Go to the documentation of this file.00001 #include "ExceptionGenerator.h"
00003 #include <iostream>
00004 #include <typeinfo>
00005 #include <map>
00006 #include <sstream>
00008 #include "xgi/Method.h"
00009 #include "xgi/Utils.h"
00011 #include "cgicc/Cgicc.h"
00012 #include "cgicc/FormEntry.h"
00013 #include "cgicc/HTMLClasses.h"
00015 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00016 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00018 #include "boost/tokenizer.hpp"
00020 #include <stdio.h>
00022 using namespace std;
00024 namespace evf{
00026 const std::string ExceptionGenerator::menu[menu_items] =
00027 {"Sleep x ms", "SleepForever", "Cms Exception", "Exit with error", "Abort", "Unknown Exception", "Endless loop", "Generate Error Message", "Segfault",
00028 "Burn CPU"};
00030 ExceptionGenerator::ExceptionGenerator( const edm::ParameterSet& pset) :
00031 ModuleWeb("ExceptionGenerator"),
00032 actionId_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("defaultAction",-1)),
00033 intqualifier_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("defaultQualifier",0)),
00034 actionRequired_(actionId_!=-1)
00035 {
00037 }
00038 void ExceptionGenerator::beginJob()
00039 {
00040 }
00041 void ExceptionGenerator::beginRun(edm::Run& r)
00042 {
00043 }
00044 void ExceptionGenerator::analyze(const edm::Event & e, const edm::EventSetup& c)
00045 {
00046 float dummy = 0.;
00047 if(actionRequired_)
00048 {
00049 int *pi = 0;
00050 int ind = 0;
00051 int step = 1;
00052 switch(actionId_)
00053 {
00054 case 0:
00055 ::usleep(intqualifier_*1000);
00056 break;
00057 case 1:
00058 ::sleep(0xFFFFFFF);
00059 break;
00060 case 2:
00061 throw cms::Exception(qualifier_) << "This exception was generated by the ExceptionGenerator";
00062 break;
00063 case 3:
00064 exit(-1);
00065 break;
00066 case 4:
00067 abort();
00068 break;
00069 case 5:
00070 throw qualifier_;
00071 break;
00072 case 6:
00073 while(1){ind+=step; if(ind>1000000) step = -1; if(ind==0) step = 1;}
00074 break;
00075 case 7:
00076 edm::LogError("TestErrorMessage") << qualifier_;
00077 break;
00078 case 8:
00079 *pi=0;
00080 break;
00081 case 9:
00082 for(unsigned int j=0; j<intqualifier_*1000;j++){
00083 dummy += sqrt(log(float(j+1)))/float(j*j);
00084 }
00085 break;
00087 }
00088 }
00089 }
00091 void ExceptionGenerator::endLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &lb, edm::EventSetup const &es)
00092 {
00094 }
00096 void ExceptionGenerator::defaultWebPage(xgi::Input *in, xgi::Output *out)
00097 {
00098 std::string path;
00099 std::string urn;
00100 std::string mname;
00101 std::string query;
00102 try
00103 {
00104 cgicc::Cgicc cgi(in);
00105 if ( xgi::Utils::hasFormElement(cgi,"exceptiontype") )
00106 {
00107 actionId_ = xgi::Utils::getFormElement(cgi, "exceptiontype")->getIntegerValue();
00108 qualifier_ = xgi::Utils::getFormElement(cgi, "qualifier")->getValue();
00109 intqualifier_ = xgi::Utils::getFormElement(cgi, "qualifier")->getIntegerValue();
00110 actionRequired_ = true;
00111 }
00112 if ( xgi::Utils::hasFormElement(cgi,"module") )
00113 mname = xgi::Utils::getFormElement(cgi, "module")->getValue();
00114 cgicc::CgiEnvironment cgie(in);
00115 if(original_referrer_ == "")
00116 original_referrer_ = cgie.getReferrer();
00117 path = cgie.getPathInfo();
00118 query = cgie.getQueryString();
00119 if(actionId_>=0)
00120 std::cout << " requested action " << actionId_ << " "
00121 << menu[actionId_] << ". Number of cycles "
00122 << intqualifier_ << std::endl;
00123 }
00124 catch (const std::exception & e)
00125 {
00127 }
00129 using std::endl;
00130 *out << "<html>" << endl;
00131 *out << "<head>" << endl;
00134 *out << "<STYLE type=\"text/css\"> #T1 {border-width: 2px; border: solid blue; text-align: center} </STYLE> " << endl;
00135 *out << "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"";
00136 *out << " href=\"/" << urn
00137 << "/styles.css\"/>" << endl;
00139 *out << "<title>" << moduleName_
00140 << " MAIN</title>" << endl;
00142 *out << "</head>" << endl;
00143 *out << "<body onload=\"loadXMLDoc()\">" << endl;
00144 *out << "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">" << endl;
00145 *out << "<tr>" << endl;
00146 *out << " <td align=\"left\">" << endl;
00147 *out << " <img" << endl;
00148 *out << " align=\"middle\"" << endl;
00149 *out << " src=\"/evf/images/systemerror.jpg\"" << endl;
00150 *out << " alt=\"main\"" << endl;
00151 *out << " width=\"90\"" << endl;
00152 *out << " height=\"64\"" << endl;
00153 *out << " border=\"\"/>" << endl;
00154 *out << " <b>" << endl;
00155 *out << moduleName_ << endl;
00156 *out << " </b>" << endl;
00157 *out << " </td>" << endl;
00158 *out << " <td width=\"32\">" << endl;
00159 *out << " <a href=\"/urn:xdaq-application:lid=3\">" << endl;
00160 *out << " <img" << endl;
00161 *out << " align=\"middle\"" << endl;
00162 *out << " src=\"/hyperdaq/images/HyperDAQ.jpg\"" << endl;
00163 *out << " alt=\"HyperDAQ\"" << endl;
00164 *out << " width=\"32\"" << endl;
00165 *out << " height=\"32\"" << endl;
00166 *out << " border=\"\"/>" << endl;
00167 *out << " </a>" << endl;
00168 *out << " </td>" << endl;
00169 *out << " <td width=\"32\">" << endl;
00170 *out << " </td>" << endl;
00171 *out << " <td width=\"32\">" << endl;
00172 *out << " <a href=\"" << original_referrer_ << "\">" << endl;
00173 *out << " <img" << endl;
00174 *out << " align=\"middle\"" << endl;
00175 *out << " src=\"/evf/images/spoticon.jpg\"" << endl;
00176 *out << " alt=\"main\"" << endl;
00177 *out << " width=\"32\"" << endl;
00178 *out << " height=\"32\"" << endl;
00179 *out << " border=\"\"/>" << endl;
00180 *out << " </a>" << endl;
00181 *out << " </td>" << endl;
00182 *out << "</tr>" << endl;
00183 *out << "</table>" << endl;
00185 *out << "<hr/>" << endl;
00187 *out << cgicc::form().set("method","GET").set("action", path )
00188 << std::endl;
00189 boost::char_separator<char> sep("&");
00190 boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokens(query, sep);
00191 for (boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
00192 tok_iter != tokens.end(); ++tok_iter){
00193 size_t pos = (*tok_iter).find_first_of("=");
00194 if(pos != std::string::npos){
00195 std::string first = (*tok_iter).substr(0 , pos);
00196 std::string second = (*tok_iter).substr(pos+1, (*tok_iter).length()-pos-1);
00197 *out << cgicc::input().set("type","hidden").set("name",first).set("value", second)
00198 << std::endl;
00199 }
00200 }
00202 *out << "Select " << endl;
00203 *out << cgicc::select().set("name","exceptiontype") << std::endl;
00204 char istring[2];
00206 for(int i = 0; i < menu_items; i++)
00207 {
00208 sprintf(istring,"%d",i);
00209 *out << cgicc::option().set("value",istring) << menu[i] << cgicc::option() << std::endl;
00210 }
00211 *out << cgicc::select() << std::endl;
00212 *out << "<br>" << endl;
00213 *out << "Qualifier" << endl;
00214 *out << cgicc::input().set("type","text").set("name","qualifier") << std::endl;
00215 *out << cgicc::input().set("type","submit").set("value","Do It !") << std::endl;
00216 *out << cgicc::form() << std::endl;
00218 *out << "</body>" << endl;
00219 *out << "</html>" << endl;
00220 }
00221 void ExceptionGenerator::publish(xdata::InfoSpace *is)
00222 {
00223 }
00224 }