Go to the documentation of this file.00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from SimG4Core.Application.g4SimHits_cfi import *
00005 g4SimHits.Physics.type = 'SimG4Core/Physics/GFlash'
00006 g4SimHits.Physics.GFlash = cms.PSet(
00007 GflashHadronPhysics = cms.string('QGSP_FTFP_BERT'),
00008 GflashEMShowerModel = cms.bool(True),
00009 energyScaleEB = cms.double(1.032),
00010 energyScaleEE = cms.double(1.024),
00011 GflashHadronShowerModel = cms.bool(True),
00012 GflashHcalOuter = cms.bool(True),
00013 GflashExportToFastSim = cms.bool(False),
00014 GflashHistogram = cms.bool(False),
00015 GflashHistogramName = cms.string('gflash_histogram.root'),
00016 Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00017 bField = cms.double(3.8),
00018 watcherOn = cms.bool(False),
00019 tuning_pList = cms.vdouble()
00020 )