
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # preliminary b-tagging Operating Points
00002 # obtained with cmssw_2_1_0_pre6
00003 # qcd validation /store/relval/2008/6/22/RelVal-RelValQCD_Pt_80_120-1213987236-IDEAL_V2-2nd/0003/
00004 # corrected pt 30 |eta| <2.4 taggability >2
00005 #
00007 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00009 BJetOperatingPointsParameters = cms.PSet(
00010    BJetOperatingPoints = cms.PSet(
00011       DefaultBdisc = cms.string('trackCountingHighEffBJetTags'),
00012       DefaultOp = cms.string('Loose'),
00013         discCutTight = cms.vdouble(
00014             13.76,  3.943,         #TCHE, TCHP,
00015             0.7322, 3.335,         #JTP,  JBTP, 
00016             3.524,  0.9467,        #SSV,  CSV, 
00017             0.9635, 0.9462,        #MSV,  IPM,
00018             0.5581, 0.2757, 0.349  #SET,  SMT,  SMNoIPT  
00019         ),
00020         discCutMedium = cms.vdouble(
00021             4.433,  2.53,
00022             0.5114, 2.295,
00023             2.13,   0.8339,
00024             0.8131, 0.8141,
00025             0.1974, 0.1208, 0.1846
00026         ),
00027         discCutLoose = cms.vdouble(
00028             1.993,  1.678,
00029             0.2395, 1.149,
00030             1.2,    0.415,
00031             0.4291, 0.3401,
00032             0.0,    0.0,    0.0
00033         ),
00034         bdiscriminators = cms.vstring(
00035             'trackCountingHighEffBJetTags','trackCountingHighPurBJetTags',
00036             'jetProbabilityBJetTags','jetBProbabilityBJetTags',
00037             'simpleSecondaryVertexBJetTags','combinedSecondaryVertexBJetTags',
00038             'combinedSecondaryVertexMVABJetTags','impactParameterMVABJetTags',
00039             'softElectronBJetTags','softMuonBJetTags','softMuonNoIPBJetTags'
00040         )
00041    )
00042 )