00001 #include <Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeometry.h>
00002 #include <Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTGeometry.h>
00003 #include <DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTRecSegment4DCollection.h>
00004 #include <Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDet.h>
00005 #include <Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h>
00006 #include <Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/RectangularStripTopology.h>
00007 #include <FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h>
00008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00009 #include <Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeomServ.h>
00010 #include <DataFormats/RPCRecHit/interface/RPCRecHit.h>
00011 #include <DataFormats/RPCRecHit/interface/RPCRecHitCollection.h>
00014 #include <DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h>
00015 #include <RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/interface/TracktoRPC.h>
00016 #include <ctime>
00017 #include <TMath.h>
00019 ObjectMap2* ObjectMap2::mapInstance = NULL;
00021 ObjectMap2* ObjectMap2::GetInstance(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup){
00022 if (mapInstance == NULL){
00023 mapInstance = new ObjectMap2(iSetup);
00024 }
00025 return mapInstance;
00026 }
00028 ObjectMap2::ObjectMap2(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup){
00029 edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo;
00030 edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeo;
00032 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(rpcGeo);
00033 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeo);
00035 for (TrackingGeometry::DetContainer::const_iterator it=rpcGeo->dets().begin();it<rpcGeo->dets().end();it++){
00036 if(dynamic_cast< RPCChamber* >( *it ) != 0 ){
00037 RPCChamber* ch = dynamic_cast< RPCChamber* >( *it );
00038 std::vector< const RPCRoll*> roles = (ch->rolls());
00039 for(std::vector<const RPCRoll*>::const_iterator r = roles.begin();r != roles.end(); ++r){
00040 RPCDetId rpcId = (*r)->id();
00041 int region=rpcId.region();
00042 if(region==0){
00043 int wheel=rpcId.ring();
00044 int sector=rpcId.sector();
00045 int station=rpcId.station();
00046 DTStationIndex2 ind(region,wheel,sector,station);
00047 std::set<RPCDetId> myrolls;
00048 if (rollstoreDT.find(ind)!=rollstoreDT.end()) myrolls=rollstoreDT[ind];
00049 myrolls.insert(rpcId);
00050 rollstoreDT[ind]=myrolls;
00051 }
00052 }
00053 }
00054 }
00055 }
00057 int distsector2(int sector1,int sector2){
00058 if(sector1==13) sector1=4;
00059 if(sector1==14) sector1=10;
00061 if(sector2==13) sector2=4;
00062 if(sector2==14) sector2=10;
00064 int distance = std::abs(sector1 - sector2);
00065 if(distance>6) distance = 12-distance;
00066 return distance;
00067 }
00069 int distwheel2(int wheel1,int wheel2){
00070 int distance = std::abs(wheel1 - wheel2);
00071 return distance;
00072 }
00073 ObjectMap2CSC* ObjectMap2CSC::mapInstance = NULL;
00075 ObjectMap2CSC* ObjectMap2CSC::GetInstance(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup){
00076 if (mapInstance == NULL){
00077 mapInstance = new ObjectMap2CSC(iSetup);
00078 }
00079 return mapInstance;
00080 }
00082 ObjectMap2CSC::ObjectMap2CSC(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup){
00083 edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo;
00084 edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeo;
00086 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(rpcGeo);
00087 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(cscGeo);
00089 for (TrackingGeometry::DetContainer::const_iterator it=rpcGeo->dets().begin();it<rpcGeo->dets().end();it++){
00090 if(dynamic_cast< RPCChamber* >( *it ) != 0 ){
00091 RPCChamber* ch = dynamic_cast< RPCChamber* >( *it );
00092 std::vector< const RPCRoll*> roles = (ch->rolls());
00093 for(std::vector<const RPCRoll*>::const_iterator r = roles.begin();r != roles.end(); ++r){
00094 RPCDetId rpcId = (*r)->id();
00095 int region=rpcId.region();
00096 if(region!=0){
00097 int station=rpcId.station();
00098 int ring=rpcId.ring();
00099 int cscring=ring;
00100 int cscstation=station;
00101 RPCGeomServ rpcsrv(rpcId);
00102 int rpcsegment = rpcsrv.segment();
00103 int cscchamber = rpcsegment;
00104 if((station==2||station==3)&&ring==3){
00105 cscring = 2;
00106 }
00107 CSCStationIndex2 ind(region,cscstation,cscring,cscchamber);
00108 std::set<RPCDetId> myrolls;
00109 if (rollstoreCSC.find(ind)!=rollstoreCSC.end()) myrolls=rollstoreCSC[ind];
00110 myrolls.insert(rpcId);
00111 rollstoreCSC[ind]=myrolls;
00112 }
00113 }
00114 }
00115 }
00116 }
00118 bool TracktoRPC::ValidRPCSurface(RPCDetId rpcid, LocalPoint LocalP, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
00119 {
00120 edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo;
00121 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(rpcGeo);
00123 const GeomDet *whichdet3 = rpcGeo->idToDet(rpcid.rawId());
00124 const RPCRoll *aroll = dynamic_cast<const RPCRoll *>(whichdet3);
00125 float locx=LocalP.x(), locy=LocalP.y();
00126 if(aroll->isBarrel())
00127 {
00128 const Bounds &rollbound = rpcGeo->idToDet((rpcid))->surface().bounds();
00129 float boundlength = rollbound.length();
00130 float boundwidth = rollbound.width();
00132 if(fabs(locx) < boundwidth/2 && fabs(locy) < boundlength/2 && locy > -boundlength/2) return true;
00133 else return false;
00135 }
00136 else if(aroll->isForward())
00137 {
00138 const Bounds &rollbound = rpcGeo->idToDet((rpcid))->surface().bounds();
00139 float boundlength = rollbound.length();
00140 float boundwidth = rollbound.width();
00142 float nminx = TMath::Pi()*(18*boundwidth/ TMath::Pi() - boundlength)/18;
00143 float ylimit = ((boundlength)/(boundwidth/2 - nminx/2))*fabs(locx) + boundlength/2 - ((boundlength)/(boundwidth/2 - nminx/2))*(boundwidth/2);
00144 if(ylimit < -boundlength/2 ) ylimit = -boundlength/2;
00146 if(fabs(locx) < boundwidth/2 && fabs(locy) < boundlength/2 && locy > ylimit) return true;
00147 else return false;
00148 } else return false;
00149 }
00151 TracktoRPC::TracktoRPC(edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> alltracks, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup,const edm::Event& iEvent,bool debug,const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig,edm::InputTag& tracklabel){
00153 _ThePoints = new RPCRecHitCollection();
00156 if(tracklabel.label().find("cosmic")==0) theTrackTransformer = new TrackTransformerForCosmicMuons(iConfig);
00157 else if(tracklabel.label().find("globalCosmic")==0) theTrackTransformer = new TrackTransformerForCosmicMuons(iConfig);
00158 else theTrackTransformer = new TrackTransformer(iConfig);
00159 theTrackTransformer->setServices(iSetup);
00161 edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo;
00162 edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeo;
00163 edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeo;
00165 iSetup.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get("SteppingHelixPropagatorAny",thePropagator);
00166 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(rpcGeo);
00167 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeo);
00168 iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(cscGeo);
00170 std::vector<uint32_t> rpcput;
00171 double MaxD=999.;
00173 for (TrackCollection::const_iterator track = alltracks->begin(); track !=alltracks->end(); track++)
00174 {
00175 Trajectories trajectories = theTrackTransformer->transform(*track);
00176 if(debug) std::cout << "Building Trajectory from Track. " << std::endl;
00178 std::vector<uint32_t> rpcrolls;
00179 std::vector<uint32_t> rpcrolls2;
00180 std::map<uint32_t, int> rpcNdtcsc;
00181 std::map<uint32_t, int> rpcrollCounter;
00183 float tInX = track->innerPosition().X(), tInY = track->innerPosition().Y(), tInZ = track->innerPosition().Z();
00184 float tOuX = track->outerPosition().X(), tOuY = track->outerPosition().Y(), tOuZ = track->outerPosition().Z();
00185 if(tInX > tOuX) { float temp=tOuX; tOuX=tInX; tInX=temp; }
00186 if(tInY > tOuY) { float temp=tOuY; tOuY=tInY; tInY=temp; }
00187 if(tInZ > tOuZ) { float temp=tOuZ; tOuZ=tInZ; tInZ=temp; }
00189 if(debug) std::cout << "in (x,y,z): ("<< tInX <<", "<< tInY <<", "<< tInZ << ")" << std::endl;
00190 if(debug) std::cout << "out (x,y,z): ("<< tOuX <<", "<< tOuY <<", "<< tOuZ << ")" << std::endl;
00192 if(debug) std::cout << "1. Search expeted RPC roll detid !!" << std::endl;
00193 for(trackingRecHit_iterator hit=track->recHitsBegin(); hit != track->recHitsEnd(); hit++)
00194 {
00195 if((*hit)->isValid())
00196 {
00197 DetId id = (*hit)->geographicalId();
00199 if (id.det() == DetId::Muon && id.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
00200 {
00201 const GeomDet *geomDet = dtGeo->idToDet((*hit)->geographicalId());
00202 const DTLayer *dtlayer = dynamic_cast<const DTLayer *>(geomDet);
00203 if(dtlayer) for(Trajectories::const_iterator trajectory = trajectories.begin(); trajectory != trajectories.end(); ++trajectory)
00204 {
00205 const BoundPlane & DTSurface = dtlayer->surface();
00206 const GlobalPoint dcPoint = DTSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0.,0.,0.));
00208 TrajectoryMeasurement tMt = trajectory->closestMeasurement(dcPoint);
00209 TrajectoryStateOnSurface upd2 = (tMt).updatedState();
00210 if(upd2.isValid())
00211 {
00212 LocalPoint trajLP = upd2.localPosition();
00213 LocalPoint trackLP = (*hit)->localPosition();
00214 float dx = trajLP.x()-trackLP.x(), dy=trajLP.y()-trackLP.y();
00215 if( dx>10. && dy>10.) continue;
00217 DTChamberId dtid(geomDet->geographicalId().rawId());
00218 int dtW=dtid.wheel(), dtS=dtid.sector(), dtT=dtid.station();
00219 if(dtS==13) dtS=4; if(dtS==14) dtS=10;
00220 ObjectMap2* TheObject = ObjectMap2::GetInstance(iSetup);
00221 DTStationIndex2 theindex(0,dtW,dtS,dtT);
00222 std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisDT = TheObject->GetInstance(iSetup)->GetRolls(theindex);
00223 for(std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll = rollsForThisDT.begin();iteraRoll != rollsForThisDT.end(); iteraRoll++)
00224 {
00225 const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll);
00226 RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
00228 TrajectoryStateOnSurface ptss = thePropagator->propagate(upd2, rpcGeo->idToDet(rollasociated->id())->surface());
00229 if(ptss.isValid()) if(ValidRPCSurface(rollasociated->id().rawId(), ptss.localPosition(), iSetup))
00230 {
00231 rpcrollCounter[rollasociated->id().rawId()]++;
00232 bool check = true;
00233 std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator rpcroll;
00234 for( rpcroll=rpcrolls.begin() ; rpcroll < rpcrolls.end(); rpcroll++ )
00235 if(rollasociated->id().rawId()== *rpcroll) check=false;
00236 if(check==true)
00237 {
00238 rpcrolls.push_back(rollasociated->id().rawId());
00239 RPCGeomServ servId(rollasociated->id().rawId());
00240 if(debug) std::cout << "1\t Barrel RPC roll" << rollasociated->id().rawId() << " "<< servId.name().c_str() <<std::endl;
00241 }
00242 }
00243 }
00244 }
00245 }
00246 }
00247 else if (id.det() == DetId::Muon && id.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00248 {
00249 const GeomDet *geomDet = cscGeo->idToDet((*hit)->geographicalId());
00250 const CSCLayer *csclayer = dynamic_cast<const CSCLayer *>(geomDet);
00252 CSCDetId cscid(geomDet->geographicalId().rawId());
00253 if(csclayer) for(Trajectories::const_iterator trajectory = trajectories.begin(); trajectory != trajectories.end(); ++trajectory)
00254 {
00255 const BoundPlane & CSCSurface = csclayer->surface();
00256 const GlobalPoint dcPoint = CSCSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0.,0.,0.));
00258 TrajectoryMeasurement tMt = trajectory->closestMeasurement(dcPoint);
00259 TrajectoryStateOnSurface upd2 = (tMt).updatedState();
00261 if(upd2.isValid() && cscid.station()!=4 && cscid.ring()!=1 )
00262 {
00263 LocalPoint trajLP = upd2.localPosition();
00264 LocalPoint trackLP = (*hit)->localPosition();
00265 float dx = trajLP.x()-trackLP.x(), dy=trajLP.y()-trackLP.y();
00266 if( dx>10. && dy>10.) continue;
00268 ObjectMap2CSC* TheObjectCSC = ObjectMap2CSC::GetInstance(iSetup);
00269 int En = cscid.endcap(), St = cscid.station(), Ri = cscid.ring();
00270 int rpcSegment = cscid.chamber();
00271 if(En==2) En= -1; if(Ri==4) Ri =1;
00273 CSCStationIndex2 theindex(En,St,Ri,rpcSegment);
00274 std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisCSC = TheObjectCSC->GetInstance(iSetup)->GetRolls(theindex);
00275 for (std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll = rollsForThisCSC.begin();iteraRoll != rollsForThisCSC.end(); iteraRoll++)
00276 {
00277 const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll);
00278 RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
00280 TrajectoryStateOnSurface ptss = thePropagator->propagate(upd2, rpcGeo->idToDet(rollasociated->id())->surface());
00281 if(ptss.isValid()) if(ValidRPCSurface(rollasociated->id().rawId(), ptss.localPosition(), iSetup))
00282 {
00283 rpcrollCounter[rollasociated->id().rawId()]++;
00284 bool check = true;
00285 std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator rpcroll;
00286 for( rpcroll=rpcrolls.begin() ; rpcroll < rpcrolls.end(); rpcroll++ )
00287 if(rollasociated->id().rawId()==*rpcroll) check=false;
00288 if(check==true)
00289 {
00290 rpcrolls.push_back(rollasociated->id().rawId());
00291 RPCGeomServ servId(rollasociated->id().rawId());
00292 if(debug) std::cout << "1\t Forward RPC roll" << rollasociated->id().rawId() << " "<< servId.name().c_str() <<std::endl;
00293 }
00294 }
00295 }
00296 }
00297 }
00298 } else { if(debug) std::cout << "1\t The hit is not DT/CSC's. " << std::endl;}
00299 }
00300 }
00301 if(debug) std::cout << "First step OK!!\n2. Search nearest DT/CSC sufrace!!" << std::endl;
00302 std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator rpcroll;
00303 for( rpcroll=rpcrolls.begin() ; rpcroll < rpcrolls.end(); rpcroll++ )
00304 {
00305 RPCDetId rpcid(*rpcroll);
00306 const GlobalPoint &rGP = rpcGeo->idToDet(*rpcroll)->surface().toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
00307 RPCGeomServ servId(rpcid);
00308 int rEn=rpcid.region(), rSe=rpcid.sector(), rWr=rpcid.ring(), rSt=rpcid.station(), rCh=servId.segment();
00310 if(rpcrollCounter[*rpcroll]<3) continue ;
00312 uint32_t dtcscid=0; double distance= MaxD;
00317 for(trackingRecHit_iterator hit=track->recHitsBegin(); hit != track->recHitsEnd(); hit++)
00318 {
00319 if((*hit)->isValid())
00320 {
00321 DetId id = (*hit)->geographicalId();
00322 if (id.det() == DetId::Muon && id.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
00323 {
00324 const GeomDet *geomDet = dtGeo->idToDet((*hit)->geographicalId());
00326 const GlobalPoint &dtGP = dtGeo->idToDet((*hit)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
00327 double dx = rGP.x()-dtGP.x(), dy = rGP.y()-dtGP.y(), dz = rGP.z()-dtGP.z();
00328 double distanceN = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
00330 DTChamberId dtid(geomDet->geographicalId().rawId());
00331 int Se = dtid.sector(), Wh = dtid.wheel(), St = dtid.station();
00332 if(Se == 13) Se=4; if(Se ==14) Se=10;
00334 if( rEn==0&& (rSe-Se)==0 && (rWr-Wh) ==0 && (rSt-St)==0 && distanceN < distance)
00335 {
00336 dtcscid=geomDet->geographicalId().rawId();
00337 distance = distanceN;
00338 if(debug) std::cout << "2\t DT "<< dtcscid << " Wheel : " << Wh << " station : " << St << " sector : " << Se << std::endl;
00339 }
00340 }
00341 else if (id.det() == DetId::Muon && id.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00342 {
00343 const GeomDet *geomDet = cscGeo->idToDet((*hit)->geographicalId());
00345 const GlobalPoint &cscGP = cscGeo->idToDet((*hit)->geographicalId())->surface().toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
00346 double dx = rGP.x()-cscGP.x(), dy = rGP.y()-cscGP.y(), dz = rGP.z()-cscGP.z();
00347 double distanceN = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
00349 CSCDetId cscid(geomDet->geographicalId().rawId());
00350 int En =cscid.endcap(), Ri=cscid.ring(), St=cscid.station(), Ch=cscid.chamber();
00351 if(En==2) En=-1; if(Ri==4) Ri=1;
00353 if((rEn-En)==0 && (rSt-St)==0 && (Ch-rCh) ==0 && rWr!=1 && rSt!=4 && distanceN < distance)
00354 {
00355 dtcscid=geomDet->geographicalId().rawId();
00356 distance = distanceN;
00357 if(debug) std::cout << "2\t CSC " <<dtcscid <<" region : " << En << " station : " << St << " Ring : " << Ri << " chamber : " << Ch <<std::endl;
00358 }
00359 }
00360 }
00361 }
00362 if(dtcscid != 0 && distance < MaxD)
00363 {
00364 rpcrolls2.push_back(*rpcroll);
00365 rpcNdtcsc[*rpcroll] = dtcscid;
00366 }
00367 }
00368 if(debug) std::cout << "Second step OK!! \n3. Propagate to RPC from DT/CSC!!" << std::endl;
00370 std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator rpcroll2;
00371 for( rpcroll2=rpcrolls2.begin() ; rpcroll2 < rpcrolls2.end(); rpcroll2++ )
00372 {
00373 bool check = true;
00374 std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator rpcput_;
00375 for( rpcput_=rpcput.begin() ; rpcput_ < rpcput.end(); rpcput_++ )
00376 if(*rpcroll2==*rpcput_) check = false;
00378 if(check == true)
00379 {
00380 uint32_t dtcscid = rpcNdtcsc[*rpcroll2];
00381 DetId id(dtcscid);
00382 if (id.det() == DetId::Muon && id.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
00383 {
00384 const GeomDet *geomDet = dtGeo->idToDet(dtcscid);
00385 const DTLayer *dtlayer = dynamic_cast<const DTLayer *>(geomDet);
00387 if(dtlayer) for(Trajectories::const_iterator trajectory = trajectories.begin(); trajectory != trajectories.end(); ++trajectory)
00388 {
00389 const BoundPlane & DTSurface = dtlayer->surface();
00390 const GlobalPoint dcPoint = DTSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0.,0.,0.));
00392 TrajectoryMeasurement tMt = trajectory->closestMeasurement(dcPoint);
00393 TrajectoryStateOnSurface upd2 = (tMt).updatedState();
00394 if(upd2.isValid())
00395 {
00396 TrajectoryStateOnSurface ptss = thePropagator->propagate(upd2, rpcGeo->idToDet(*rpcroll2)->surface());
00397 if(ptss.isValid()) if(ValidRPCSurface(*rpcroll2, ptss.localPosition(), iSetup))
00398 {
00399 float rpcGPX = ptss.globalPosition().x();
00400 float rpcGPY = ptss.globalPosition().y();
00401 float rpcGPZ = ptss.globalPosition().z();
00403 if(tInX > rpcGPX || tOuX < rpcGPX ) continue;
00404 if(tInY > rpcGPY || tOuY < rpcGPY ) continue;
00405 if(tInZ > rpcGPZ || tOuZ < rpcGPZ ) continue;
00407 const GeomDet *geomDet2 = rpcGeo->idToDet(*rpcroll2);
00408 const RPCRoll *aroll = dynamic_cast<const RPCRoll *>(geomDet2);
00409 const RectangularStripTopology* top_= dynamic_cast<const RectangularStripTopology*> (&(aroll->topology()));
00410 LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
00411 LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)aroll->nstrips());
00412 float rsize = fabs( xmax.x()-xmin.x() );
00413 float stripl = top_->stripLength();
00415 float eyr=1;
00417 float locx = ptss.localPosition().x(), locy = ptss.localPosition().y(), locz= ptss.localPosition().z();
00418 if( locx < rsize*eyr && locy < stripl*eyr && locz < 1. )
00419 {
00420 RPCRecHit RPCPoint(*rpcroll2,0,LocalPoint(locx,locy,locz));
00422 RPCGeomServ servId(*rpcroll2);
00423 if(debug) std::cout << "3\t Barrel Expected RPC " << servId.name().c_str() <<
00424 " \tLocalposition X: " << locx << ", Y: "<< locy << " GlobalPosition(x,y,z) (" << rpcGPX <<", "<< rpcGPY <<", " << rpcGPZ << ")"<< std::endl;
00425 RPCPointVector.clear();
00426 RPCPointVector.push_back(RPCPoint);
00427 _ThePoints->put(*rpcroll2,RPCPointVector.begin(),RPCPointVector.end());
00428 rpcput.push_back(*rpcroll2);
00429 }
00430 }
00431 }
00432 }
00433 }
00434 else if (id.det() == DetId::Muon && id.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00435 {
00436 const GeomDet *geomDet4 = cscGeo->idToDet(dtcscid);
00437 const CSCLayer *csclayer = dynamic_cast<const CSCLayer *>(geomDet4);
00439 if(csclayer) for(Trajectories::const_iterator trajectory = trajectories.begin(); trajectory != trajectories.end(); ++trajectory)
00440 {
00441 const BoundPlane & CSCSurface = csclayer->surface();
00442 const GlobalPoint dcPoint = CSCSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0.,0.,0.));
00444 TrajectoryMeasurement tMt = trajectory->closestMeasurement(dcPoint);
00445 TrajectoryStateOnSurface upd2 = (tMt).updatedState();
00446 if(upd2.isValid())
00447 {
00448 TrajectoryStateOnSurface ptss = thePropagator->propagate(upd2, rpcGeo->idToDet(*rpcroll2)->surface());
00449 if(ptss.isValid()) if( ValidRPCSurface(*rpcroll2, ptss.localPosition(), iSetup))
00450 {
00451 float rpcGPX = ptss.globalPosition().x();
00452 float rpcGPY = ptss.globalPosition().y();
00453 float rpcGPZ = ptss.globalPosition().z();
00455 if(tInX > rpcGPX || tOuX < rpcGPX ) continue;
00456 if(tInY > rpcGPY || tOuY < rpcGPY ) continue;
00457 if(tInZ > rpcGPZ || tOuZ < rpcGPZ ) continue;
00459 RPCDetId rpcid(*rpcroll2);
00460 const GeomDet *geomDet3 = rpcGeo->idToDet(*rpcroll2);
00461 const RPCRoll *aroll = dynamic_cast<const RPCRoll *>(geomDet3);
00462 const TrapezoidalStripTopology* top_=dynamic_cast<const TrapezoidalStripTopology*>(&(aroll->topology()));
00463 LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
00464 LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)aroll->nstrips());
00465 float rsize = fabs( xmax.x()-xmin.x() );
00466 float stripl = top_->stripLength();
00469 float eyr=1;
00471 float locx = ptss.localPosition().x(), locy = ptss.localPosition().y(), locz= ptss.localPosition().z();
00472 if( locx < rsize*eyr && locy < stripl*eyr && locz < 1. )
00473 {
00474 RPCRecHit RPCPoint(*rpcroll2,0,LocalPoint(locx,locy,locz));
00475 RPCGeomServ servId(*rpcroll2);
00476 if(debug) std::cout << "3\t Forward Expected RPC " << servId.name().c_str() <<
00477 " \tLocalposition X: " << locx << ", Y: "<< locy << " GlobalPosition(x,y,z) (" << rpcGPX <<", "<< rpcGPY <<", " << rpcGPZ << ")"<< std::endl;
00478 RPCPointVector.clear();
00479 RPCPointVector.push_back(RPCPoint);
00480 _ThePoints->put(*rpcroll2,RPCPointVector.begin(),RPCPointVector.end());
00481 rpcput.push_back(*rpcroll2);
00483 }
00484 }
00485 }
00486 }
00487 }
00488 }
00489 }
00490 if(debug) std::cout << "last steps OK!! " << std::endl;
00491 }
00492 }
00494 TracktoRPC::~TracktoRPC(){
00495 }