CSCTFSPCoreLogic Member List

This is the complete list of members for CSCTFSPCoreLogic, including all inherited members.
coreFirmwareVersionCSCTFSPCoreLogic [private]
CSCTFSPCoreLogic()CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
GetCoreFirmwareVersion()CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
GetSPFirmwareVersion()CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
io_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private]
IsVerbose()CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
loadData(const CSCTriggerContainer< csctf::TrackStub > &, const unsigned &endcap, const unsigned &sector, const int &minBX, const int &maxBX)CSCTFSPCoreLogic
mytracksCSCTFSPCoreLogic [private]
run(const unsigned &endcap, const unsigned &sector, const unsigned &latency, const unsigned &etamin1, const unsigned &etamin2, const unsigned &etamin3, const unsigned &etamin4, const unsigned &etamin5, const unsigned &etamin6, const unsigned &etamin7, const unsigned &etamin8, const unsigned &etamax1, const unsigned &etamax2, const unsigned &etamax3, const unsigned &etamax4, const unsigned &etamax5, const unsigned &etamax6, const unsigned &etamax7, const unsigned &etamax8, const unsigned &etawin1, const unsigned &etawin2, const unsigned &etawin3, const unsigned &etawin4, const unsigned &etawin5, const unsigned &etawin6, const unsigned &etawin7, const unsigned &mindphip, const unsigned &mindetap, const unsigned &mindeta12_accp, const unsigned &maxdeta12_accp, const unsigned &maxdphi12_accp, const unsigned &mindeta13_accp, const unsigned &maxdeta13_accp, const unsigned &maxdphi13_accp, const unsigned &mindeta112_accp, const unsigned &maxdeta112_accp, const unsigned &maxdphi112_accp, const unsigned &mindeta113_accp, const unsigned &maxdeta113_accp, const unsigned &maxdphi113_accp, const unsigned &mindphip_halo, const unsigned &mindetap_halo, const unsigned &straightp, const unsigned &curvedp, const unsigned &mbaPhiOff, const unsigned &mbbPhiOff, const unsigned &m_extend_length, const unsigned &m_allowALCTonly, const unsigned &m_allowCLCTonly, const unsigned &m_preTrigger, const unsigned &m_widePhi, const int &minBX, const int &maxBX)CSCTFSPCoreLogic
runmeCSCTFSPCoreLogic [private]
SetCoreFirmwareVersion(const unsigned int fwVer)CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
SetSPFirmwareVersion(const unsigned int fwVer)CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
SetVerbose(const bool verb)CSCTFSPCoreLogic [inline]
sp_2010_01_22_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private, static]
sp_2010_07_28_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private, static]
sp_2010_09_01_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private, static]
sp_2010_10_11_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private, static]
sp_2010_12_10_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private, static]
sp_2011_01_18_CSCTFSPCoreLogic [private, static]
spFirmwareVersionCSCTFSPCoreLogic [private]
verboseCoreCSCTFSPCoreLogic [private]