Source code (CVS tag: @) - Administrative privileges
This package contains jet analysis examples. Some of them are simple examples of accessing jets and making just a few plots, that are part of the CMSSW workbook and should work with every release. Others are more complicated user contributed code that does a complete jet analysis and may only work with a few releases.
Public interface
All classes provided are only intended for use within the JetAnalyzers package. JetAnalyzers does not provide officially supported analysis utilities to be used outside of this package: it only provides examples.
These are the analysis example modules provided by this package.
- JetPlotsExample: Simple analysis module in CMSSS workbook that accesses jets and makes a jet plot.
- JetAnalyzer: More complex jet analysis module contributed by Anwar Bhatti and Lenny Apanasevich.
- JetValidation: More complex jet validation module contributed by Robert Harris.
- CaloTowersExample: Simple example of accessing CaloTowers.
- JetToDigiDump: Utility module for dumping jets, their CaloTowers, their RecHits, and their digis.
- DijetMass: Example dijet mass analysis module.
- SimpleJetDump: Module that dumps CaloJets and GenJets.
- CorJetsExample: Version of JetPlotsExample that also accesses corrected jets.
Unit tests and examples
All modules listed above are examples.
Status and planned development
Ongoing development to provide examples as necessary and to receive contributed jet analysis.
Last updated: @ Author: Robert Harris.