
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef FWCore_Framework_FileBlock_h
00002 #define FWCore_Framework_FileBlock_h
00004 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00006 FileBlock: Properties of an input file.
00008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00010 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/FileFormatVersion.h"
00011 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchChildren.h"
00012 class TTree;
00013 #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
00014 #include <array>
00015 #include <string>
00017 namespace edm {
00018   class BranchDescription;
00019   class FileBlock {
00020   public:
00021     // bit mask for reasons fast cloning can be disabled or not applicable
00022     enum
00023     WhyNotFastClonable {
00024       CanFastClone = 0x0,
00026       // For entire job
00027       NoRootInputSource = 0x1,
00028       ParallelProcesses = (NoRootInputSource << 1),
00029       NotProcessingEvents = (ParallelProcesses << 1),
00030       HasSecondaryFileSequence = (NotProcessingEvents << 1),
00032       // For a given input file
00033       FileTooOld = (HasSecondaryFileSequence << 1),
00034       NoEventsInFile = (FileTooOld << 1),
00035       EventsToBeSorted = (NoEventsInFile << 1),
00036       RunOrLumiNotContiguous = (EventsToBeSorted << 1),
00037       EventsOrLumisSelectedByID = (RunOrLumiNotContiguous << 1),
00038       InitialEventsSkipped = (EventsOrLumisSelectedByID << 1),
00039       MaxEventsTooSmall = (InitialEventsSkipped << 1),
00040       MaxLumisTooSmall = (MaxEventsTooSmall << 1),
00041       RunNumberModified = (MaxLumisTooSmall << 1),
00042       DuplicateEventsRemoved = (RunNumberModified << 1),
00044       // The remainder of these are defined here for convenience,
00045       // but never set in FileBlock, because they are output module specific.
00047       // For a given output module
00048       DisabledInConfigFile = (DuplicateEventsRemoved << 1),
00049       EventSelectionUsed = (DisabledInConfigFile << 1),
00051       // For given input and output files
00052       OutputMaxEventsTooSmall = (EventSelectionUsed << 1),
00053       SplitLevelMismatch = (OutputMaxEventsTooSmall << 1),
00054       BranchMismatch = (SplitLevelMismatch << 1)
00055     };
00057     FileBlock() :
00058       fileFormatVersion_(),
00059       tree_(0), metaTree_(0),
00060       lumiTree_(0), lumiMetaTree_(0),
00061       runTree_(0), runMetaTree_(0),
00062       whyNotFastClonable_(NoRootInputSource),
00063       hasNewlyDroppedBranch_(),
00064       fileName_(),
00065       branchListIndexesUnchanged_(false),
00066       modifiedIDs_(false),
00067       branchChildren_(new BranchChildren) {}
00069     FileBlock(FileFormatVersion const& version,
00070               TTree const* ev, TTree const* meta,
00071               TTree const* lumi, TTree const* lumiMeta,
00072               TTree const* run, TTree const* runMeta,
00073               int whyNotFastClonable,
00074               std::array<bool, NumBranchTypes> const& hasNewlyDroppedBranch,
00075               std::string const& fileName,
00076               bool branchListIndexesUnchanged,
00077               bool modifiedIDs,
00078               boost::shared_ptr<BranchChildren> branchChildren) :
00079       fileFormatVersion_(version),
00080       tree_(const_cast<TTree*>(ev)),
00081       metaTree_(const_cast<TTree*>(meta)),
00082       lumiTree_(const_cast<TTree*>(lumi)),
00083       lumiMetaTree_(const_cast<TTree*>(lumiMeta)),
00084       runTree_(const_cast<TTree*>(run)),
00085       runMetaTree_(const_cast<TTree*>(runMeta)),
00086       whyNotFastClonable_(whyNotFastClonable),
00087       hasNewlyDroppedBranch_(hasNewlyDroppedBranch),
00088       fileName_(fileName),
00089       branchListIndexesUnchanged_(branchListIndexesUnchanged),
00090       modifiedIDs_(modifiedIDs),
00091       branchChildren_(branchChildren) {}
00093     ~FileBlock() {}
00095     FileFormatVersion const& fileFormatVersion() const {return fileFormatVersion_;}
00096     TTree* tree() const {return tree_;}
00097     TTree* metaTree() const {return metaTree_;}
00098     TTree* lumiTree() const {return lumiTree_;}
00099     TTree* lumiMetaTree() const {return lumiMetaTree_;}
00100     TTree* runTree() const {return runTree_;}
00101     TTree* runMetaTree() const {return runMetaTree_;}
00103     int whyNotFastClonable() const {return whyNotFastClonable_;}
00104     std::array<bool, NumBranchTypes> const& hasNewlyDroppedBranch() const {return hasNewlyDroppedBranch_;}
00105     std::string const& fileName() const {return fileName_;}
00106     bool branchListIndexesUnchanged() const {return branchListIndexesUnchanged_;}
00107     bool modifiedIDs() const {return modifiedIDs_;}
00109     void setNotFastClonable(WhyNotFastClonable const& why) {
00110       whyNotFastClonable_ |= why;
00111     }
00112     BranchChildren const& branchChildren() const { return *branchChildren_; }
00113     void close () {runMetaTree_ = lumiMetaTree_ = metaTree_ = runTree_ = lumiTree_ = tree_ = 0;}
00115   private:
00116     FileFormatVersion fileFormatVersion_;
00117     // We use bare pointers because ROOT owns these.
00118     TTree* tree_;
00119     TTree* metaTree_;
00120     TTree* lumiTree_;
00121     TTree* lumiMetaTree_;
00122     TTree* runTree_;
00123     TTree* runMetaTree_;
00124     int whyNotFastClonable_;
00125     std::array<bool, NumBranchTypes> hasNewlyDroppedBranch_;
00126     std::string fileName_;
00127     bool branchListIndexesUnchanged_;
00128     bool modifiedIDs_;
00129     boost::shared_ptr<BranchChildren> branchChildren_;
00130   };
00131 }
00132 #endif