digits is enough for up to 2^105 + sign.
00698             sprintf(chLbuf, chLfmt, FedId, chanNmbr);
00699             hid = chLbuf;
00700             meFedChLErrArray_[chanNmbr] = theDMBE->get(hid); 
00701             if(meFedChLErrArray_[chanNmbr]) meFedChLErrArray_[chanNmbr]->Fill(errorType); 
00703             numberOfSeriousErrors++;
00704             int messageType = 99;
00705             if(errorType<30) messageType = errorType-25;
00706             else if(errorType>30) messageType = errorType-19;
00707             else if(errorType==30 && TBMMessage==0) messageType = errorType-25;
00708             else if(errorType==30 && TBMMessage==1) messageType = errorType-24;
00709             else if(errorType==30 && (TBMMessage==2 || TBMMessage==3 || TBMMessage==4)) messageType = errorType-23;
00710             else if(errorType==30 && TBMMessage==7) messageType = errorType-22;
00711             else if(errorType==30 && TBMType==1) messageType = errorType-21;
00712             else if(errorType==30 && TBMType==2) messageType = errorType-20;
00713             else if(errorType==30 && TBMType==3) messageType = errorType-19;
00714             if(messageType<=20){
00715               static const char fmt[] = "Pixel/AdditionalPixelErrors/FED_%d/FedETypeNErrArray_%d";
00716               char buf[sizeof(fmt) + 2*32]; // 32 digits is enough for up to 2^105 + sign.
00717               sprintf(buf, fmt, FedId, messageType);
00718               hid = buf;
00719               meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType] = theDMBE->get(hid); 
00720               if(meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType]) meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType]->Fill(meFedETypeNErrArray_[messageType]->getIntValue()+1);
00721             }
00722           }//end if bad channel
00723         }//end if not 30 || notReset
00724       }//end if
00725     }//end for
00726     if(numberOfSeriousErrors>0) (meNErrors_)->Fill((float)numberOfSeriousErrors);
00728   }// end if not an empty iterator
00730 //std::cout<<"...leaving   SiPixelRawDataErrorModule::fillFED. "<<std::endl;
00731   return numberOfSeriousErrors;
00732 }