
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 hltSimple3x3Clusters= cms.EDProducer("EgammaHLTNxNClusterProducer",
00004    barrelHitProducer = cms.InputTag('hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
00005    endcapHitProducer = cms.InputTag('hltEcalRegionalPi0EtaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
00006    useRecoFlag = cms.bool( False ),
00007    flagLevelRecHitsToUse = cms.int32( 1 ),
00008    useDBStatus = cms.bool( True ),
00009    statusLevelRecHitsToUse = cms.int32( 1 ),
00010    barrelClusterCollection  = cms.string("Simple3x3ClustersBarrel"),
00011    endcapClusterCollection  = cms.string("Simple3x3ClustersEndcap"),
00012    clusSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
00013    clusSeedThrEndCap = cms.double( 1.0),
00014    doBarrel = cms.bool( True ),
00015    doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
00016    clusEtaSize = cms.int32(3),
00017    clusPhiSize = cms.int32(3),
00018    maxNumberofSeeds = cms.int32( 1000 ),
00019    maxNumberofClusters = cms.int32( 200 ),
00020    debugLevel = cms.int32( 0 ),
00021    posCalcParameters = cms.PSet( T0_barl      = cms.double(7.4),
00022                                  T0_endc      = cms.double(3.1),        
00023                                  T0_endcPresh = cms.double(1.2),
00024                                  LogWeighted  = cms.bool(True),
00025                                  W0           = cms.double(4.2),
00026                                  X0           = cms.double(0.89)
00027                                  )                                  
00028 )